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joined 2022 September 04 20:02:11 UTC


User ID: 133



1 follower   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 20:02:11 UTC


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User ID: 133

When in a high-trust environment or trying to build one, it would be customary to resolve disputes with neighbours personally and amicably before resorting to state force.

That guy's idea of just living a quiet life, notably, included serial killing.

The idea I got is that /u/SkookumTree wants it to be stupid, because it's noble to do stupid shit or something.

Needless to repeat, I disagree. Doing retarded shit isn't noble, it's retarded. When women do become attracted to a man after he did something retarded, it's in spite of retardation - it's because it was also cool (the "Hock" isn't) or netted him value (the "Hock" doesn't) or was noble-noble not "retarded-noble" (the "Hock" is not).

By the way, /u/SkookumTree, before you show your idea to anyone else, please don't call it some cringy neologism that sounds like one of the worst terms PUAs coined because they thought it's gotta be original and catchy.

What counts as deliberate agenda pushing? If I happen to Notice that white people seem to need less help going to college and setting up their life absent intervention than Hispanic people, and so I decide to set up the dynamic in the movie according to how I see it - the white guy helping the Hispanic guys because it'd look weird the other way around, is that "deliberate agenda pushing"?

Speaking of inverted examples... aren't "The Black Guy Dies First" and "Vasquez Must Die" tropes for a reason? Genuine question, I haven't been tracking death/saviourhood ratios by race.

(D&D Honour Among Thieves did have the Hispanic barbarian woman as the only casualty of the finale. White guy protagonist then spends the one-use resurrection tablet on her instead of his white wife as he was planning, because he realized she's practically the real mother to his white daughter now and he cares about her as a platonic friend more than his wife).

This looks like a verbatim copy and paste of a post before.

So far they seem to be using their phones mostly to publicize their own atrocities.

It looks like what Palestinians decided to do in response will have many people say "the Israelis are the good guys here, at least they'll just bomb the women and children instead of selling them to sex slavery".

This is it, yes. I don't feel like a sucker for paying for a service I use. I feel like a sucker for paying for a service that is continuously enshittified and can afford to do it because they have a virtual monopoly.

I think sacrificing lives to defend a country's sovereignity against an invader is generally more excusable than sacrificing lives to a technical accident by not accepting aid. I'm sure the same Ukrainians that are the sacrifices in the former case would generally be more eager to sacrifice themselves in the former case than in the latter.

Indeed, I've heard quite a few opinions to the effect of "I will sacrifice my life if I have to, to defend my country/my family/my culture/kill those fuckers". I've heard "I will sacrifice my life if it means my country doesn't have to show weakness" far less often.

You're being overly charitable to middle-schoolers if you think most of bullying is that "they didn't know better". They know better well enough, they simply don't care.

Even if it's not the dangerous kind of scam and more like a "you actually don't get $500" scam, it's a waste of my time and a frustration.

You can play the "but what if an 11/10 asked them" game in your head, but the fact is that there are plenty of gay men who are indeed exclusively gay.

Yes. Do you believe it makes no sense?

"You can receive X benefit but only after an unpleasant process, which itself serves partly as deterrent to prevent frivolous abuse" is not without precedent.

But FirmWeird, a game that makes a lot of money is a good game, otherwise customers wouldn't be paying for it!

obligatory /s

I recall a quip from an acquaintance or maybe a channel in Telegram that "Ukrainians deliberately struck the Moscow skyscrapers outside of working hours because they were afraid of Retaliation otherwise". I suppose the Red Line is now at "you can drone our capital as long as you don't accidentally kill anyone".

Interesting how all those brave heroes went to fight against "communism" and "bolshevik hordes", yet ended up mostly fighting Soviet people.

Aging is merely the ability of the body to repair itself breaking down. Who says we mustn't repair that one, too? (Rhetorical question, Christians!)

The question isn't whether LLMs give true information, it's whether people will rely on them.

Regular Reddit app is shit. People use unofficial apps that rely on the API. API changes kill unofficial apps.

It's good advice for someone without options, too. It's not a job or a meal (hell, some jobs are worse than nothing unless you're literally going to be out on the street, and some meals are definitely worse than nothing). You won't die from not securing a date. I haven't, and a "month-long dry spell" sounds like a luxury to me.

On the other hand, when I try to talk to someone who isn't returning the effort I often wish I was dead. Small talk is already a chore for me as it is. Going on a date with them for a 95% chance of more of the same? No thanks, would rather have a free evening to myself.

It's less "why won't they eat cake" and more "why don't you drink a good whisky once a month rather than spin the drink gacha every weekend and end up with cheap swill most of the time, without enjoying either the taste or smooth inebriation yet getting a hangover just the same".

A guy like Andrew Tate who pimped women? Gee I wonder why his spin on "mutual flirting" got him hammered.

What does it matter what the rules are in the dating app? The actual rule is "don't creep your match out and she won't report you". That's also why most internet venues implement rule 0 usually phrased as "don't be a dick". That's the only real rule, the rest are guidelines on what to avoid.

You think women come on Tinder to read their rules and strive to enforce them on their matches in a literal manner like the nerd in school who makes sure the teacher doesn't forget about homework?

If you're going to present the least charitable take of what communists hate it would behoove you to match it with a similarly uncharitable take of what racists hate. Which isn't "just morally neutral properties". You could start by claiming islamophobes hate Muslims because Muslims are better at reproducing, or that antisemites hate Jews because Jews are better at mostly everything.

Just about the core moral tenet of communism is that owning wealth is not a virtue, and that capitalists didn't earn it by being virtuous, either.

I'll say it again that private profiles shouldn't exist. If ad-hominems happen, let them be dealt with within the rules. Posting history is information, and shedding light on it is according to the website's principles.

I really don't get why Sneerclub still lives rent-free in some residents' heads even after getting off Reddit.