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joined 2022 September 04 22:46:13 UTC


User ID: 231



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User ID: 231

On the other hand, you have spam and spam-like products. It's probably sat in that can for months. It's probably a mix of all sorts of meats and meat-things, along with a bunch of chemicals that aren't too good for your body.

Hormel's Spam™ is perfectly fine meat made from pork rump and shoulder, salt, potato starch (to prevent the infamous gelatin at the top of the can), sugar and sodium nitrate. It really doesn't deserve the reputation it gets.

Of all the readily accessible preserved meats, Spam is probably the least processed option.

It doesn't matter that you personally don't know what is is. What matters is what the money guys care about. All the FTX money is gone. All these bloated charities are going to have to make cuts.

Anyway, I don't think we're looking at anything more or less than a polycule of stim-abusing rationalists with a gambling problem, good PR, and access to several billion dollars with which to gamble.

There's a LOT more to it than that. His extensive anti DeFi lobbying and his donation history (donating money he didn't have) point to a much deeper rabbit hole than a Bernie Madoff situation. Between this and the possibly related murder of Nikolai Mushegian, it's a very strange time to be in the DeFi sphere. This is like our Epstein.

I know this sounds like a "just trust me bro" post but there isn't a lot written about it that's up to date that I can reference and it's unlikely the media will ever dig deeper.

Think about, try to feel, how much pain they're experiencing, how scared they are, how scared and sad their family is, etc.

...why tho

Getting emotional over people I don't know is irrational and makes you easy to manipulate. Not opening my wallet for a charity just because they will ostensibly reduce suffering somewhere I have never seen that I will never go to. People should look out for the ones they have direct responsibility for first. How about helping a friend out first? Everyone has a friend that's struggling these days.

One can improve the lives of those around them with great precision and far greater cost efficiency than unknown strangers.

Real Effective Altruism is giving a beer to the bum in front of Walmart. I don't expect him to get any better and he will almost certainly die in a ditch in ten years, but at least I know my money is being converted directly into utility (beer == smiles) and not wasted on high overhead charity making political or economic changes with uncertain second order consequences.

No, but it is a funny word that evokes an image of contempt from the people who feed it to you, like a pig farmer or a school lunch lady.

"In LSD veritas" was the CIA's motto in the 60s. They tried with alcohol, but determined that alcohol wasn't good enough to be used to determine anyone's true sentiments. (neither was LSD)

People react very differently to drunkeness. Some get sad, violent, horny, lethargic, delusional or paranoid. Not all drunk behavior can be interpreted as uninhibited desire.

I have never seen a biological female coder outside of frontend and devops for some reason. I'm only a couple years in the industry though.

I don't have any strong opinions about learning coding other than to watch Uncle Bob's Clean Coding and fully internalize it, and to read and understand SICP.

I was fortunate enough to be mentored by a true expert in the field and had the fundamentals of pragmatic coding hammered into me. We would spend hours reviewing my code and arguing passionately about semantics and ontology. Being forced to explain my rationale and defend every single line I wrote made me a superior programmer to my peers in college.

I think a big part of being a truly good programmer is just having an appreciation for aesthetics and a sense of shame. You SHOULD FEEL BAD for writing bad code, even if it's truly nessessary. You should feel an intuitive sense of disgust seeing a function with too many side effects. Seeing awful inconsistent naming should make you cringe. These are all good things.

Racist white Protestants seem like the least likely group to move away from their land to Africa of all places. Unless they lost a war like confederates in Brazil, I don’t know where one could find such white people in the 1970s

As someone with too many weird hobbies, I say my hobby is cooking because food talk is a good icebreaker for conversation and it makes me seem like an interesting and responsible person.

Anyone can talk about food.

If I heard someone answering with a flippant answer like yours I would avoid them because they lack self consciousness. Being fake or superficial to strangers is not a bad thing.

Go for it, but only one more time. Ghosting is bad manners and you shouldn’t feel shamed for giving someone the benefit of the doubt.

Don’t bring it up though, just pretend like she never got the first message for plausible deniability.

All my Red Team friends are praying he's announcing he will back down and endorse DeSantis. Maybe a little too optimistic.

If we applied basic infosec sensibility (assuming the worst when seeing a obviously exploitable gaping vulnerability) to voting, almost no election can be considered legitimate.

But most people don't for some reason.

What is your philosophy of which issues ought be subject to democratic control, and which ought not?

Honestly, the bare minimum needed to maintain the pretense of popular will. Ideally, issues that don't really matter too much on the macro scale like abortion, weed and American Idol are things fine to delegate to the people. Democracy is a technology for facilitating the peaceful transition of power, not a mechanism for good decision making or leadership.

Nah, drugs are always worse because of the other negative externalities aside from emptying your pocketbook.

I do hate that nothing is culturally taboo anymore. Everything has to be either explicitly codified by law or impossible to criticize. Anarcho-tyranny is the inevitable consequence of soft barriers being removed. Everything will be illegal, nothing will be equally enforced.

There are many bona-fide black muslims in the United States originating from eastern and northern Africa. Also, Hoteps don't present as muslim and are distinct from NOI folks.

No forum where a majority of rising posts are deleted for unspecified reasons can be representative of anything other than the people in charge want

Everyone already does this. A pacifist in a culture war is a fool.

We can't let prisoners vote in local elections because there are counties where the prisoners outnumber residents.

This is normal for PredictIt. If you use the site a lot you'll notice the heavy Red bias before the mass of normie users fill up the volume to something more realistic right before the election starts.

It's funny how much the Mastodon project hates Pawoo despite being their biggest and most active instance. They won't even respond to pull requests made in english. Maybe they're Japanophobic?

I don't care that it's not fantasy, I've always believed that Animorphs would be a hit if they played it completely straight as a R rated war story aimed at the YA/tumblr audience. Maybe age everyone up to college if the child soldier thing is too violent for TV.

Also, Dark Tower needs to be done right.

I play Pistol Whip with a gun shaped peripheral I bought from etsy that lets you add quarters to add weight. Holding a weaver stance and point shooting moving targets for 30 minutes is a surprisingly ok core workout.

Beat Saber is fun but if you use the Oculus Quest 2, you'll have to do some hacking to get custom songs in. It's worth it once you have that.

It's too humorless for my taste. There's enough fun threads dunking on mottezens on rdrama for me.

/r/stadia comes to mind. It’s very creepy how almost everyone on there is so emotionally invested over a unremarkable service that lets you play a small selection of video games on your chrome device. Sort by top to see the sub constantly fluctuate between wailing and gnashing of teeth over dwindling user base to euphoric highs when Google pushes a update (rare).

how do you find something that gives you energy to get out of the bed everyday?

Coffee and stimulants.

Maybe you should try having someone or something depend on you. A lot of men don't shape up until they're forced to.