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Culture War Roundup for the week of June 19, 2023

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  1. On balance Russia is wrong. But the cartoon cut out of “Russia bad” is over the top.

  2. There was on-going anti Russian people attacks in the Donbas. If there were a community of Americans living in Mexico that came under attack I imagine Uncle Sam might have something to say.

  3. The 2014 coup and Ukraine buddying up to Nato suggests Ukraine was in some sense threatening Russia’s interests (the same way the US flipped out re Cuba and the USSR and the same way the US will flip out over PRC and Cuba).

  4. Now I do think these issues, while influencing Russia, were not the principal reasons behind the Russian war (ie imperialism). So on balance I think Russia is the bad actor. But it isn’t the carton some people pretend.

If there were a community of Americans living in Mexico that came under attack I imagine Uncle Sam might have something to say.

American citizens regularly get kidnapped by cartels in Mexico.

There was on-going anti Russian people attacks in the Donbas. If there were a community of Americans living in Mexico that came under attack I imagine Uncle Sam might have something to say.

There were indeed, e.g.

(please read the articles)

The 2014 coup

It wasn't a coup. If you make an inflammatory statement — provide the evidence.

The legitimately elected leader of the country was chased away by men with guns. How is it not a coup?

You can argue that it was a good and necessary coup, but I can't see how you escape framing the undemocratic and disorderly ouster of Yanukovych as anything other than a coup.

The legitimately elected leader of the country was chased away by men with guns. How is it not a coup?

Do you have a video of him being chased away by men with guns? He was voted out by Rada.

"Coup" is a charged word, and is used to paint the protest, and post-Maidan government by extension, as illegitimate. So why not "Revolution"? Because it is reserved for events like American revolution, and pro-Ru Americans, despite them siding with Russians and Chinese, still venerate the Founding Myth?

The American revolution wasn't a coup, since it didn't topple the previous government but separated from it. George didn't have to flee to another country.

The US constitution, there's a coup.

Is it based on any academically accepted definition? Because then French Revolution isn't a revolution either.

My french constitutional lexicon says that a coup d'état is the overthrow of a power through illegal, usually violent, means by someone invested with authority.

Louis was overthrown, Georges wasn't. The ARW was secession, not a coup.

So Maidan wasn't a coup either. An agreement has been reached, for an interim government to be formed, where Janukovich is still the president, and opposition leaders form the cabinet. But then Janukovich-controlled police shot at protestors, and he just left. He wasn't killed like Gadaffi. You might say — he was afraid for his life. But that is his problem. After that, Rada held a vote for his removal.

Those are just basic fact. They are a bit different from Russia Today version of events though, where violent Azov thugs chase the president and become the power, I understand.

He was afraid for his life but it was his problem

So it is a coup. Intimidation counts.

Les cent jours were a coup. And Louis fled from Napoleon in similar fashion.

You can claim all you want the Emperor is the legitimate ruler of France and he didn't take power so much as stepped in after the king's dereliction of duty, we both know that's not how power works.

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Wikipedia is far from a trusted source especially on politically relevant topics. So nope won’t read it. I’ve read enough to understand the Donbas is complex and yes there were anti Russian actions occurring. Again doesn’t make Russia correct but it complies the narrative.

As for the 2014 coup, I think most people are aware. Just because you like the freedom fighters doesn’t mean it isn’t a coup. Moreover, a cursory understanding of how the cia historically operated means any degree of uprising that “supports” globalhomo is in part astroturfed.

Wikipedia is far from a trusted source especially on politically relevant topics.

That's a nice way to deflect. The cases when Russians bombed Russian population in Ukraine controlled cities and locations are well documented. Those two are the best documented though. I also recommend to read materials from the International Court (Russia has its representatives there defending themselves, so it's not in abscence)

If you read quality source, you'd understand there is nothing deeply complex about it.

As for the 2014 coup, I think most people are aware.

"Everyone understand" is a fallacy (building consensus), and it's a bad way to introduce garbage arguments about CIA and "globalhomo". Please build a good argument for why it was a coup, but taking into account events like disappearance of Janukovich, Supreme Council of Ukraine (Rada) vote for removing him, shooting at the protestors, introduction of anti-Constitutional laws on the 16th of Jan and so on?

Please build a good argument for why it was a coup, but taking into account events like disappearance of Janukovich, Supreme Council of Ukraine (Rada) vote for removing him, shooting at the protestors, introduction of anti-Constitutional laws on the 16th of Jan and so on?

Even in the west it's called "the Maidan Revolution", no?

All of the things you list might be good reasons to have a coup, but there's no reason not to call a spade a spade.

Coup d'etat

The sudden overthrow of a government, differing from a revolution by being carried out by a small group of people who replace only the leading figures.

If you consider up to a million people in Kyiv alone a "small group", then it's a coup, sure.

I think the difference is important. Pro-Ru like to point that it was "undemocratic", and that it was instigated by CIA. While the first claim can still be supported (Janukovich wasn't deposed in an election), it is weakened by the demonstration of popular support of ousting of Janukovich. Even in Donetsk:

If we are judging how popular or democratic things are by demonstration of public support Trump creamed Biden.

We generally think voting is the appropriate method.

  1. Russia is bad for attacking Ukraine unprovoked.

  2. Even the war criminal Prigozhin who recently gained a lot of popularity in Russia said that it was a lie. Ukrainians were fighting clandestine Russian forces in Donbas.

  3. Threatening “Russia's interests” or threatening Russia? Very different things.

  4. Russian attack on Ukraine was a mistake even from the point of view of Russian supremacy because it was destined to fail. It has weakened Russia considerably and they are only themselves to blame for it. Now the question is why so many seemingly smart people don't see this? Even the baddies like Prigozhin have realized this. I can kind of understand why so many people in Russia have this delusion. The human nature of conformity forces them to adapt to follow even misguided leaders. But why many people in the west believe this nonsense that somehow Russia is going to win in Ukraine?