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Culture War Roundup for the week of November 7, 2022

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Maybe I haven't followed the story closely enough, but wasn't Sam more getting high on his own supply than betraying his principles? It seems to me more like Sam was doing exactly what Utilitarianism/EA would teach, that it either agreed with his genetic/existing temperament or penetrated his soul so thoroughly that he did what he was taught to do.

-- Utilitarianism teaches risk neutrality. A 51% chance of 100 is better than a 100% chance of 50. Sam took massive risks, they failed, but that doesn't mean they didn't align with EA principles.

-- Utilitarianism teaches that everything is permitted, provided it is justified by numbers that increase overall utility (risk weighted!) then there is no prohibition on lying to your partners and customers. If (and there's no reason to think anything else) Sam thought the whole thing would work out just fine for everyone, then it was within EA principles to lie to others about where their money was going. After all they'd get their money back and then some!

-- EA (especially associated ex-risk theorists) teaches that making money is to be done so that you can give it away, earning to give is lauded. One doesn't make money to build a long lasting company, one makes money as fast as one can so that one can support AI alignment research to the greatest amount possible. Sam wasn't trying to build Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan, what would be the point? 100 years from now we'll be paperclips if he doesn't give enough money to Yud, and we'll have fully automated luxury gay space communism if he does.

-- EA does not value ownership rights; if your money could do more good somewhere else it would be positive for it to be taken from you and directed somewhere else.

It seems to me that, if we're going to drag EA into this, we're seeing exactly what it teaches in action, not a betrayal of its principles because they were insufficiently inculcated.

Yeah, some commentary around this whole fiasco did remind me of the question posed about would it be okay to rob banks if you donated all the money to good causes (those being defined as EA causes)?

I think in this instance we can see that bank robbing was considered okay. There are people arguing that grants made from Bankman-Fried's stolen money should not be revoked, or the organisations expected to pay them back, since the money was and is going to good causes. All the good would be lost if the money has to be paid back.

That's "the end justifies the means" and uh, no.

EA does not value ownership rights; if your money could do more good somewhere else it would be positive for it to be taken from you and directed somewhere else.

I think there's this idea that utilitarianism is all like "sure, go ahead, rob people iff you can use that money better" but that's dumb strawman-utilitarianism.

The reason it's dumb is because you have to take into account second-order effects in doing whatever it is you're doing, and those second-order effects for dishonest and coercive actions are nearly always profoundly negative, in general resulting in a society where nobody can trust anyone well enough to coordinate (and also resulting in a society where nobody would want to live).

There is a reason why nobody on the EA side is defending Bankman.

that's dumb strawman-utilitarianism.

As we see with live examples, no it's not. And that's how it works in general. Utilitarians have not noticed the skulls, nobody ever notices the skulls, Putin's Russia is simply fascist, Xi is not a Palladiumpilled Governance Futurist but a two-bit dictator, your enemies simply hate you, there are more malicious conspiracies and frauds than «emergent memetic attractors», the simplest and crudest and cringiest explanation is usually correct.

The reason it's dumb is because you have to take into account second-order effects in doing whatever it is you're doing, and those second-order effects for dishonest and coercive actions are nearly always profoundly negative

It's not dumb, and this is a fig leaf for useful idiots with their prosocial Hajnal brains. Every time EAs try to explain how they are acktchually rationally compliant with conventional morality, it screams «but in less tortured scenarios we can calculate when to defect and get maximum utility» just as strongly as this yield farming aka «Ponzi with extra steps» story does. It's from April as you see; a lot of SBF-glorifying EA-backed content came after that. EAs know they are smart and can trick commoners; they believe themselves to be even smarter than that and able to calculate ripple effects. In fact, calculating ripple effects using raw brainpower is what they do under the rubric of longtermism.

There is a reason why nobody on the EA side is defending Bankman.

The reason is that he has apparently failed them and burned their piggy bank, decreasing the utility they could have produced.

And it's the same reason they did not renounce him before his fraudulent empire crashed. They are not deontologists, after all. They assumed he's a math whiz and got it all figured out.

  1. This is sort of an ad argumentum to make the point that the problem is not that EA fails to communicate values. I don't think EA comes into this saga at all.

  2. I get what you're saying about second order effects, but it sort of makes the whole thing banal. Once you start justifying things by second and third order effects, you just get all the way back to deontology.

When EA or EA-affiliated started getting involved in politics, or trying to, with the Carrick Flynn race then that was a very big red flag. That is moving away from the original principles into "well you know how do we really do the most good, isn't it getting guys elected who can make laws and commit funding to our pet projects?"

And that makes you the same as the guys lobbying for grants for farm subsidies, or tobacco companies against legislation banning their advertising, or every other group out there wanting the government to pass laws and give money to their pet projects.

On reflection I think EA as a tribal signifier has come to mean a whole bunch of different things to different people, from "we should value the lives of future people more than our own" to "maybe we should think for two seconds about cost efficiency" to "defrauding people can be good, actually" to "just donate to whoever Givewell says." This is unhelpful.

Agreed. I am not a strict utilitarian but still support EA more on the “think for two seconds on cost efficiency” side, and the idea that the first world has a moral obligation to help lift the rest of the world out of poverty.

I don’t buy into longtermism or AI doom scenarios at all though, and find them rather annoying. People forget that most of the work done in EA and most of the money spent is on global development. Unfortunately controversy drives headlines so most don’t see that.

One of my consistent frustrations with progressive style politics, going back decades now, is the total, violent allergy to any kind of consideration for second order effects. I am not familiar with EA enough to say how they handle that stuff, but I would not be overly surprised if they found themselves in a situation where Scott and 10 other high-decouplers uselessly decry this new trend of EAers embezzling for malaria nets.

Alternatively, this has already happened, and yet EAers still seem to mostly support bigger government.

I would not be overly surprised if they found themselves in a situation where Scott and 10 other high-decouplers uselessly decry this new trend of EAers embezzling for malaria nets

The entire EA forum is filled with people saying 'this is bad and evil and disgusting EA would never support this we made a severe mistake in blindly trusting SBF we deeply apologize we must be very careful to make sure this doesn't happen again'. And those posts are now the top posts of all time on the EA forum. They're also explicitly saying things like 'utilitarianism taken too far can look like this which is why we endorse pluralism and moderation', and they've said things like that beforehand. So I don't think the 'allergic to 2nd order effects' criticism applies!

And those posts are now the top posts of all time on the EA forum.

The ironic thing about this is that all of the well-considered counter arguments come off as exactly what a manipulative sociopath would say in this situation, and there are numerous comments pointing that out. "I condemn and distance from this bad thing now that it has come to light, but we should not link criticism to any particular people and totes promise not to do it again." What they fail to realize is that the credible pre-commitment to strong business ethics they are talking about is deontology.

In the sense that a real witch would condemn witches to maintain their cover, and maintain a long track record of doing so just to make it extra secure, sure.

It's more like "Yes, we all condemn witchcraft, it's the worst. But in the wake of this witchcraft scandal of my good friend, we should focus on general condemnations, and totally not worry about any particular people who might also be witches. Also, we probably don't need any particular new anti-witch policies beyond general frowning and finger-wagging."

What they fail to realize is that the credible pre-commitment to strong business ethics they are talking about is deontology

Aside from that plenty of claimed christian deontologists or liberals have committed similar scales of fraud over the years, meaning it's not clear EA somehow makes people more likely to commit fraud (crypto exchange rugpulls are incredibly common), 'deontology' and 'believing in business ethics' are rather different. Deontology is a claim about 'all morals and decisionmaking', business ethics are a specific set of rules (ones that basically all EAs and philosophical utilitarians endorse, afaik).

Also for deontology in a practical sense, the problem of 'which rules' confuses things, am i being consequentialist if I accept 'business ethics' instead of 'christian ethics' for finance? how do i decide that business ethics are better? aren't you just embracing rules 'deontologically' that were - literally - created by people who planned out the consequences of said rules? isn't that just consequentialism-by-proxy? Can I even think things like 'wow, liberalism and universalism maybe aren't ideal' under deontology, if those are the prevailing rules?

I mean the de-facto rules in crypto were, kind of, 'commit as much fraud as you can without getting caught'

I've argued before that ethics should be viewed as a stack, from virtue ethics to deontology to utilitarianism to consequentialism, where the core difference is the trade-off between ideal outcomes vs ease of implementation. My point is that the post you linked is, at best, arguing for accepting a trade-off down-stack in the case of business ethics. They want to implement a "No Fraud" rule because the risk of tricking yourself into harmful bullshit when doing business ethical reasoning on utilitarian grounds is too high, so you should just round off to "all clever plans to increase utility that violate standard business ethics should be assumed false on sight". And the way you credibly signal that commitment, is to switch to a deontological framework for those cases, instead of continuing in a utilitarian framework (which implies a whispered "unless it seems like a really good idea!" caveat).

IIRC EY tweeted something to the effect of "go like 75% of the way from deontology to utilitarianism and you're basically in the right place until you've become a god", which sounds about right.