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joined 2022 September 04 20:00:27 UTC
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6 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 20:00:27 UTC


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User ID: 128

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Fellow DFWite- you should rent it out. The DFW real estate market is absolutely brutal to transition from renting to owning in; I’m assuming this is a northwest Dallas location in Dallas ISD based on what you told me, which means your home should increase in value a lot if you hold on to it, giving you a massive head start when you and your future wife buy your forever home. A good property management company is a must, but your house is unlikely to sit vacant.

I’m not sure why you’re moving into an apartment when rents are absolutely insane right now. I will also caution you that the fun part of town(if you’re young I assume this is deep Ellum or maybe uptown) is much less fun to actually live in. I would advise you that living in your house is the best move, renting it out while living elsewhere is a distant second, and selling is a bad idea unless you’re moving out of town or buying another house immediately.

Dog breeds are a bad genetic comparison for anything because so many of the genetic differences are driven by single genes, as opposed to a gene package like how heighth and IQ work.

Unless there are indications to the contrary, I'm fairly convinced that the "they're pairing black men with white women!" complaints have quite a bit more to do with the complainers themselves remembering such pairings due to getting incensed about them than the ones other way around.

Seconding this one. Hollywood does not have a secret plot to destroy the white race. In fact, functionally all mainstream media with the message of ‘have kids even if you’re poor’ is de facto specifically aimed at white people, mostly as country music. The population control efforts usually pointed to as examples of TPTB trying to reduce the population were usually aimed at non-white people, often by literally being deployed in Africa.

We’re not that notable.

Because "maximum security labor camp in the Russian Arctic" is literally the actual definition of a gulag.

Sure, but the use of IRL social networks didn’t change with the sexual revolutions; it changed with the destruction of IRL social networks.

This is Dallas, self-management is a bad idea unless you’re plugged into a network that pre-vets people and have a lot of free time.

Cranial measurements and variation among existing breeds point to aurochsen being smarter than cattle.

The Irish are incredibly pro-palestine because they metaphorize it to their treatment by the British.

I'll offer a kind-of alternative hypothesis: wokeness exists to weaponize racial resentment against any group which defects in the approaching American economic crisis. The obvious drawback is the development of a high-ingroup-preference group identity in the targeted group, which explains why it was deployed against whites for field testing- you can rely on liberal and conservative whites to attack each other even if they're sharing a foxhole, rather than circle the wagons. Only time will tell if red tribe whites will develop a sufficient group identity to escape that trap and advocate for the ingroup.

I agree that trans qua trans is not the reason that the government promotes it so hard; I think in widespread civil conflict the pro-federal side will not care very much about some subset of its allies shooting transgenders out of hand, or otherwise learning from other cultures- such as Islamic ones- on the issue. But I don't think the conservative reaction is the point, unless it's some kind of 5d chess move to prevent ingroup orienting among conservative whites by getting them to argue about something else instead. I think trans is a distraction from deeper systemic issues.

It's true that a prolonged economic crisis leading to balkanization or pervasive civil strife is the main threat to the current world order; the USA is still #1, and Russia and China have demographic and economic issues preventing them from being true world hegemons, to say nothing of the problems faced by, like, India. But I think wokeness is intended as a weapon to be used against groups that are perceived as rebelling, not as a means of keeping them in line.

No, the country music audience likes baseball. Flyover whites and assimilated hispanics go to baseball games all the time.

Baseball is declining, and that's partly because there's too many games for anyone to watch all of them, except for the most hardcore fans ever or those who have some professional reasons(eg local entertainment newscasters). This leads to few people even trying, which makes baseball less lucrative. But ticket sales remain strong so that teams are able to stay above water.

You make a compelling case for using a third party matchmaking service.

The American right is not actually very focused on the country’s demographic makeup, and unless a portal to Nigeria opens up across the southern border I think that’s the right call; migration is mostly people who easily can be productive citizens if they assimilate and care.

I live in Texas. Assimilated Hispanics are everywhere. They’re underrepresented among engineers and doctors and over represented among janitors and that’s fine- the lower average IQ doesn’t stop them from contributing to society because nearly all of them are capable of doing productive non-math heavy work. Lots of Hispanic blood in a future American population isn’t an HBD-wrecking catastrophe.

Well yes, college ball is too much like the pros these days. Need something lighthearted and trashy, for to let the chainsmoking wives of America fly their regional prejudices proudly over the most trivial excuses.

Adolescent boys doing something awful and insensitive(and it was) is not a major news story, so I think this is being promoted to fit the narrative.

We see the same thing in the US with anything that can be spun as anti black or police brutality.

Lots of Americans don't like being asked to care about soccer because they consider a sport which doesn't score that frequently boring.

Since October 7th[1], there has been a police officer posted outside of this building every day, seemingly 24 hours a day.

I think you’re underrating the possibility of this being paid for by some kind of Jewish organization- off duty and uniformed police officers are common high end security and Jewish organizations are both wealthy and paranoid.

My Catholic Church has police presence during Mass because we pay for it. I really don’t think that this is a religious prejudice.

No, not more than football, but definitely more than basketball or soccer.

I legitimately know very little about the habits of Ellis island Americans; I live in the south and see northerners with hyphenated ethnicities as essentially foreigners.

Is Nullification on the Horizon?


Recently the Biden admin rewrote some regulations to encode gender identity in title IX. While this is stupid, it's not something that in itself seems likely to be a productive motte top level post. Ken Paxton sued the white house over it, but this is just the default assumption about federal administrative rules on culture war topics. No, what I'm getting at is the letter from Greg Abbott:

Dear President Biden: Title IX was written by Congress to support the advancement of women academically and athletically. The law was based on the fundamental premise that there are only two sexes—male and female. You have rewritten Title IX to force schools to treat boys as if they were girls and to accept every student’s self-declared gender identity. This ham-handed effort to impose a leftist belief onto Title IX exceeds your authority as President.

I am instructing the Texas Education Agency to ignore your illegal dictate. Your rewrite of Title IX not only exceeds your constitutional authority, but it also tramples laws that I signed to protect the integrity of women’s sports by prohibiting men from competing against female athletes. Texas will fight to protect those laws and to deny your abuse of authority.


I guess telling the federal government to kick rocks back in January and getting away with it set a precedent- and, obviously, Joe Biden is not going to send the troops in to escort male athletes into the high school girl's locker room in an election year.

This obviously raises the question- are we on the cusp of an era where big state governors feel free to resist the federal government? Obviously, being combative with the Biden admin is a political winner for Greg Abbott. It's unclear what he'll use as a replacement for it in the likely event that Trump sits there next year; I don't think he thinks he can get away with bullying New or old Mexico but the strongman image requires something. And, of course, are Ron Desantis and Gavin Newsom and Kathy Hochul watching closely and learning? Will they resist Trump policies as brazenly(no, blue states have not denied federal forces the ability to operate, their examples of arguable nullification are more noncooperation than open defiance and resistance) as Abbott does Biden's, given that he's emboldened by a base which may not be pro-secession but is absolutely confident Texas would be fine if it did happen?

If Trump can't bring in competent staffers to implement his plans, and he doesn't have a well of 'replacement' workers to step up and actually give the old ones the boot, 4 years is almost certainly not enough to significantly cut down the Federal Bureaucracy.

Trump is planning to raid the Abbott, Desantis, and Youngkin administrations for personnel. In particular the next governor of Virginia is overwhelmingly likely to be a democrat who fires them all anyways and both Texas and Florida have functioning conservative talent pipelines. It’s not like trump can’t get competent people.

Black Hebrew Israelites and 5% nation, most notably.

Didn’t the Russians just capture it? Possible they knew something we didn’t.

What dataset are you going off? The famed ranking of dog breeds by intelligence is a ranking of trainability, a complex measure which includes intelligence. Many breeds(eg huskies) are famously intelligent but non cooperative; most wolf-dog hybrid breeds fall in this category and many were actually developed to be better for more complex working-dog tasks at the cost of being more likely to savage people, and wolves have physically bigger brains- which is correlated to intelligence with people.

I’m not doubting that there might be a dog breed which is on average smarter than wolves. I don’t think it particularly likely, but I’d like to see the data which isn’t just trainability data if you think there is one.

Just go start political conversations in diners with old men. Once you can get over the 'golly willikers she's a girl and she's pretty' the skills are surprisingly transferable.

OK, even I have to admit that a luchador and what appears to be a washroom attendant rapping what seems to be Kpop but put through a filter to make it sound like the black tongue of mordor would have improved that video.