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I have noticed more hardline thoughtless rightwingers on datasecretlox forum as well. You know the ones who repeat obviously false or misleading rightwing talking points they just saw on Fox news.

>Checks post history: /r/antiwork. Every fucking time. And lots showing up from /r/subredditdrama, /r/hobbydrama, /r/leopardsatemyface, /r/socialistprogrammers, /r/sneerclub, /r/onguardforthee, /r/LateStageCapitalism, etc. Plus all the usual names: callmejay, lightweavernaamah, evinceo. And everyone disagreeing with them getting downvoted, as if there's some kind of brigade...

It's almost like the goal of all these complaints is to enable the leftist colonization and domination of a space they don't control, to censor... well, let's just quote them: "Those who engage in bad faith with intent of disseminating a worldview deemed unfit for civilized society"

On a related note, has anyone noticed how enforcement of the "no culture war" rule completely vanished from SSC so that people from those subs with names like "marx789" can come in and wage it without opposition?

BTW, what's that talk about /u/895158 going on a podcast and getting canceled? First I've heard of it.

And is the ssc discord a leftist echo chamber? Like the poster said, I kinda figured because of the general discord userbase, but still sad if true. They must have to do a lot of self-gaslighting.

BTW, what's that talk about /u/895158 going on a podcast and getting canceled? First I've heard of it.

I think they're referring to TracingWoodgrains. He even posted about it here shortly after the move.

Oh thanks, I'm dumb, just assumed that

The mod who created it (and some suspect he did so purposely to divide and destroy the community) doesn't even post there

was talking about 895158 rather than TW, since the malicious intent was way more obvious from numbers-guy. Went "oh, he's a podcaster too?" without even considering the obvious answer >_>

Clearly bedtime.