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Seriously? Ivermectin Guy once again? This is your second time posting something from/about him. Either you are his biggest fan, or you are him operating a sock-puppet account.

biggest fan

My first gut reaction whenever I encounter him after having not for a while is "this guy's so fucking annoying, just stop", and the degree to which I ever read any further is out of a desire to see him slip up badly enough I can dismiss him altogether or see him definitively put in his place by someone who clearly knows better.

The problem is I haven't seen that yet.

Here's hoping I don't get so entangled this or any time that I can't return to not paying attention. There's enough other and more consequential shit where the same general dynamic that his claims point towards is ruining everything, that it would already be several full time jobs' worth of time and misery to attempt to follow it all.

But yes, unless he's been properly owned and continued anyway in purely ego-driven contrarianism-poisoned bad faith, god bless him for not dropping it despite it making him This Fucking Guy? Again?

Scott Enjoyers having a normal one today, I see.

Can't expect anything else when their sacred cow is attacked.