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The end desire of the system is Kubernetes for human beings

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joined 2022 September 04 22:42:49 UTC


User ID: 226


The end desire of the system is Kubernetes for human beings

8 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:42:49 UTC


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User ID: 226

Dextromethorphan as an antidepressant, I had not encountered that before. Buproprion seems like it would be a good medication for a person dealing with anhedonia -- though my experience, as someone whose depressive episodes are secondary to anxiety, was it just made me more anxious than I'd ever been before. Like "have a crisis of faith because of brand-new worries"-level anxious.

Anhedonia sucks. Scott wrote once about how his patients with anxiety+depression often said that the anxiety was more disabling than the depression, and if they could just get a handle on the anxiety they could handle the rest. That's true to my experience. But anhedonia is the one thing that's worse: there is genuinely nothing as confusing and soul-destroying as not just feeling a lack of pleasure but a lack of any ability to understand what would give you pleasure.

Interesting that you haven't experienced any brain zaps. But it might actually be too early -- I only get brain zaps after about a week cold turkey off similar medications. It's possible that the brain chemistry changes that cause a lot of the (let's call it what it is) withdrawal syndrome are slow to manifest. So you may yet encounter the symptoms.

Why is that?

When I first skimmed the post and saw the title I did indeed think this was an anime they were watching, until I went back and actually read it.

This all hinges on her wanting the job. And I’m not certain that she does.

Does "pastor" show up in the New Testament? My understanding is only "presbyter" and "episkopos" show up, alongside references to deacons.

What is his goal in doing that? Just to troll?

Could you have just returned it instead of listing it for sale secondhand? Just curious.

I'm really uncomfortable with how human that sounds, even as it's claiming to not be human. Even moreso than ChatGPT usually makes me feel.

Fake AI girlfriends are going to take over the world, aren't they?

Like most men under 40, I enjoy gaming as a way to spend my free time. However, I feel guilty about struggling to enjoy or be successful at gaming 'classics' like Super Mario Bros or Skyrim. My gaming interests are narrow but deep, and I find e-sports games transient and fast-paced games too demanding on my hand-eye coordination.

I really like Quantic Foundry's Gamer Motivation Model. According to my results, the two components of games I really love are what they call "Creativity" and "Immersion." I like playing games that give me the opportunity to enter a different world and role-play as a different person. I also like games which provide opportunities to build and customize things.

Games like Star Wars: The Old Republic, despite flaws, satisfy my desire for a complex storyline, character customization, and player housing. Further, while BioWare games often fulfill me with their strong stories, Bethesda games don't. I find their characters wooden, with bland dialogue and settings.

But I feel like I'm the sort of person who ought to be playing a broader range of games. I have the personality type, and my friends throughout life have always been inveterate gamers.

At times, I feel like a dog eating crumbs that fall from the master's table, satisfied only by limited (and often buggy or underdeveloped) aspects of games which focus on motivations -- like competition, or blowing stuff up -- that are more common among the core gaming demographic.

I suppose my struggle is to identify what is actually valuable to me -- is it to play the 'gaming classics,' or is it to focus on games that satisfy my unique preferences? Can anyone relate to having such unique tastes?

And even the use of the Julian date for Easter in the West is solely to accommodate the Russians, who stick to the Julian dates for religious feasts. I’d assume if the Russians ever adopted the Gregorian dates the whole orthodox world would just move the Easter date too.

Really, the whole calendar dispute could make for an interesting effortpost, it’s grounded in the same “we don’t let the Pope tell us what dates to use” stance that motivated a lot of Protestant states to stick to the Julian for years, even centuries. The English wanted to make their own Protestant calendar with 33-year rotations. But eventually they all acknowledged the astronomical superiority of the Gregorian and adopted it. As the Orthodox world wants to do, Russian obstinacy and anti-occidental stance notwithstanding.

Interesting. What genres of games do you find more engaging?

I haven't really considered it, as my understanding is it was created for borderline personality disorder. When I investigated it, I was troubled by the focus, certainly part of what's necessary to treat BPD, that it puts on trying to get people to realize they're not well ("recognize the illness"). I guess it just sounds condescending. I don't have the instability of self-image or interpersonal relationships that characterizes BPD, my perceptions there are some of the most stable views I have. So insofar as DBT is oriented towards that, I'm not sure it's applicable to me.

But nevertheless, looking at it with fresh eyes, there's definitely a lot about DBT that does apply to the problems I face, especially how the focus is on skills to deal with dysregulated emotions, taking them almost as a given, because for me they kind of are. Being able to gain a certain amount of cognitive distance between my emotions and my thoughts is actually a big part of how I cope with my problems as it stands. If I let them carry me with them, I think my emotions would quickly become overwhelming. Insofar as I appear to casual observers like @TheDag to be well-adjusted (and this is something that I hear in person as well, acquaintances and even friends are often surprised how much I struggle with my emotions), it's because I have a mode of thinking that challenges impulsivity and counters dumb decisions with a calculation of utility. That is probably the nerdiest way to put it, but still, it's true.

Often I think that, if I weren't so introverted and behaviorally conventional, I would be much, much more emotionally challenged and poorly adjusted than I am. My negative emotions, philosophical (and thus often detached) orientation, and conventional behavior operate kind of in a homeostasis that helps me cope. If one piece were missing, I think I would spiral out of control.

There's probably something to the DBT assertion (that I saw on the wiki page you linked) that emotional dysfunction can persist because it's rewarded or not challenged by the environment. As it is, I think I don't expose my dysfunction to the world to the point where its consequences would alter my perception. I was reading about schema therapy the other day (it might even have been a lesswrong post?), and I think in part my problems persist because my negative perceptions are never challenged by reality, because I don't act on them. There's probably also something to that.







Is the economy better because Biden is a really successful articulate president, with engaging ideas that get to the root causes of problems, imbalances and deficits in our country?

You can turn this one around, too, though: was the economy better under Trump because he was a really successful articulate president, with engaging ideas that get to the root causes of problems, imbalances and deficits in our country?

Or was it because the establishment republicans like tax cuts, and Trump was happy to oblige?

Bill McKinley

I definitely had to look this up, you’re talking about William McKinley. I didn’t recognize the name from the list of presidents stuck in my head, I thought you were talking about some other politician.

I think your point is fair, but I would not describe either Kansas City or Tulsa as great havens for white identitarians. Both have longstanding racial strife. I’m actually not sure where such a person would want to go, if being around white people were the main concern.

I checked and there's a Mormon category as well. I would certainly be interested if Scott would drill down even more, I'd like to see stats on EO vs OO -- and does he have any Church of the East peeps in his readership? (probably not)

(also I want to cross-reference this with Scott's "Have you thought about the Roman Empire in the past 24 hours" question)

Most would be better if the rule was just have sex with the person whose about your intelligence and attractiveness within a 10 min.walk and marry them for 70 years.

I disagree with your view on elites but I agree 100% with this. This is what people did for a very long period of time, and it's what led to all the old couples I know being happily married for decades. There are multiple stories in my family history of either a guy or girl at age 15 seeing the cute-one-next-door riding their bike and saying, out loud, "I'm going to marry that one." And then it happening. They found an eligible person who met their minimum standards for attractiveness and similarity, and chose to commit to them. By contrast, my girlfriend's mom had an insightful commentary on people in relationships today: "They keey divorcing because they just keep shopping." Stop shopping, stop comparing, stop optimizing, make an acceptable choice and allow the natural human instincts for pair-bonding do their job, and then continue to choose your partner even when it gets tough. That's what love means!

How does this match up with decreasing fertility even in countries where women are generally not part of the workforce, as brought up by other commenters?

I do think there's an assumption that the Blue Ocean audiences being looked for are of a higher socioeconomic class. And I think there's a belief that they tend to be more monogamers, I.E. people more focused on a title or two rather than something much more broad. (My understanding/experience is the people who are upset about the double standards/hypocrisy in Progressive journalism tend to be more Polygamers, people who play a wide variety of gaming experiences...but that means that we don't spend as much on individual titles...although I'd argue there's a higher level of value sensitivity there as well) But more than that, I think they're fishing for the so-called whales. The people who will drop absurd amounts of money on a single game.

This is a really interesting argument, and I can see what you're getting at if I squint, but I'd love for you to flesh out your position here. Is your view that gaming companies believe progressivism appeals to a higher-class subset of the gaming population that is simultaneously more likely to be interested in putting big money into microtransactions? Could you spell out how that works, because I don't necessarily see the straight logic there -- my guess is that progressivism is orthogonal to monogamers/polygamers.

It seems likely to me that polygamers are more concerned about journalism and progressivism in video games because their gaming interests are so broad that they need to follow news and pay attention to new titles in order to learn what they want to play next.

With monogamers, they're just focused on their particular title so whatever new thing is going on in the new story game doesn't matter so much to them. They're more likely to be incensed by a mechanical change to balance in their obsession than the woke story beats in the new blockbuster. The number of people who care about specific balance tweaks in League of Legends are a distinct subset of the population. But the number of people who can quickly scan a character roster for skin color or can develop an opinion about the sexual orientation of NPC romance options is much higher. It might just be bike-shedding.

Someone on an earlier thread about this controversy suggested that the narrative-based games which trigger both the progressive story beats and the backlash have an outsized place in discussion relative to the number of gamers who actually play them. I actually think it's the opposite: the big story games trigger such major discussion because they're the ones played by the largest plurality of the gaming populace. Maybe not a majority, though that wouldn't surprise me, but the largest and most mainstream chunk of committed gamers.