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joined 2022 September 05 21:07:49 UTC

Normie quokka

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User ID: 713



2 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 05 21:07:49 UTC


Normie quokka


User ID: 713

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We just started the Expanse and finished episode 2 last night. Can't tell you how relieved I am to hear it gets better!

I have never heard of this before! It looks like you can't get it in the US, which is curious.

Yes, I would be extremely put off by either of these suggestions. God, I am so glad I don't have to date anymore.

I think the reason feminists are interested in making periods non-taboo is because it's something we have to deal with regularly and need to make accommodations to our lifestyle to do so. It shouldn't be mortifying to buy tampons at the store or have an accident in public.

I don't think we need to go running around yelling "yay, periods!" but it would be nice if it weren't an unmentionable thing. We have no problem making jokes about poop in public, and that's just another bodily function.

I think Cohen is great, and I'm much more familiar with his work than Lightfoot's, but Lightfoot has a voice you could just sink into. I love that kind of quality.

Here is an amazing chocolate cake mix, if you're looking for something you can make at home. I have high standards for chocolate cake and am happy to make one from scratch, but this mix does a darn good job. You'll still need to make the frosting yourself - I'd recommend a swiss meringue buttercream.

I tried that when my son was 4 and I just could not get him to pay attention through any of the lessons. He ended up learning to read at school in Kindergarten and is the top reader in his class now. If OP's daughter is actually driving the effort though, it should work well!

I was really surprised at how engaging I found Ansel's character, because he could easily have crossed the line to annoying. I loved his enthusiasm and optimism though. Looking forward to season 2.

Oh yeah, I couldn't eat that stuff even as a child. My son tried it at a friend's house and also wasn't having any of that slop.

Aw, I teared up a little reading this! Congrats on making it work!

It is a rather small consultancy and I'm client-facing, so I suppose there is some razzle-dazzle expected. I am trying very hard to move to a larger org where I can just do the work and not have to put on a show, as much as I like the variety that consultant work offers. But there seems to be a bias against agency folks in the market right now, so it's slow going.

I had a hard time enjoying the "Haunting of Hill House" series because of this. I know I should go back and watch it on its own terms, but why on earth did they have to give it that title?

Not Better Mortgage. They work on smaller loans and provide a service to loan providers.

I did survive the first round of layoffs at my agency, which kind of surprised me because I was newish and I think I am one of the higher paid people. I do think I'd be a happy camper if I had a project! I'm just discouraged by our pipeline prospects.

I need some career advice. My priority right now is finding some job security, and I'm not sure which of these options is best in the current environment.

  1. Stay where I am for now. I'm at a digital agency, but I lost my last client project in November and have been sitting on the bench since then. We don't seem to have a whole lot coming in the pipeline anytime soon. I still have a job and am getting paid, but who knows how long that will last (plus, I'm bored as hell)

  2. Join a large-ish company that is in the loan space. Their stock price has dropped a lot lately and it doesn't seem like a great space to be in while interest rates are so high. But they are hiring, so...

  3. Join my former boss's two start-ups/projects. He says he has funding for now but I have no idea what that actually means. I've asked for more details before seriously considering.

I have health insurance through my husband, so that's not a concern. I just really hate the idea of having some period of unemployment. I'm a relentless optimist, so my gut instinct is to think that any of these will turn out great, and I could use some more hardheaded opinions on this.

Well, that was one I had to Google!

It's amazing to me that my mother-in-law, who barely understands what's going on around her at any point, has every relative and friend's birthday memorized. It has really never occurred to me to become a person who remembers birthdays, but maybe that would be a nice thing to be!

I'm just fundamentally grossed out by cream cheese in all forms. This one was a Basque cheesecake, so a little different from regular cheesecake, but still a base of cream cheese.

Not OP, but considering the educational polarization happening in America (where the less educated are more likely to be on the right), it seems reasonable to think that superstitious beliefs will cluster on the right.

This is of course not universally true. There are plenty of nonscientific beliefs cherished by the left. But in my anecdotal experience living in red states, you're going to see a lot more distrust of "mainstream" science and medicine on the right. These people love their CBD oils and naturopaths.

I have the same experience. Exercise actually makes me feel very anxious, but I still do it every day. It's just a totally sucky thing that I have to get through.

I do it because I want to continue to be able to do everything else in my life for a good long time.

The first time I tried it, I gave up about 30 pages in. The second time, I decided it was one of the greatest things I've ever read. It's worth sticking with it!

Depends where you’re traveling from! Are you in US? Europe?

Ok, sounds like a good plan.

I feel like there needs to be some kind of community for people in mixed-politics marriages. It seems we are a dying breed!

In the US, the Episcopalian (Anglican) Church does a good job of this. It probably depends on the particular church though.

I fear I'm making this sound worse than it is. I really don't have to do anything for her; it just annoys me that she is wasting her life while other lives are too short (my own mom died when she was 45). If things do get to the point where she requires actual physical care, I plan to bring in the professionals and give my sisters-in-law the primary responsibility.

She's actually from Utah, where we live now. We moved here a couple of years ago so she could be close to her daughters who all live here. She does get a bit misty when we visit the local steakhouse :D

That is weird. I've had two therapists who I saw for a few months each, and they both were pretty clear about addressing my problem and getting me out of there. I did screen for serious CBTers though.