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Rise, ramble, rest, repeat.

4 followers   follows 4 users  
joined 2022 September 04 19:07:27 UTC

All alliterations are accidental.


User ID: 83


Rise, ramble, rest, repeat.

4 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:07:27 UTC


All alliterations are accidental.


User ID: 83

Legality, no, I don't think so. I am certainly not a lawyer, but for all the stories of this or that platform being banned, I don't think the Motte fits the pattern.

But you certainly could end up in hot water in every sense other than legal if your name showed up next to some Motte quotes taken out of context.

What I would wish for is for them to jettison their entire cultural heritage, language faith and all, sever ties with their homeland and family and take German names as soon as they set foot on German soil, followed by which they trample pictures of Erdogan and Ataturk into the mud while parading around the streets singing our national hymn and holding aloft saintly effigies of Adenauer and Merkel. After which they go home and crack open some beers with their ethnically German neighbors. Later they tell their children traditional German fairy tales before eating a hearty pork dinner and washing it down with a Schnaps. Let them do that and alright, they are more German than most Germans.

But obviously the most assimilation we can expect is "speaks German without obnoxious 'migrant' patois" and "pays taxes in Germany". German as a culture is unattractive, and Turkish immigrants seem ethnically rather cohesive.

So here's a less ambitious standard: If they speak German and not Turkish, have abandoned Islam, have integrated into German society around them rather than into some Turkish enclave, and would support Germany over Turkey, then that's probably as close to German as can be expected. Even that is exceedingly rare though.

Any less than that and they're still a fifth column as far as I care.

Stagnant rather than growing. Fairly sure about that one.

Feels like decay rather than stagnation, but I may be wrong.

I've been worried about the fresh-meat-pipeline since we migrated, and AFAIK so far we don't really have one beyond word of mouth. But I don't have any good proposals on how to fix it either.

Because they make things sound big while making the speaker sound smart.

Depends on whom you ask.

For much of German society, it's just a question of passport.

For the left-leaning parts of it, it's a question of residence.

The Right is divided on the issue.

Well, it didn't. There was no split. The militant atheists appeared, most disappeared, and the ones that remained seamlessly converted to postmodern progressivism.

A handful of German party-goers privately wanting Germany for the Germans and no foreigners

-> inacceptable, punish severely.

Thousands of islamists publicly demanding the transformation of Germany into an islamic caliphate

-> that's freedom of opinion, we are a democracy.

I think it's safe to say that by revealed preferences, German society doesn't give a shit about the gays and our priorities are elsewhere. Probably somewhere in the broad region of the moral apex imperative of "be good people, good people punish nazis and tolerate foreigners".

It is and it is. Individuals may deviate, but they can do so only in very private, and any public dissdence is punished by deplatforming, fines, job loss and being forever smeared by all media, social and otherwise, as being either a neonazi or a useful idiot for whatever nebulous forces of evil are currently blamed for the existence of non-leftist thought (nowadays it's usually Putin). The exact level of enforcement varies wildly, but one is never safe to make any public statements that could be construed as "völkisch".

Maybe? Going outside in that kind of heat hasn't killed me yet, but I suppose the humidity must've been lower than 100% then. Or, I suppose, I make enough use of wind, shade and bodies of water to keep my temperature viable. Either way the 40°C alone are doable, at least here in the German summers.

But really, it's the sun that matters the most, not the heat. The heat is just a useful additional factor that allows me to dress light, and keeps the outdoors largely depopulated so I have it to myself. But what really makes good weather to me is the blue sky. I can tolerate a few tasteful clouds here and there, but by and large I want that giant open void overhead.

Maximally sunny. That brilliant blue sky with absolutely everything bathed in light. I don't care if it's 40°C and the land is sere, baking and withering, or it's wet and humid and everyone sweats even at rest in the shade. Give me a good wind on top of it and that's my day. Just the sky and me. I put on my floppy hat and shorts and a backpack full of water, and off I go for a day of hiking, alone with the world.

Maybe I just enjoy heat stroke.

My life is a farce.

Tell you what, if ever you stumble into Southern Germany, the drinks will be on me and we can have a dick-measuring contest on whose life is more farcical.

Your family cares about you. Be glad.

Apart from all that, what is your family's opinion on you moving to Scotland?

I'll grant you it's been a while, but this game does exist: https://store.steampowered.com/app/19900/Far_Cry_2/

That's a bit of a loss for us.

I didn't care about his topics, but I liked his thoroughness.

It is a very niche game that demands a lot from the player. It's neither pretty nor streamlined. The UX is tolerable but far below par. You really have to want to play this game to get your fun out of it.

That said, if you do commit, here's a shameless plug of my guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3195937264

Shadow Empire: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1154840/Shadow_Empire/

It's a turn-based WW2 wargame turned into a post-apocalyptic sci-fi 4X. The standard unit of geography is the hex with an edge length of 200km. Unit and population sizes are downscaled to keep it manageable, but you're still going to manage hundreds of thousands of people (with 100 being the smallest unit) in a regular game. An average campaign will take you upwards of 50 hours.

called an x-phobe,

Any community afraid of this has no defenses worth a damn.

Never had heard of it, but it's on my reading list now. Thanks.

Where's the line between an assassination and a purge? Because if you kill enough people, that frequently makes a difference.

I spent a good part of saturday clearing dandelions out of my parents-in-law's small garden. Not a lot of surface area, but I ended up with buckets full of roots, stems and leaves, and my daughter got to play copiously with the white fluffy seed things. Dandelions are great. Fun to look at, fun to play with, fun to commit localized genocide upon, and they always come back.

So it's not just in the city.

Well eat away then, champ.

Honestly, I found it thoroughly unremarkable.

Now, it's been a long while (20 years?) since I watched the old Shogun series, so I certainly have some rose-colored glasses on, but somehow I didn't really enjoy my the new one like I expected to based on my fondness for the old one.

The plot seemed to meander meaninglessly, with the intrigue too opaque to make sense to the viewer, and the characters too guarded and game-of-thronesy for their motivations to really shine through.

The visuals were...decent, I suppose, but the desaturated and heavily filtered appearance made it look unreal and cheap.

The characters, oof. Yabushige was fun but too cartoonish. Omi, Nagakado, Saeki, Hiromatsu, Buntaro, Tsuji and Fuji were enjoyable, relatable even, but seemed to have very limited agency. But ultimately the whole tale revolves around Toranaga, Mariko, Anjin and Ishido. Ishido, meh, good performance but is mostly just there to act as a less-competent foil to Toranaga. Toranaga I don't know about; I just greatly preferred the Mifune version. Mariko and the Anjin were outright painful to watch, with Mariko being so wooden her husband wanted to kill himself (I guess that's the point) and getting too much attention by half, and the Anjin just being an overdramatic clown.

At least the fight scenes were modestly decent.

Overall it's just...mediocre. There were production values, some decent performances, some that really missed the mark for me, but in the end it needs to measure up to Rome, and no, it's not Rome.

Why shouldn't I just let the fat pack on and on?

Why do you want to continue to live at all? Whatever your answer to that is, it probably works better when you're not getting dragged down by half a ton of flab.

Also, what's wrong with diet and exercise? Eat half, move double, problem solved.

similar to how parents protect their children but expect their children to obey them.

Note that modern parenting does not expect this. Obedience is not demanded and disobedience is not punished.

In your imagination, sure. Just like imaginary monsters.

I think he's implying you paid no attention to the Ukraine and Russia in the years leading up to the war.