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joined 2022 September 05 01:17:28 UTC
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User ID: 335



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User ID: 335

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As the hosts of Red Scare have pointed out, "Women are fascists for dick, and men are libtards for pussy".

I don't think you're right that women hate conservative men. They'll gladly pair up with conservative men, as long as that man's conservative views aren't verbalized in a socially unacceptable way. Women as a population group also hate football. They hate guns. They hate cars. They hate physical competition. They hate bitcoin. They hate woodworking. But they don't care if their men are into those things. They also don't care if you think the minimum wage is bullshit.

They'll gladly hate the amorphous groups of "football fans", "gun nuts", or "crypto bros", but that doesn't mean they hate individual men in those groups.

I don't care. The people making these forms of media openly hate people that look like me and I've accepted it. I do not support them or pay any attention to them. If a coworker or friend brings up some new thing, I say I've never heard of it and it sounds boring. Stop supporting bad art - our culture is lacking in decent art and you'd do well to seek it out and support it vehemently. Don't waste brain cells debating about some reimagining of a classic by people who hate it.

That's a thought I've had as well. Maybe the heroine's journey is the way it is because of the fact that women are different from men. Struggle for women is different from struggle for men.

When I go through a breakup or a death or a struggle, as a man, I deal with it. I sit in the pain, I learn about myself and the world. But I also am likely to engage in self-destructive behaviors. My experience is such that I am forced to grapple with the thing on it's own, on my own. Often with a great deal of examination of why I'm shitty, how I contributed to said bad thing.

When women I know go through a bad thing, they call upon their network, they have endless supporters (even if said supporters are superficial and transactional), but they have their support that insists they are great and the thing is actually horrible and not their fault. Women struggling involves them calling upon their vast social network of mostly female supporters. There isn't a concept of loneliness in one's shittiness for any women I know.

The heroine's journey simply resonates with women, and men think it's asinine. Women probably don't resonate with the hero's journey in the same way that men do either.

Whether one or the other is more or less "good" depends on the audience.

Funko pops and hot sauces

Thanks for the writeup, I didn't know much of this backstory.