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7 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 20:00:27 UTC


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No president would get re-elected in an environment of high inflation after trust in institutions was permanently lost after footage of them transparently lying to justify losing their nutty over the chink virus.

Except that ‘white Americans’ do not, culturally, form a cohesive group by any definition which excludes black Americans, unless you’ve already decided skin color is what you care about, in which case why not include Anglo Canadians?

Italian Americans, wasps, southern whites, and ADOS- if you’re trying to group them by cultural similarity, you’d group ADOS and southern whites together, not with the two groups of Yankees.

There are plenty of democrats who aren't in favor of open borders and the issue is a huge political liability for democrats.

Thank you, AAQC’d. This is an outgroup-written description but it’s one I find myself agreeing with.

There are plenty of red law enforcement under federal employ. For that matter the NYPD is fairly red.

The federal government lacks the state capacity it had in 1860.

The Ukraine war is a war of choice for Russia. I guess it’s a war of choice for Ukraine- they could in theory capitulate and the fighting would end, although no doubt the Russian army would sack a few cities and there’d be some terrorism. But the USA doesn’t control Russia or Ukraine. We can stop paying for Ukraine’s war effort, but there’s no indication it would get them to stop fighting as opposed to just going all Berlin, 1945 every few miles. And even with the Russian army’s apparent willingness to turn cities into Grozny, it’s going to take time to grind through that.

McDonald's salads are unhealthier than the burgers, at least if you put dressing on it.

Who would believe this? No one believes Epstein killed himself. Few people even believe McAfee killed himself.

Murdering their political opponent in jail would be a bridge too far for many democrats.

I would expect that the secret service requires his attendance at the swearing in ceremony, regardless of whatever else is going on.

Israelis are colonists and will fold and "go home"...somewhere.

Do Palestinians actually say this? I’ve definitely heard it from their Hajnali groupies. But it seems like Palestinians miss the days of Hitler.

It’s worth noting that states which successfully rule over populations similar to the Palestinians do not do so with rainbows and kittens. Any solution which contains the Palestinians will likely be unacceptable to the left.

Weren’t the troubles also a notable increase on previous tensions? My admittedly layman’s understanding is that Catholics in Northern Ireland were treated rather badly but content with essentially peaceful protests between Irish independence and Bloody Sunday, and that the troubles were a move to terrorism which eventually died down and got capped, the remaining terrorists being basically just ethnically-organized gangs like the crips or ms-13 at this point.

Doesn't MDMA occasionally get used as a date rape drug?

I agree that most cases of 'roofies' are actually just drunkenness.

Because the south wanted to keep its slaves and then lost a war.

The subsidies and large tax credits are part of what makes it a reasonable financial decision; the thirty percent credit gets to you immediately and you still have the low payment, for one thing.

There’s no specific breakdown of border patrol in NYC, but the border patrol is generally very red and so is the NYPD, which is probably the closest proxy.

In any case recent events point to the border patrol following Greg Abbott in the event of a constitutional crisis.

…The border patrol is very red.

I hope he tries this. Trump will win elections from a jail cell.

Of course, he won’t try it. It’s a bridge too far, even for New York.

This differs from the status quo exactly how? The lack of an intermediate step where Palestinians lose?

Yes, they could be- but they also opposed things like gradual emancipation as happened in parts of Latin America, government buy back schemes, repatriation, etc.

People don’t believe the media to nearly the same extent as they did pre-2020.

Trump’s preferred AG is literally Ken Paxton.

Suffice to say, if he’s re-elected, things could get interesting for democrats real fast.

In the 19th century kicking savages off their land to set up settler colonies was less condemned.