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The new testament is favorable towards capital punishment. "He who sheds the blood of man..."

At the very least you simply can't have open borders with a welfare state

The UAE has something close enough for government work.

I think that the desire for independence

The desire for independence is a meme.

Create an equal funding law, every dollar sent to a DEI group has to have one sent to a heteronormative, white identitarian, or men’s rights group.

Technically speaking no ethnic cleansing has happened though- the Armenians left on their own(and tbf, I would have too) without any coercion from Azeri forces except Armenia losing some battles.

The humanitarian corridor is Gaza’s border with Egypt, and it’s not Israel’s fault that Egypt doesn’t want the entirety of Gaza’s supply situation running through their territory.

I mean it's possible that this hurts her career, but she's a nurse and will literally always have a job unless she does the sort of thing that will get her a felony conviction simply because there are not enough nurses for employers to be at all picky.

The worst case scenario is not terribly likely, although she might have to, say, move upstate and work at a less prestigious locale.

IIRC the evidence that DePape was a gay prostitute is non-negligible. The evidence that he was currently working is basically circumstantial.

The evidence he was a red triber is nonexistent.

was being the operating word. I have no optimism about the most corrupt country in the world repairing their war damage.

Well yeah, but counting those societies as western is dumb- they don’t have any more in common with later Christian and post Christian societies than they do with middle eastern societies.

You can solve this problem by ‘not hoarding machine guns’ and ‘not having underaged harems’.

Dissidents under Stalin didn’t control two out of the three most populous provinces to the point of telling federal corruption investigations ‘no’.

Idle courtiers- and military reserves who in practice just steal the budget- took up a much larger fraction of a state’s resources in 1700 than the welfare class does today, unless you’re counting pensioners. And, of course, today’s monarchies spend gobs on welfare compared to their normal dictatorship neighbors, or to democracies.

I know a trad-Cath civil engineer who hates suburbs, and argues that instead of the "white flight" retreat that drove their growth and "urban decay," whites should have defended the inner city by "just shoot[ing] all the n*****s."

This is probably because he, like most IRL tradcaths, believes commie-coddler powers that be engineered the civil rights movement to direct the worst of the white flight generating violence against Catholic neighborhoods in an effort to break the cultural power of Catholicism(on the upswing in the 50’s and early 60’s due to very high fertility rates and strong group identity), not because he literally believes blacks should be exterminated.

Twitterati edgelords are on a whole other level; being a Christian reactionary myself I'm well aware that politically incorrect racial attitudes are common in the community. But going on unbidden rants on the subject doesn't seem particularly common, nor does unqualified praise for Hitler or support for ethnic cleansing or population control.

I share your concern about anarchotyranny, but on the other hand, the facts are pretty unique- few black teen murderers are being provided guns by their parents, after all.

It’s very politically incorrect, but not technically difficult, to aim fertility incentives towards the productive middle class.

Now our society will never do it. But it’s not totally implausible that Italy might.

Closer still, if a police officer suggested that it would be best if I let him take a quick look around my car, I would understand that while I have the legal right to say no, I would be risking retaliation by doing so

Did your folks not teach you to say no regardless? I’m genuinely flummoxed.

The government is already doing this. If only by choosing what the people making the products are allowed to say.

Gab is a thing that exists and is technologically capable of keeping up with other big tech companies. Its many problems do not stem from the US government.

Moving on from rhetoric, Israel is genocidal in action, blowing up an enormous amount of Gaza without regard for civilian casualties.

Civilian casualty figures for the invasion of Gaza are on par with other urban assaults by western militaries. You can contrast this with the battles in the Ukraine war, which are a lot a lot worse, and Assad’s reconquests of major Syrian cities, which are also way way worse.

So, a question I keep asking when people make this claim, and which no one has answered thus far(or even engaged with)- why is Israel’s genocide killing fewer civilians than Russia and Syria are doing on accident in campaigns with the goal of controlling the civilian population to subjugate as normal citizens of their respective regimes? While the IDF is probably more competent than the Russian army and definitely dramatically more competent than either the SAA or NDF, this shouldn’t matter that much if it’s an attempt at genocide-by-collateral damage, because after all Israel could easily get away with making Gaza look like Mariupol and then say sorry, we definitely not really regret the collateral damage, can’t make a shakshuka without breaking some eggs.

And see, this is what a sane secular society does when people want to be gratuitously offensive for no reason- ‘sorry, we’re not going to go out of our way to stick up for you being a jackass, if you want a Mohammed drawing competition have your own security’.

I agree. Society does not take sexual harassment and assault of men by women nearly as seriously as it should.

I don't think that's true; there just isn't enough sexual harassment and assault of men by women to justify taking it much more seriously.

Will that not be reevaluated with Hamas being revealed to be the savages the IDF always said they were?

I mean Clinton got indicted for getting a blowjob.

My prior is that if employers and landlords had been pressuring people to vote in a particular direction, it would have been for trump, and that’s not even alleged.