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Culture War Roundup for the week of May 1, 2023

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On the face of it, I don’t see any strategic reason for NATO or the Allie’s to really invest in a free Ukraine.

I'm pretty sure what you mean is you don't see reason for US / Canada to invest in a free Ukraine. For European Nato countries there are blatantly obvious reasons such as Russia being a hostile country just a 1000 km away from most and neighbouring others (including direct threats by multiple high officials that several Nato countries "are really part of Russia").

It's fine if you think US should be isolationist but don't pretend that you can speak for Europe.

just a 1000 km away

This is a very... American diagnosis of the European psyche.

Europe is smaller, and more crowded than America. And psychologically, Europeans are used to implacable hatred of everyone in the next valley. So 1000km away to a European may as well be on the moon. It is as much "not worth worrying about" as 13000km is to an American. So as far as agenda-setting of national policies goes, Russia may as well be as distant and irrelevant to European countries as it is from the USA.

Estonia, maybe, has cause for concern. But the Western European nations who are gun-running to Kiev? They have zero legitimate interest in Ukraine, just like America.

You're explaining european psychology to a european... Aren't you american?

Why would we let russia expand its sphere militarily at our doorstep? Better to fight them in kiev than in warsaw, better in warsaw than in berlin. Imagine domino theory, except the dominoes are your friends and there's only 2 dominoes between you and the enemy.

If it's in Europe's self interest, then they should do the heavy lifting of money and materiel. US taxpayers will eventually grow weary of subsidizing the defense of people who get far more vacation time and unlimited free healthcare,and are awfully smug about it besides.

One day you’ll determine whether we’re vassals with no agency or hyper-agentic manipulators exploiting your selflessness. In the meantime, do what you gotta do, pal.

Por que no los dos *cherubic smile*

Is it possible to unite the two views? If you look at similar theories of manipulation by jews, or perfidious anglos, or women, it's difficult to argue that they are NPCs as well. You really have to pick either superior or inferior, corresponding to feelings of hate or contempt respectively, and go with it. Or neither, that's always an option, I don't hate or despise americans. I'm just trying to give some semblance of coherence to your antagonism, throw me a friggin' bone here.