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the willing flight narrative has been thoroughly taken apart by israel's "new historians". here's a thorough review of the historiography: https://www.zochrot.org/publication_articles/view/51011/en?Were_they_expelled

Like the Irish journalist Erskine Childers before him, Morris found no evidence of instructions or directions by the Arab Higher Committee, or any Arab government for that matter, to the local population of Palestine to leave the country. All he could trace was instructions by the Arab Higher Committee to local commanders to secure the evacuation of women, children and old men from the areas of danger.

some other examples:

israel's secret campaign of poisoning arab wells, countenanced by david ben gurion

deir yassin massacre

benny morris, who certainly is no bleeding heart leftist: "In truth, however, the Jews committed far more atrocities than the Arabs and killed far more civilians and PoWs in deliberate acts of brutality in the course of 1948, and noted that only 6 out of 392 towns and villages that he examined were abandoned due to Arab orders

last week, SCOTUS ruled on a case from 2017 about whether teamsters were allowed to walk off the job, leaving their trucks with drying cement.

Drivers showed up to work on strike day as normal. Those with early routes had their trucks filled with cement and went out to make deliveries. But after the final negotiations with the company broke down, the drivers went on strike. Those out on routes were told by the union to drive their trucks back to the company and leave them running so the cement wouldn’t immediately harden, which the drivers did. Management couldn’t decant the cement or make all of the deliveries in time, and some of the cement hardened and had to be destroyed.

Unlike, say, abortion rights, the right to strike is protected under federal law—specifically, under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). That law normally supersedes (lawyers use the word “preempts”) state tort claims like the one filed by Glacier, but there are edge cases. The law requires striking employees to take “reasonable precautions” to make sure that their employers’ property is not damaged, and the law clearly prohibits striking employees from taking active measures to damage or vandalize property. A striking UPS driver could not, for instance, drive their truck into the middle of Madison Avenue, shout “gifts from Jeff Bezos,” and walk away. But a striking driver could refuse to make deliveries and, if those packages contained perishables that spoiled, the strikers wouldn’t be liable under the NLRA, even if management wanted to lodge a state tort claim against them.

SCOTUS ruled 8-1 against the strikers, with the newest justice KBJ the sole voice opposed. this article from the cato institute sides with them. there's also a bunch of legal stuff about whether the courts should even get to rule on this instead of the NLRB.

the movie he promoted was pretty standard black israelite nonsense, with made up hitler quotes to boot. these beliefs are more popular than people realize considering pretty much no nba players have spoken out against him for it. kyrie probably could have skated by and have people just chalk this up as another example of his pseudo intellectualism, but he basically doubled down multiple times in interviews and his 'apology' was hilariously half assed. hell, the commissioner of the league is jewish.

benny morris changed his political views and said "transfer/expulsion is good actually", but he is still willing to call it such.

whether this was self defense is what's up for debate. if all he was doing was schizo ranting then does that really justify a chokehold?

is there evidence that they're using european donated pipelines to make rockets, instead of older lines? just send PVC pipe if you're worried about that.

is there any place to keep track of mod scabbing stories?

i don't know what postmodernism has to do with this. it seems entirely possible to determine what in fact happened in 1948, whether arabs left because arab leadership told them to leave, or because they were afraid of being massacred, or because they were forcefully expelled by jewish soldiers, or for any other reason. motivations are more nebulous but you can look into official idf documents (plan D) and what leaders such as ben gurion wrote.


south africa is obviously not some great predictor of what will happen to the US, but it does show an extreme example of what a fanatic obsession with affirmative action and equity results in.

a few hours ago: US approves Rafah op. in exchange for no Israeli counter-strikes on Iran

so maybe israel isn't going to go through with that. or they just really don't give a shit about what the US wants

they could have genuinely pursued a two state solution instead of using hamas to cripple the idea of palestinian statehood.

Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas... This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank

the chatlogs showed make it hard to believe these people are functioning adults at a big company.

"matt walsh said karen is a racial slur, do you agree with him???

"you deserve a pay raise and/or time off for all of this emotional unpaid labor"

and my favorite

"it was more of a lecture - I felt like I was being scolded for the entirety of that meeting"

south africa and zimbabwe fell into a shitty state after minority white rule was ended, but that doesn't justify it. the problems that plagued south africa after apartheid ended, like the AIDS crisis, weren't necessarily to do with the mandela government

It boiled down to arts students in departments where graduate outnumbered undergrad

is this really a thing? what could they possibly need so many grad students for?

Fifth: the Arab governments' invitation to the people of Palestine to flee from it and seek refuge in adjacent Arab countries, after terror had spread among their ranks in the wake of the Deir Yassin event. This mass flight has benefited the Jews and the situation stabilized in their favor without effort.... Since 1948 we have been demanding the return of the refugees to their homeland, while it is we who constrained them to leave it. Between the invitation extended to the refugees and the request to the United Nations to decide upon their return, there elapsed only a few months.

so it was about deir yassin. people panicked and left of their own volition... because they believed they would be massacred

there is already a convoy in lipetsk heading north, ~320 km from moscow.

the handwringing over kids not caring about the holocaust is weird. anything that happened before you were born might as well be ancient history.

remember the maus drama a year or so ago where some school board decided maus was inappropriate because bad words and boobs, and the national media latched onto it as a story of how red state schools were trying to erase the holocaust. the debate was over whether that book was appropriate to use in their language arts holocaust unit. because a whole months-long unit studying the holocaust isn't enough.

how concerned should we really be about schizos who latch on to politics versus the far more common variant which, say, pushes a commuter onto subway tracks, or stabs someone walking past a street homeless encampment?

the laws are written with a general assumption of people not being hyper ingroup focused. they figured out that if you outbreed everyone else, do your best to get everyone else to move out, and vote as a block in a democracy, you can live off their tax dollars. that's perfectly blameworthy.

divestment is a pretty clear goal. it's worked before

apparently nobody has come to his defence

the RFEF (spanish football federation) is fully backing him. they even tried to have UEFA (governing body of european football) expel them, kicking out spanish teams from european competitions, in protest of government interference.

if steve sailer can continue to chug along then hanania will be fine. he probably won't get invited to write any more NYT editorials, but why would, say, musk give a shit when he's already retweeting interracial crime statistics without a care

has he been fired? they've taken him off promotional material but nothing official.

comparing two cases that are pretty different doesn't really make any point. the second case did have some hilarious reasoning from the defense:

She was "unaware of what is going on", attorney Mark Iverson told the jury, "She is moving, but without conscious thought".

comparing this to the rittenhouse shooting is surprising. they're both clearly controversial, but opinion on the rittenhouse case was pretty clearly left-right divided. here there are plenty of 'liberals' sympathetic to the white guy who choked a black man to death.