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User ID: 278



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User ID: 278

Also, masking was not low cost but high cost. It retarded development in kids, caused psychological issues for all who wore them (ie reinforced the idea one should panic), and seemed to create build up of CO2.

I don't know if it has been studied but I suspect they also greatly increased crime.

With Trump's first impeachment, the evidence that he did what he did was conclusive; the only question was whether such behavior merited removal from office.

No, whether it was impeachable was also and remains a question.

"Fortunately" they're also running public schools so poorly that attendance rates are plummeting.

I think what's going on is that the villainization of Republicans is so pervasive across schools, government, and media both institutional and social, you have a large class of people who are not politically engaged and whose impressions are formed only by the cultural miasma of "Republicans are villains". The DNC has figured out how to get these people to vote anyways.

I'm pessimistic that there's any real counter to this. Because it is a strategy that relies on politically disengaged and low-information voters, it's basically immune to actual issues or platforms. It's about in-group and out-group, good guys and bad guys, high-status and low-status. The institutional and cultural capture has been a decades-long process and the storyline so firmly entrenched, it's probably no more reversible than Luke Skywalker being the good guy and Darth Vader being the bad guy.

Of course, all Republicans are "fascists", but do you truly not see a difference in the tenor and hyperbole over Trump?

Not really, no, just the effects of increased polarization driven by other factors, mainly social media. I absolutely think the polarization would be no less with any other Republican.

I am not sympathetic to Hamas.

This contradicts your earlier statement that, under similar circumstances, you would take similar actions.

if Israel killed my whole family, who have nothing to do with Hamas, in pursuit of killing some Hamas member my first response would be to start Hamas 2

I take this to mean that you find it understandable and morally acceptable to engage in the actions Hamas has engaged in, as revenge for unjust acts that have affected them.

which btw is a good example of "technically true as accounting goes but wildly misleading in substance"

Misleading how? We now know for certain that billions are being spent to payroll Ukraine's entire civil service as well as provide direct subsidies to small businesses. It is definitively not all expired weapons writeoffs.

Also I suppose now the witness could be sued for perjury if they stood by their testimony after losing the case.

but putting a convicted criminal in prison for longer does not require revoking civil rights.

I'm fairly certain it does, unless your entire conception of civil rights is purely procedural.

Do you not think it is desirable for white to become a minority?

Probably true, but they can for example teach that homosexual sex is perfectly normal and desirable.

That was the plan this year until I had to make an unanticipated trip into Pittsburgh and I didn't get to the polling place until after 6pm by which time there was a line. Not a long line, mind you, but it was still probably 10–15 minutes, and was rather irritating.

I don't find this very responsive. OP was criticizing mail-in voting, not early voting. Why not simply go early vote in person a week or two ahead of time, on a day and time that is convenient for you?

Judges determine sentencing, not juries. Juries determine the verdict prior to sentencing.

It's a trust issue. People are familiar with the conduct of lawyers with an axe to grind, and simply know better than to voluntarily place themselves in front of that buzzsaw.

Gas is not like electricity. There are buffers in the system as well as alternate supply options, but the prices will adjust accordingly.

That's interpreting a provision that is generally applicable to the public as also applicable to the President, which I still think is questionable for the reasons I suggested.


I recall ChrisPrattAlphaRaptor had some very good ones.

Because they weren't actually okay with it.

Cops don't determine sentencing, or even charging for that matter.

There's other causes, certainly, but I've never once heard a good argument for why one of the oldest concepts in economics doesn't apply here.

Presumably it's the same "induced demand" explanation as for traffic jams: the demand curve is highly horizontal, so adding housing won't lower prices, it will just enable more people to pay the existing prices. If there are a large number of people who would pay existing prices but are effectively prevented from doing so by lack of availability, they will enter the market to keep the price the same. So now you have an even more crowded city that's just as expensive - maybe even more expensive, unless you also increase supply of every other good and service available at the same time.

If you decry samizdat, what then do you think is a proper response to information suppression? Start your own mainstream media?

Yes but the shaming is not always for the purpose of affecting the behavior of the target, but rather pour encourager les autres, the other readers.

I think the concept of people changing their politics as they age is probably less useful than people staying the same and the politics changing around them.

I agree, and it points to one possible explanation that hasn't been floated, which is that despite dominating the culture wars, left politics has not been particularly effective at changing policy. Thus the positions that they adopted while they were young are roughly the same ones that Democrats are pushing today. In this case, the explanation is that it's not the people that have failed to change, but the politics.

Unless it's something that feeds negative habits, enjoy the stuff you enjoy. There's plenty of high status stuff that is either trash or not useful to you.

Admittedly, I do sometimes read things in secret, because it's much easier to deny reading any books at all than to explain choosing not to read the important books. However,

For the most part, screw status

This is one of those lies we tell unpopular teenagers and lonely young men. It actually really does matter how other people perceive you. It's a very large factor in a person's success in almost every endeavor in their life. Getting the things that you want out of life is probably going to require not engaging in low-status behavior such as smelling bad, hating sports, or choosing to read Tom Clancy novels instead of White Fragility.