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joined 2023 October 31 11:26:45 UTC


User ID: 2725



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User ID: 2725

It sure sounds like you aren't a friendly audience, yet you take the term to mean children. Does "leaving a party in the early hours of the morning, in the company of sexual partners they had chosen" evoke a child first and foremost in your mind?

The excerpt you quoted is from Nabokov's Lolita. To compare it to a longing of a 30-year-old salaryman for 20-year-old carefree student is quite far-fetched and symptomatic of the problem described in BahRamYou's excerpt.

Yes. That doesn't mean he'll pick that answer if he doesn't have something to get out of it (like a passed test).

Is there a reason why Israel can't nuke the Arab League faster than they prevent them from doing so?

This calls for the IQ bell curve meme. Left and right extremes: "well I can't know what the author wanted to say, I'm not a mind reader". The middle: "obviously D, the text and the answer both say 'productive'".

Unironically though: yes, we are unfairly giving kids low marks. Interpretive questions call for free-form answers, not multiple choice (as noted by other posters).

It looks like you're using Ukraine's mobilization intensity as the sole factor of judging losses, without considering that Ukraine is a lot smaller and has a smaller mobilization pool in the first place.

If it's not watchable at 1x it's not worth watching.

By that logic if I believe I'm not guilty, it's not unscrupulous at all to kill the cops and try to get away with it, or at least ensure I'm imprisoned for a good reason.

"If you're not guilty you have nothing to fear from the system, even though they have already proved their lack of scruples by pressuring you."

"If you're innocent you have nothing to hide."

"Comrade Stalin, there must have been a mistake!"

Is being someone's political enemy supposed to make you immune to the legal system?

My impression is that cops usually pick minor criminals and use pressure and lies to inflate their charges. Just because it's not an angel who's going to prison doesn't mean it should be happening.

Not often, unless the character has a very similar outlook to mine.

Who's killing those men and are they really unable to stop?

Furthermore, we are willing to destroy that country in the process and kill a sizeable percentage of its male population.

The USA is shelling Ukraine?

I'm still not convinced that "getting to participate in the glory of war" is a significant progressive issue anywhere other than videogames. They might want the college benefits, though.

Don't you think "this achievement is actually not very valued today" diminishes your psychoanalysis?

I assume this refers to the moment where the Vow stopped him from revealing the wizarding world and the Transfiguration Stone to the muggles, the implication being that if he did it, the chances of someone casting Summon Earth-Destroying Amounts of Antimatter Just To Try It would skyrocket.

Do we need the physicians to know the Latin for every small part of the body?

The Russian government (arguably like all true loci of power) is a gang. You can't just quit.

Proponents of capitalism tell me that when labor becomes cheaper, the extra profit doesn't all go to the executives and shareholders, but also makes the product/service cheaper.

That was more or less my impression. The most charitable reading would be that her college was heavily female-skewed and focused on social status over STEM, so she literally couldn't find a guy who wasn't swimming in pussy and had his incentives shaped accordingly.

From the point of view of an average progressive normie playing as a black samurai is awesome and fun, and you're the one who is injecting politics.

The message I took out of that was more like "no one can be truly completely satisfied", which just feels like common sense unless you're too stuck in a romantic's mentality.

I'd be tempted to answer with "first_time?.png" if I were Jewish.

Aside from the fact that it appeals to the doomers, why?