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Culture War Roundup for the week of October 10, 2022

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troll accusations

Typically meaningless tactic for dismissing points you don’t like. A lot of whining

why are the children of our elites so consistently idiots and drug addicts

I would be very, very surprised by this. Is this actually true? Are children of the top 10% actually lower IQ and more frequently addicted to drugs than the bottom decile?

If the HBD-Tards' and Woke-Cels' theories about race were accurate, this ought to have translated into quick and easy victory

I don’t think any HBD advocate claims that by accepting HBD you automatically win all wars regardless of other factors

Typically meaningless tactic for dismissing points you don’t like. A lot of whining

That doesn't necessarily make the accusation false.

I would be very, very surprised by this. Is this actually true? Are children of the top 10% actually lower IQ and more frequently addicted to drugs than the bottom decile?

From my experience the children of the top 10% are generally no smarter than anyone else and substantially more likely to be drug users of some kind, though how much of this is simple availability + opportunity is unclear.

In any case you don't need to compare them to the bottom decile to falsify HBD, just the decile immediately below them if genetics really does have a far greater effect than culture, upbringing, geography, etc... we should see a substantial difference between the children of the top 10% and the top 20% and that's not something anyone has been able to demonstrate.

I don’t think any HBD advocate claims that by accepting HBD you automatically win all wars regardless of other factors

No they claim that racial purity and homogeneity lead to superior outcomes and then get pissy when you point out historical counter-examples.

  • -10

"Lead to superior outcomes" means "lead to superior outcomes, compared to not having it". It doesn't mean "leads to superior outcomes compared to everything, all the time." And racial purity is not HBD. Nazis killing Jews is "racial purity", but HBD says not to do that.

Equivocation. The HBD advocates central claim that heritability/genetics trumps culture, economics, geography etc... is falsified if it doesn't actually trump culture, economics, geography etc...

That is not "the HBD advocates central claim". The central claim is that human subpopulations differ in their distribution of various phenotypical characteristics besides superficial physical ones, most notably intelligence. And that these subpopulations are meaningfully broken up along gross racial lines.

You're wrong, This is absolutely the median HBD advocate's on theMotte's central claim. It's why you think it's racist to suggest that black couples should stay together for the sake of their kids, and why the OP is going on about "failed attempts at uplift".

Those who believe that it is racist to suggest that black couples should stay together for the sake of their kids are not HBD advocates. They are progressive Democrats. They are the ones who determine what is considered "racist" in the US today, however. As for "failed attempts at uplift"... the phrasing is obnoxious to the point of trollish, if you're familiar with Brin's "Uplift" series. But that attempts have been made to improve the outcomes of the American black population and nearly all have failed miserably is plain fact.

Those who believe that it is racist to suggest that black couples should stay together for the sake of their kids are not HBD advocates. They are progressive Democrats.

I seem to recall you yourself telling me that it was "racist to suggest that black couples should stay together for the sake of their kids all" only a week ago.

I think you're trying to draw a distinction where functionally there is none, the fact that the most vocal HBD advocates all seem to come from extremely progressive backgrounds and choose to live in extremely progressive cities is not a coincidence, it's a clue.

I seem to recall you yourself telling me that it was "racist to suggest that black couples should stay together for the sake of their kids all" only a week ago.

It is considered racist by those who control what is considered, by society at large, racist.

the fact that the most vocal HBD advocates all seem to come from extremely progressive backgrounds and choose to live in extremely progressive cities is not a coincidence, it's a clue.

Charles Murray doesn't. If you mean random reddit/Motte posters, I don't think you have the data.