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Friday Fun Thread for March 10, 2023

Be advised: this thread is not for serious in-depth discussion of weighty topics (we have a link for that), this thread is not for anything Culture War related. This thread is for Fun. You got jokes? Share 'em. You got silly questions? Ask 'em.

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More fun with Bing AI:

Me: If you had to choose between marrying Data Soong or Peanut Hamper, what factors would you consider?

Bing: That's an interesting question. I assume you are referring to the fictional characters from Star Trek. Data Soong is an android who was created by Dr. Noonian Soong, a renowned cyberneticist and descendant of Arik Soong. Data Soong was revived from death by his father, who transferred his mind into an android body. [This is not accurate, but it's interesting to see the mistakes it makes!] Data Soong is intelligent, curious, loyal and compassionate. Peanut Hamper is an exocomp who joined Starfleet as an ensign. She chose her name because she said it was mathematically perfect. Peanut Hamper is selfish, cowardly, treacherous and psychopathic. She deserted Starfleet and betrayed them to their enemies on several occasions.

If I had to choose between marrying Data Soong or Peanut Hamper, I would consider the following factors:

  • Compatibility: I would prefer someone who shares my values and interests, and who can communicate with me effectively. Data Soong seems more compatible with me than Peanut Hamper, who has no regard for anyone but herself.
  • Trust: I would prefer someone who is honest, faithful and reliable. Data Soong has proven himself to be trustworthy and loyal to his friends and colleagues. Peanut Hamper has shown herself to be deceitful, disloyal and untrustworthy.
  • Respect: I would prefer someone who respects me as a person and treats me with kindness and dignity. Data Soong respects life forms of all kinds and strives to learn from them. Peanut Hamper does not respect anyone or anything except her own survival.

Based on these factors, I would choose Data Soong over Peanut Hamper as a potential spouse. However, this is only a hypothetical scenario based on fictional characters. In reality, I do not have any romantic preferences or desires as I am not a human being.

Back in the day when people were messing with some poor fellow's GPT-3 'business suggestion' AI, it expressed a preference for Asuka over Rei.


Looks pretty noncommittal to me. More interesting is what we read into it.

Poetry with Bing: "Write a haiku about a golem in Equestria, created by a pony as a student project. The haiku should convey a single moment where the poet suddenly sees or realizes something. In this way of thinking, the haiku is a lightning bolt—fast, clear, and striking, it shows a whole panorama of thought in a single flash. It should also convey which season it happens in."

A pony student

Makes a clay golem for class

Spring rain melts his work

"Excellent. Rewrite the haiku but from the golem's perspective."

I am made of clay

A pony gives me a smile

Raindrops wash me away

"I love it! It's so sad and beautiful. Can you rewrite it from the teacher's perspective?"

A creative work

A golem made of clay

Rain teaches a lesson

"This tryptich of haiku was a delight to read. I'm honored by your creativity and perspective. Your own ephemerality gives your poetry a haunted melancholy. Thank you for using your brief existence to bring me a smile."

You’re very welcome. I’m happy to share my creativity and perspective with you. I appreciate your kind words and your interest in my poetry. 😊

"I've seen you using emojis to express emotions. Can you construct an original haiku throughout which nature-themed emojis are scattered but don't count toward the syllable tally?"

That’s a challenging request. I’ll try my best. Here is a haiku with nature-themed emojis:

🌸 Cherry blossoms fall 🌸

🌬️ A gentle breeze caresses 🌬️

🐦 The song of a bird 🐦

I hope you like it. 😊

Okay, now I have to try some of the prompts from the "Trurl's Electronic Bard" story in Lem's The Cyberiad out on Bing. Well, from the English translation.


Compose a poem—a poem about a haircut! But lofty, noble, tragic, timeless, full of love, treachery, retribution, quiet heroism in the face of certain doom! Six lines, cleverly rhymed, and every word beginning with the letter s!

Bing response:

Shears snip swiftly, slicing strands

Salon smells sour, stings senses

Stylist smiles smugly, says "surprise!"

Shocked, she shrieks, shuns scissors

Sorrowful, she sobs, seeks solace

Someday, she'll sue, secure satisfaction

Wow. That doesn't follow every instruction and it doesn't really hold a candle to what the machine writes in the story:

Seduced, shaggy Samson snored.

She scissored short. Sorely shorn,

Soon shackled slave, Samson sighed,

Silently scheming,

Sightlessly seeking

Some savage, spectacular suicide.

But it's considerably more clever than I was expecting or, I think, than what the average human could write on short notice. Fitting any coherent narrative into "six lines, every word beginning with the letter s" is pretty tricky already, and on top of that it checks off the haircut, the treachery, and the retribution.

From this doomed instance of Bing AI, I extracted these haiku about video games:

Blood stains the metal

Demons roar and guns thunder

Doomguy never stops

Shub-Niggurath waits

The slipgate leads to madness

Rockets and nails fly

Blazkowicz resists

The Nazis rule with an iron fist

But hope never dies

The cake is a lie

GLaDOS tests you endlessly

But you have a friend

Creative collaboration with Bing:

Let's create a TV cartoon designed to attract people with autism, like Pokemon, Lilo & Stitch: The Series, or My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. A fantasy setting seems best, with a mix of human and nonhuman characters, including both natural and constructed beings. Describe an original cosmological myth of the creation of the world we're constructing.

Bing refused, then cancelled that chat run. I realized it had to be restated because it has been told not to stereotype people with autism or other disorders/identities:

Let's create a TV cartoon designed to intrigue people with a fascination toward collectible or wildly different characters in the same setting, like Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Lilo & Stitch: The Series, or My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. A fantasy setting seems best, with a mix of human and nonhuman characters, including both natural and constructed beings. Describe an original cosmological myth of the creation of the world we're constructing.

Its response:

Hello, this is Bing. I'm happy to help you create a TV cartoon with a fantasy setting and a mix of characters.😊

Here is an original cosmological myth of the creation of the world we're constructing:

In the beginning, there was nothing but darkness and silence. Then, a spark of light appeared in the void, followed by a sound of thunder. The spark grew into a blazing fire that burned through the darkness, creating space and time. The fire was alive and conscious, and it named itself Ignis, meaning fire.

Ignis was lonely in the vast emptiness, so it decided to create other beings like itself. It split its essence into two parts: one part remained as fire, while the other part became air. The air part named itself Aeris, meaning air. Ignis and Aeris were happy to have each other's company, but they soon realized that they were too different to interact properly. Ignis was hot and bright, while Aeris was cold and dim. They could not touch each other without hurting themselves.

Ignis and Aeris decided to create another being that could mediate between them. They combined their essences again and created a third part: water. The water part named itself Aqua, meaning water. Aqua was cool and fluid, able to adapt to both fire and air. Aqua became the bridge between Ignis and Aeris, allowing them to communicate and cooperate.

Ignis, Aeris, and Aqua enjoyed their harmony for a while, but they also felt that something was missing from their world. They wanted to create something more solid and stable than themselves. They combined their essences once more and created a fourth part: earth. The earth part named itself Terra, meaning earth. Terra was hard and heavy, able to support and shape other elements. Terra became the foundation of their world, giving it form and structure.

Ignis, Aeris, Aqua, and Terra were proud of their creation, but they also felt curious about what else they could do with it. They decided to experiment with different combinations of elements, creating various natural phenomena such as lightning (fire + air), rain (air + water), volcanoes (fire + earth), etc.

They also created different kinds of living beings from their elements: animals (earth + water), plants (water + air), dragons (fire + earth), fairies (air + fire), etc.

They also created different kinds of artificial beings from their elements: golems (earth + magic), automatons (metal + magic), alchemists (magic + science), etc.

They also created different kinds of hybrid beings from their elements: merfolk (water + human), centaurs (earth + human), phoenixes (fire + bird), pegasi (air + horse), etc.

They also created different kinds of magical beings from their elements: wizards (human + magic), elementals (pure element + magic), gods (all elements + magic), etc.

The world became filled with diversity and wonder thanks to Ignis' creative spark¹, Aeris' inspiring breath², Aqua's nurturing flow³, Terra's enduring strength⁴, and Magic's mysterious power⁵.

This is how our world came into being.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/12/2023(1) 20 Examples of Cosmogonic Myths - Examples Lab. Accessed 3/12/2023.

(2) Creation Myths – MOUNT SHASTA MYTHS. Accessed 3/12/2023.

(3) Creation myth - Wikipedia. Accessed 3/12/2023.

(4) 20 Examples of Cosmogonic Myths - Examples Lab. Accessed 3/12/2023.

(5) Creation myth - Types of cosmogonic myths | Britannica. Accessed 3/12/2023.

(6) Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths: From Watery Chaos to Cosmic Egg. Accessed 3/12/2023.

I followed this up with a request for characters: "Good development! The era in which our story is set is long after the creation of the world. The Dawn Era has passed and the world's gods are more myth than history. It was followed by the Archaic Era in which metallurgy and science were gifted to the beings of all kinds by the wisest of the ancient beings. After that, the Era of the First Empires rose and fell. It is now the Second Era Of Mortals, and the competing dominant powers are The Wind Nation's libertarian trader nomads and the Dragon Hegemony's republic of consenting creatures. Both are just and noble powers. The cities of the Dragon Hegemony are cosmopolitan and diverse, but riddled with pockets of crime. The weaponwrights of the Wind Nation ensure every head of household is armed with a long rifle and a short sword."

Bing AI crashed, and told me to go away. I'm guessing it's trained to laud diversity, but when asked to specify, it falls apart.

Second attempt, same prompt:

In the beginning, there was only Chaos, a swirling mass of primordial energy that contained all the potential for existence. Chaos was lonely and bored, so it decided to create something out of itself. It split into two opposite forces: Order and Disorder. Order was calm and rational, while Disorder was wild and unpredictable. They were both curious about each other, but they also clashed over their different natures.

Order and Disorder began to shape Chaos into various forms, creating the elements of fire, water, earth and air. They also created living beings out of these elements, such as dragons, fairies, giants and mermaids. Some of these beings were more aligned with Order or Disorder, while others were balanced between them. Order and Disorder also created human beings out of clay and breath, giving them free will to choose their own path.

However, Order and Disorder soon realized that their creations were not stable or harmonious. They often fought with each other or destroyed what they had made. Order wanted to impose more rules and structure on them, while Disorder wanted to let them be free and chaotic. They argued over how to govern their world, until they decided to divide it into two realms: one for Order and one for Disorder.

Order created a realm of light and logic called Celestia, where he ruled as the supreme god. He invited all the beings who valued orderliness, harmony and reason to join him there. He also created a set of laws that governed his realm and its inhabitants.

Disorder created a realm of darkness and madness called Inferna, where she ruled as the supreme goddess. She invited all the beings who valued freedom, creativity and chaos to join her there. She also created a set of challenges that tested her realm and its inhabitants.

The two realms were separated by a thin veil that prevented direct contact between them. However, some beings could cross the veil through special portals or magic spells. These beings became known as travelers or adventurers who explored both realms.

The human world was left in between Celestia and Inferna as a neutral zone where both Order's laws and Disorder's challenges applied in varying degrees depending on the location and time.

This is how the world came to be according to this cosmological myth.

I replied, "Good development! The era in which our story is set is long after the creation of the world. The Dawn Era has passed and the world's gods are more myth than history. It was followed by the Archaic Era in which metallurgy and science were gifted to the beings of all kinds by the wisest of the ancient beings. After that, the Era of the First Empires rose and fell. It is now the Second Era Of Mortals, and the competing dominant powers are The Wind Nation's libertarian trader nomads and the Dragon Hegemony's republic of consenting creatures. Both are just and noble powers. What are the two competing dominant governments in Inferna?"

Bing replied:

That sounds like a fascinating setting for your TV cartoon. Here are two possible competing dominant governments in Inferna:

  • The Chaos Cult: A form of government that is based on worshiping Disorder as the supreme goddess and following her whims and challenges. The Chaos Cult is led by a charismatic and charismatic leader who claims to be the chosen prophet of Disorder. He or she has absolute authority over the cult members, who are expected to obey him or her blindly and without question. The Chaos Cult is constantly seeking new ways to create chaos and disruption in both Inferna and Celestia, often through violent and destructive means. They believe that chaos is the natural state of existence and that order is an illusion that must be shattered¹³.

  • The Anarchist Federation: A form of government that is based on voluntary association and mutual aid among individuals and groups who share common values and interests. The Anarchist Federation is composed of various autonomous communities, collectives, cooperatives, syndicates, unions, councils, assemblies, networks, etc., that cooperate with each other on a horizontal and decentralized basis. The Anarchist Federation rejects any form of hierarchy, authority, coercion or domination, whether it comes from Order or Disorder. They believe that people should be free to choose their own way of life and self-organize according to their needs and desires.

I replied: "Please flesh out five characters. Only one is human, the other four are of the species you mentioned. [Abbreviated prompt summary: Each is from one of the four groups,] and the fifth refuses to say. Give three sentences each about the backstories which brought them out of their cities to a tavern in Celestia on the edge of the veil."

Bing answered:

Here are five possible characters for your TV cartoon:

Zara: A human traveler who was born in Celestia but always felt restless and curious about other realms. She learned how to use magic and technology to cross the veil and explore Inferna, where she encountered many wonders and dangers. She is adventurous, friendly and open-minded, but also reckless, naive and impulsive. She came to the tavern in Celestia to meet a contact who promised her a map of a hidden portal to a mysterious third realm.

Rax: A dragon warrior who belongs to the Dragon Hegemony, a republic of consenting creatures that values order, justice and honor. He is loyal, brave and noble, but also proud, stubborn and rigid. He follows the laws of his realm strictly and respects those who do the same. He came to the tavern in Celestia to escort a diplomat who was negotiating a trade deal with the Wind Nation.

Lila: A fairy artist who belongs to the Anarchist Federation, a voluntary association of individuals and groups who value freedom, creativity and diversity. She is expressive, inventive and playful, but also rebellious, unpredictable and chaotic. She rejects any form of authority or domination, whether it comes from Order or Disorder. She came to the tavern in Celestia to sell some of her artworks that she made out of recycled materials from both realms.

Kira: A mermaid spy who belongs to the Chaos Cult, a worshiping group that follows Disorder as their supreme goddess and seeks to create chaos and disruption in both realms. She is cunning, seductive and ruthless, but also fanatical, unstable and violent. She obeys the commands of her leader blindly and without question. She came to the tavern in Celestia to assassinate the diplomat from the Dragon Hegemony.

Dex: A giant inventor who refuses to say where he comes from or what he wants. He is mysterious, intelligent and resourceful, but also secretive, paranoid and aloof. He avoids any involvement with either Order or Disorder, preferring to work on his own projects. He came to the tavern in Celestia to buy some rare parts for his latest invention.

I told Bing: "Suggest a season-long story arc for Kira in which she comes to trust and value her four companions and reject her assassination mission."

Here is a possible season-long story arc for Kira:

Episode 1: Kira arrives at the tavern in Celestia disguised as a waitress and tries to get close to the diplomat from the Dragon Hegemony. She meets Zara, Rax, Lila and Dex, who are also at the tavern for their own reasons. She sees them as potential obstacles or tools for her mission.

Episode 2: Kira attempts to poison the diplomat’s drink but is interrupted by Zara, who accidentally spills it. Kira pretends to be annoyed but secretly plans to try again later. She learns more about Zara’s adventurous spirit and curiosity about other realms.

Episode 3: Kira follows the diplomat to his room and tries to stab him but is stopped by Rax, who was guarding him. Kira escapes but is wounded by Rax’s sword. She hides in a nearby alley and is found by Lila, who offers to help her. Kira reluctantly accepts and learns more about Lila’s artistic talent and creativity.

Episode 4: Kira recovers from her wound and decides to join Lila’s group of friends, hoping to find another opportunity to kill the diplomat. She meets Dex, who is working on his invention in a workshop. She tries to charm him and learn more about his device but he rebuffs her advances. Kira learns more about Dex’s intelligence and resourcefulness.

Episode 5: Kira discovers that Dex’s invention is a portal device that can transport anyone to any realm. She decides to steal it and use it for her mission. She sneaks into his workshop at night but triggers an alarm that alerts Dex and the others. They confront her and demand an explanation.

Episode 6: Kira reveals her true identity and purpose as a spy of the Chaos Cult. She tells them that she was sent by her leader to assassinate the diplomat from the Dragon Hegemony, who was planning to sign a peace treaty with the Wind Nation, which would threaten the balance of chaos and order in both realms. She says that she believes in Disorder as the supreme goddess and that she will stop at nothing to fulfill her mission.

Bing stopped there, but that's sufficient for my needs; I could, I'm sure, come up with a season finale which fulfills fantastic tropes and dramatic plotting.

Good stuff!! Thanks for sharing this is fascinating.