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User ID: 278



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User ID: 278

I do find it curious that more and more, forms that choose you to identify yourself provide many genders to choose from, but when it comes to who you want to date, the only choices are "men" or "women". No "ciswoman" option to select.

Well, famously Hillary was never charged and so had nothing to fear.

And "being vulnerable" can, and often does, involve nothing more.

Agreed, seeing multiple major online publishers run near-identical stories with near-identical headlines at the same time was a gigantic redpill.

I think there is an unstated premise that all (or most) casual sex is rape, but sometimes women allow men to get away with it.

I think the parent is a little off base. It's not ensuring the kids have sufficient income to support their lifestyle. Mommy and daddy could probably support them in upper middle class bobo comfort indefinitely. What is about is ensuring the outside and respect of those people and their positions. To ensure that being a "journalist" accords the level of prestige and unearned influence that being a "reporter" does not. To ensure that being and adjunct or NGO executive confers status and access that being a researcher or business executive does not. That's why Trump's open disrespect for these people and their unearned positions upset them so greatly.

I'd be happy eliminating all those marriage benefits and instead granting them in even greater quantity to couples raising children.

But then what consequences do you think they should face, if you think rudeness is excessive?

LetsEncrypt only issues domain validation certs. They do not issue code signing certs, and they are not interchangeable.

I don't really think they are allies, is the problem. Just have a common antagonist, like US and USSR in WWII.

legally required to prioritize a profit for their stockholders.

I don't think this is correct. Forbidden from fraud and malfeasance, yes, but with disclosure they can pursue whatever ends the board approves. Many public companies never turn a profit, plowing everything into corporate growth. Others explicitly pursue goals other than profits, e.g. the whole ESG movement.

Where’s that graphic from?

The Onion. https://www.theonion.com/most-popular-u-s-baby-names-1819586596

What if that's a rule that is established and tolerated in some cultures but not others? How do we decide who is right?

The case of MIT having to delete open-access free knowledge for lack of being able to cost-justify captioning everything soured me greatly on the law, and was probably a major red pill for me in my life as it opened my eyes to the massive amount of ordinary altruistic good-doing that is suppressed by government bureaucracy and regulation, seemingly intentionally.

But a lot of similarly brainless beat-em-up action movies have been released with women leads over the years, often with better objective craft and quality overall, and male audiences have generally rejected all of them.

Like what?

There are a lot of misses, but I'd guess that most of them are due to a dynamic where the producers start out with the goal of making an action movie that women will be interested in watching. They then start my casting a lead woman and usually other supporting women, but also change it in other ways such as making these women hypercompetent, degrading the other male characters, or focusing on themes and topics that would be of particular interest to women specifically. It's not really a surprise when men turn out to be less interested in these movies that are after all not for them.

I actually agree with you that Caroll doesn't seem credible. I have a strong suspicion that Trump would have won that case if he had a better lawyer and listened to their advice.

Okay, but with that opinion, the best you can muster is apparent bafflement that "somehow" his support increased anyways? Do you, as a human being, dislike people to a greater degree when you honestly think they were railroaded in court because they didn't have the top lawyers? I would assume that like most people, you would be sympathetic, and perhaps more likely to believe that they have been railroaded unjustly in other ways as well. I do not believe that you find this puzzling at all.

"As many as are necessary, and no more."

By design, there is limited evidence that is retained after the fact, which makes after-the-fact proof unusually difficult. As such, I am less persuaded by no-finding results than I would be in many other investigations.

True, but the Stoic take is that you engage in these actions as means to an end, which is making the world a better place, and not as an emotional catharsis without which you cannot achieve happiness and life satisfaction. The goal is that even if your efforts are frustrated and ultimately futile, you should be able to judge your own acts to be virtuous.

I doubt they could afford it, and no NGO will touch them

It's perhaps a product of the fact that for any problem that women in particular face, there's likely a large, well-funded organization or government program dedicated to addressing and minimizing it.

Just so.

Out of all the journalists killed worldwide in 2021, 11% were women, up from 6% in 2020, the UN’s body for “gender equality and women’s empowerment” wrote in a tweet

Most of these problems seem to be unrelated to the extent to which a city is walkable.

I strongly disagree! People won't want to walk or take mass transit if they feel much more likely to be victimized in doing so. This creates a spiral, where the most walking-friendly destinations and infrastructure end up neglected, making them even less attractive, and people who want to drive end up going elsewhere.

Were cities already plagued by the same issues after WW2, when the exodus to car-dependent suburbs began, and is that why people started to leave?

Yes. People began moving to suburbs almost as soon as they could get cars. Even before, with the "streetcar suburbs" proliferating in the 1920's. Then rising crime and unrest, and safety-hostile urban policies like blockbusting and forced school integration caused mass flight right when the new interstates made it convenient to do so. But notably this happened in the sixties when the boomers were still children or young adults. The highway builders and urban renewists were mostly members of the Greatest Generation. The Boomers just inherited their world, and actually put a lot of effort into fixing the bigger mistakes, leading to an urban renaissance in the 90's, at which point they seemed to have declared victory and turned their attention inward.

It can be hard to get the best lawyers when that can be a career blackball for them.

One additional distinction I want to draw that I personally adhere to, but that doesn't seem to be the position of most election "deniers" is that I don't think the cheating is mostly the proverbial deep state conspiracy, I think it's about dispersed efforts to push, bend, and break rules among people that don't need some grand organizer to tell them which way they should go.

The "deep state conspiracy" part of it is the general unwillingness of the actual upper-level state and federal officials to seriously do anything to prevent the low-level rigging that advances their party interests. If rigging happens and investigators slow-walk inquiries, evidence is "accidentally" disposed of, and prosecutors sit on their hands, what recourse actually exists?

Why wouldn't this be an obvious case of dogwhistling hate speech, like posting "It's OK to be white" posters for example? Surely some people actually just believe it's OK to be white?

ETA: I agree they probably correctly deduced how their answers might be weaponized, but they still did I think a very poor job of providing a satisfactory answer. A difficult task, sure, but they're highly paid heads of administration. This is a core job duty for them.