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joined 2022 September 08 06:32:40 UTC

Pretending to be a cs undergrad.


User ID: 975



2 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 08 06:32:40 UTC


Pretending to be a cs undergrad.


User ID: 975

If you want to look at it as praise though, it's still for something you have definitely done, something you have handled better than others, but more importantly it is something you have done to improve your life. You deserve praise for that, because it is literally the hardest thing a depressed person can do. For it was said: it is easier for a depressed person to jam a camel up their dickhole than to decide they are going to do anything to stop being depressed.

Thanks a ton man. They say that a crackhead would rather spend 20 years in misery than 3 weeks in hell and maybe something similar can be said for those with depression. A lot of it is genetic but I am responsible for a lot of my issues, I just do not know. At this point I do not know what will help.

The biggest issue with that level of scrupulosity though, is that it gives you a reason to give up when you fail. You fail and you think to yourself "of course I failed, I'm a failure, I fuck up everything and never do anything right even though I have it so much better than others, I shouldn't have tried in the first place.

But I have only failed all my life.

If you are in a place where any praise feels like a lie and just makes you hate yourself more I apologise (and I did mean it as encouragement), but it is something you are going to have to get used to now you are on your way out. Whatever happens, don't let it become an excuse.

Yeah, actions lead to actions, excuses lead to excuses, each have their own momentum.

How to keep my eyes healthy despite staring at a screen all day? Any advice, my eyes have some issues now, slight irritation and inability to focus. I do not want to get glasses.

PUA and manosphere are very different. I do not despise women or see them as different beings nor do I use any strategies to get them. Believing that RSD taught this stuff is akin to believing the horrible untrue things most believe about anything not lefty politically.

I just go out, have fun and do my best to leave them better than I found them and just write about it so that I can get better.

Only older forms of pickup have wierd attitudes. Actual pickup is dead, you will get much better results from that than with models but models itself is not a bad system per say.

Pickup is not about cramming lines or tactics but understanding that any conversation has a flow, a structure and how you say something matters more than what it is that you are saying. You develop a social sixth sense and it is a way of condensing the interactions of a lifetime in a short duration to give you better intuition.

I was pleasantly surprised recently. I was holding my phone in my hand, looking at something and my ma put her hand around my upper arm as I was walking her back to the car outside the gate, she was quite happy to notice some muscle mass on my frame, to the point where she could feel some bicep lol. She instantly said that she was happy as her perception of me was that of a thin guy who was somewhere between a man and a woman lol.

I have been going for nearly 4 months now, and have not seen noticeable changes at all but I will keep going forever and dial in things as I go instead of stopping and restarting. My vests (the stuff jockey makes) don't fit me since I likely gained some mass around my chest and back. The shirts still fit but a little tighter. Long way to go, dialing in my sleep, diet and meditation would help a lot but I will keep going even when they are less than ideal.

Have a fun week!

ps do lemme know if anyone here is good with focusing, the thing Eugene Gendlin worked on.

Great username. I'm at 15 minutes right now. I wanted to ask whether adding some walking meditation would help. I find meditation to be extremely potent, doing a sit right after posting this comment. I do one daily, 15 minutes.

I will be watching UFC 300. First UFC card in a while that I want to watch in its entirety, from the early prelims, right down to the last fight of the PPV. I remember getting into MMA for the first time around UFC 200 and that was in 2016, so this will make 8 years of me watching MMA like a nut. I wish I could do MMA and weight training in that time instead but it is still a decent sport to watch.

My favourite card ever has to be 217, three title fights, all changing hands and the return of the greatest MMA fighter of all time, GSP, though past his prime, still fun to watch him live at least once.

I might also have a friend from out of town visit so might do a short pub crawl of sorts and hit on some women. I do not enjoy sex as of right now since I always feel that I should be working instead. But I do wish to meet him, he might do a couple of lines and that is always fun. I would probably have to stay sober since my throat is super sensitive and I am recovering from a case of mild strep and infections due to changing of weather and maybe smoking a cigarette. I cannot smoke anything ever again in my life.

Will also resume reading the Valmiki Ramayana by Goldman in my free time and start Faust. Lord Ram was a fairly different person in the actual scripture than what he is shown in popular media. My ability to read has been hampered badly by succumbing to a life of shallow internet usage for leisure which is wrong. Re-learning this stuff and getting back into consuming deeper stuff instead of shallow takes time but is more rewarding.

During the week, I finished watching a course by Andrew Tate titled "How to be a g" which is him essentially telling you rudimentary PUA stuff like open long-term relationships, Inner game (mentality), logistics (travel) and a lot of life hacks. Overall it is a decent course for someone who is super innocent. I am not an advocate of Tate due to the charges on him right now and find his shtick of much Matrix is after me cringe, the course however would have been genuinely quite useful for me had I seen it at age 18 (it was after all released in 2018 or something iirc, i was 18 in 2018). Tate is a PUA who makes up for his not elite Outer game with a lot of externals (money, height, being on roids, status, Instagram, fast cars, female preselection etc) and inner game (His 4 pillars, though different from the ones RSD Julien recommends).

A tl;dw for the course is the stuff around mindset from which everything flows -

  1. Believe you can do anything, literally anything if you decide to set your mind to it.
  2. Be pissed that you are not the man right now, get angry about it.
  3. Know that no one is coming to save you, not even god. Only you can save yourself
  4. Your word is ironclad, if you say something, you will do it no matter what.

Praising stuff he has done in the past seems a lil awkward, I am anonymous here but we know how easy it is for journos to find accounts and misrepresent stuff, even more so now given that Tate brute forced social media giants around the firm and will most likely get jailed for allegedly being an e pimp and sex trafficker who coerced girls, some allegedly underaged too into his webcam business. Such acts are heinous, I simply really liked his course simply because it teaches you that life is not just unfair but everyone is out to get you, not actively, but they would likely fuck you over if they could so you should learn to embrace life that way and develop models that make you less susceptible to getting fucked over (being a lothario vs being a monogamous guy). He also emphasises speed a lot in everything, decisiveness and the importance of being strong and knowing how to fight well.

Anyway, I look forward to spending time with my friend this weekend and then hitting nightclubs here if possible, otherwise, I will happily watch ufc 300. Have a good weekend fellas.

Offline is always better and easier. Read the mystery method and make a befriend half the chicks you hit on so that you can access all the clubs for free, never drink there and for learning game stick to the book of yarelly, RSD material (I recommend pimp by RSD Julien and the Social Circle Blueprint (get both part 1 and 2), both are available on pimpmymind.net). Also pirate the book sex god method. Learning meditation, learning to fight, fixing my hair via hair loss meds, hitting the gym etc all made big impacts on my life so would recommend them as well.

For game, you will suck, you will feel worse but always assume that you will get better and you will one day. I had a girl stomp my heart out because I was a pussy and it will never happen again. I believe in you my man, dm me if you need help. I am a novice too but I can sure help you a bit. Online is suicide fuel at best.

I was never autistic, just severe adhd and doing lines off of a total fair-hipped(sanskrit word lol) hottie you just met when your life is in order has to be peak life. Also, how do you know what and how I look like? I am not attractive at all. I need to gain 20lbs of muscle and lose similar amounts in fat to look anywhere near halfway decent.

Intoxicants are only good sporadically, I meet girls sober everytime, drinking is reserved for family and friends, less than two times a quarter.

lol coke is amazing though I am afraid that doing it a bit too many times will make me addicted. I love intoxicants, this is why I stay away from them unless I have friends or a pretty girl around. I do wish to try something psychedelic soon.

I am not on adhd meds, they did not do much, and meditation somehow seems to work better with me.

Also that girl is fucking weird. I would have hooked up with her had I met her irl but cut contact as soon as I realised that she would see other dudes. This was in 2021 march, way before I learnt about PUA and started doing the same.

I would not be surprised tbh, canada taking in pajeets was a mistake given how many of them scam, literally scam their way to a visa or a pr. Regardless, I do not know how critical I can be of pajeets on the forum rn, Mods? can I talk about this and not get banned?

I really liked the aesthetics of the show, I wonder what Miami is like to live in and how much of an influence the show has had on it. I wish Mann could make the show again but with the tech and budget studios offer for streaming services.

Grandads birthday was amazing, he is 91 now, still writes books and articles, easily one of the most effortlessly productive people I know, his field is political science, he is not as smart as he once was but a young him would have loved a place like this one.

It does not solve the root cause, same for drugs.

Rozenstruik is not a good kickboxer and MMA is very different striking-wise due to small gloves. MMA has tons of wannabe kickboxer types like MVP, Shara the one-eyed dagestani, blood diamond etc who never were good enough to win belts in major organisations at weight classes that mattered.

Stipe lost the second time around due to a stupid team on his part which made him weigh in at 234 instead of 250, thwarting his wrestling game. Ngannou does have a great chin on him. His coach is also really smart, eric coached Sean Strickland to a championship in an even more difficult division last month.

Remember, this is heavyweight where the worst of the worst fight. Ngannou would lose to most people if he straight-up boxed. Mousasi beat Kyotaro once, does that make Mousasi a better kickboxer than Kyotaro? no, styles make fights. Ngannou did well, Tyson did poorly and it is all heavyweight. This is not me saying it, the single greatest MMA fighter in my opinion, is GSP who regurgitated this on JRE once and how belts and legacies are constructs that exist just for selling PPVs and getting gullible people to invest in the sport.

Someone like Yoel Romero or Brock Lesnar were much better physical specimens than him and they would be much bigger what ifs. One off matches at heavyweights do not and will never mean much.

How much should I work out then. I am aiming for an upper lower split, working out on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Is this too much? I like HIT because it's better for my joints and takes little to no time. I workout at home using basic equipments and a forearm forklift for timed static contractions.

they cannot after a point, taken is a good example of that. The amount of jump cuts and stuff just looks fake after a while.

Just began chess. It is a cool hobby. I am at that noob phase so no theory for now but chess is one sport I like because it is mostly just analysis even when you watch it, less parasocial elements.

Anyone here on lichess?

I am very unlikely to have that given that the best genes have fled the arranged marriage market in the country so you now have a weird system. Romantic love is the one thing everyone "believes" in here which is what caused this, all movies, tv shows, music etc is based around this premise. Factor in globalization and the Indian elite obsession with copying whatever anglos do and you get a world where people of the higher socio economic strata date and whilst marriages are still mostly arranged, the amount of ones where spouses are chosen on your own have risen.

I also do not trust my parents to select a good wife given that both were raised during times that were very different. They are not aware of things are today in my humble opinion. I may despise my familyy on some days but I love them more than anything else in the world, I still do not think that they would do a good job.

Also my issues are me being low value in a ghost town in his early 20s. My girl issues are just a symptom of that, bump up my value and city and these problems will just disappear.

Fair point. I did make some changes to my life but they happened slowly. I feel that I have maxxed out whatever advice I could get from this place so should look towards prolonged isolation now as it's hard for me and others to see any meaningful progress on a weekly scale.

I did remove my wifi and will start ensuring that my phone is locked by either my dad or ma to reduce usage.

lol, I do think that the west gets personal values completely wrong. Not trying to be smug, I just do not think that the current way the world is progressing is sustainable for anyone. You need higher values and forces that keep your society sane.

Meeting the Shankracharya(of Govardhan Matha, the most respected matha of the 4 there are in Hinduism) and the other religious folks I have met did change my attitude. I see urchins on red lights and people living in slums or many with permanent handicaps or other misfortunes. I am not an MIT undergrad but many kill to get where I am so keeping that in my mind helps me keep sane. You have the right to your labor and not the fruits it bares as Lord Krishna (the human incarnation of Lord Vishnu right after Lord Ram) said. Like consistent efforts and a killer finishing instinct is enough for me to get enough in life where no one walking the planet would consider it sub par. Most do not get these opportunities.

I was born in a very high clan too, one that traces its descent from Lord Ram himself which is also why the temples and priests are very respectful towards my ancestors. There are severe issues with life but from now, fuck it, I will just assume it will happen and start from that frame instead of the 'I am scared, I am sad, I will never get work done, life is unfair frame'. Go fucking all out, gun to the head.

Hell, I am younger than most if not all regular posters here so I have a ton going for me, why not be happy about it. Life will drive you crazy if you do not see the good from time to time.

no, just my academic work lol. The commute and classes kill me but I should sleep early (at 9 and not 12 like today lol).

Take supplements a knowledgeable doctor would prescribe and start resistance training.

My mid terms are going to end tomorrow. I had just 4 papers this semester, only two were technical and even they went better than the ones before. I will likely smoke with a few friends and roam around.

I used to think that I needed to get female validation to feel good about myself but in all honesty, it is these little moments that I will miss. I will be leaving college in may 2023, January if I get an internship and that means that I only have a few weeks left of this.

There is something about being with young people. I live with my parents as my house is a 30-45 minute drive from my uni. I was earlier gonna try for a date with some girl or go for pickup but fuck that. I will just chat till 4 am with my friends, sleep on the dorm floors again and maybe eat at some cheap food joint. Reminisce about my oneitis and yell cuss words. It is not exactly what most here would be doing but I just realized that I too will likely be posting what most here post in a years time given I will be employed.

I hated uni and it was my fault that I fucked up all that I did but I still made good friends so yeah, hoping I will get dead drunk tomorrow, make memories forever and stay in the moment.

I have always had a oneitis since I can remember, maybe since 4th grade where I would progressively spend more time thinking about girls, during 9th and 10th grade I had the most fun I ever did in school and I was a complete loser for all girls. I do not remember any of the girls I was obsessed with back then but will always fondly look bad at those years before cram school became serious, same for this year in uni. Spending that night with my friends was more memorable than losing my virginity was.

Do suggest some hangover cures lol, I do not drink but it is good to be a degenerate at times and enjoy these little things. I also got high this Tuesday after a few beers, it was my second time this year and it hit me like a ton of bricks, I was out of it and could barely walk. I think this is what people call a bad trip or something, anyway, tomorrow should be fun.

I hear my parents often talk about how important these little moments are and as a kid I never understood what they meant but now I do.

Like that song two minds by Nero (https://youtube.com/watch?v=KFWFJGfEaNo)

"I told you too many times,

It's the little things that count which can make someone feel special."

no, it is a sin but a forgivable one, most indians are not hindu, at least not like me. They are actively ashamed of their own religion and are the cause for our low position in society, I do not think that doing anything to the outgroup is viewed as severely as being done to the ingroup. I may get over her the moment I move out to the large town i desire to as then I would have abundance and logistics both but I still do wish for her.

I dunno, it is hard to describe, maybe by the time i meet her, she may be single again, she may not even be in a relationship given this is second hand info.

Switching to 531 for beginners this week as the bodybuilding program of doing heavy deadlifts and squats is not good in terms of recovery. Also sleeping and waking up at the same time each day now, the time is 9 pm ideally, 10 if the work is incomplete. I need to begin studying within 30 minutes of waking up, that is another rule I am gonna apply.

Theology is amazing and I am glad I found the Gita, the easiest way to describe it is with the lyrics of this song called "Drowning without you" by Fred V & Grafix (Do check it out). It calms my mind like nothing else and I know that no matter what happens, Lord Krishna is there for me like he was there for my ancestors. No amount of philosophy by any author can touch me like this stuff does. Reading theology and meditating calm my mind like nothing, I can feel time stop and experience God. There is a saying that the proof of divinity is in experiencing it's essence, it is a hindi thing so hard to say it in English but I am glad I found God.

Earlier, I would pray to get better at studying, now I try to get better at studying to show my faith. To take up pain and act, succeed as a showcase of my belief and love towards the Great Lord. I still am a degenerate who will do PUA stuff but my life has direction and no matter what I do, I have Divine Help so no need to worry about failing lol.


i got a prozac prescription along with axepta 18.

I take prozac 20, axepta 18 and viviloref in the morning and viviloref and sove 10 at night for my adhd.

will add calisthenics (ring rows and push ups on off days on my 3x week weight program) to my workout and be more disciplined with my schedule. imo just sleeping on time and sitting down to study asap makes the bulk of differences.