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Culture War Roundup for the week of September 4, 2023

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This is such a motte and bailey.

Your discontent with the procedural flaws is perfectly defensible. Even though I disagree with your assessment of the impact, I understand why you and others would feel so strongly. But then you insist that it constitutes stealing. This is wrong on the merits; it is also grossly insufficient to justify the response.

Stealing is a crime. The “violations” of the secret ballot were, as far as I can tell, quite legal. Perhaps they shouldn’t be—I found the arguments in last week’s thread quite convincing. How do you intend to bring those about? Does it involve Proud Boys hanging around polling places, deciding when the vote seems adequately secured? How do you prevent them from democratically deciding who looks too Democratic to vote?

Trespassing is also a crime, along with conspiracy, incitement, and whatever else they tossed at the rioters. They definitely should be. Whatever you think about the un-democratic quality of mail-in voting, it cannot be as bad as throwing out a vote by force. That is the central example of how democracies get dismantled, and ours is right to forbid it.

Win you get the spoils, lose you go to jail.

Hardly. Lose and flip the table, threaten your lawmakers, and demand the result be thrown out until it favors you, go to jail. Which of those factors is load-bearing?

Imagine the counterfactual world in which this mob made it to the Senate and hovered over their shoulders until getting the proclamation they wanted. Do you think that results in a more stable, honest democracy? Do you think blatant intimidation is a winning strategy? That the media won’t mine this for footage of the most intimidating rioter hovering next to the frailest, most sympathetic Senator?

The best outcome is a special election with massive turnout as Democrats (rightfully) claimed election interference. The more likely outcomes involve partisan violence. People who were already inclined to burn courthouses in the name of justice are going to take away a different lesson:

Win you get the spoils. Lose, you get to try again, so long as you can threaten violence.

But hey, at least it’d be democratic.

If you found the arguments of a flawed election as with merits then what do you think they should do? Legal of course isn’t the same thing as Democratic. Putin is the legal ruler of Russia.

Reading your arguments makes me think they did the right thing. Block the transition of power and demand a new election under Democratic principles. Limited mail-in ballots. Long election hours due to COVID to avoid crowding but that allows everyone to show up and vote. The special election is exactly what the Proud Boys asked for.

I went with the strong version of the Motte because I too found those arguments persuasive and used it as a way to present their position.

That being said I wanted this discussion to be more focused on the criminal penalties which I do find excessive. And comparing them to penalties the left has received in their protests. Plus any future issues this has with making elections more important and balance of power issues between branches.

I don’t know who would win the special election. I think both sides would have large turnout.

Bear in mind I did say a couple years would be fair. I didn’t say I agree with everything they did.

Legislate it. Use those red legislatures and Senate committees. Collect evidence about how many votes are harvested, then rub it in during campaign season. Make anyone who hands their ballot over to a collector feel like a rube. Run sting operations and put those collectors in jail when they violate state laws.

My single voting issue is electoral reform. If a candidate makes a pitch for literally anything other than FPTP, they get my vote. The existing mechanism has robbed countless third parties and compromise candidates of representation. But it’s still better than rule by force!

We talk a lot on this board about dangerous precedent. Letting an interest group invalidate an election by storming the legislature is particularly bad. One big step closer to bringing out the guillotines or the gulags. The road to hell is paved by people who insisted they’d break the rules in service of an abstract ideal.

It doesn’t matter who would have won the special election. The cat would be out of the bag, and any sufficiently violent group would have a veto of electoral results.

I didn’t comment on the sentences because I didn’t want to go through sentencing guidelines today. My impression was that they were in line. Maybe other commenters will have better answers.

We talk a lot on this board about dangerous precedent. Letting an interest group invalidate an election by storming the legislature is particularly bad.

We allow protestors to storm government buildings and interfere with proceedings all the time with little or no legal response. This seems like special pleading to me.

Funny, I was thinking the exact opposite. It’s silly to demand justice for statue-toppling and courthouse-torching, then turn around and insist that the other guys were just being good citizens.

I’m not sure how many of the CHAZ folks ended up arrested or convicted, but I hope it was a lot.

... I realize that this was meant as an off-the-cuff response, but can you provide a single example of a statue-toppling or courthouse-torching person receiving a 15+ year sentence?

Actual burned-down cars or buildings arsonists, even when doing so killed people while trying to conceal /other/ crimes, aren't getting that sort of sentence. As far as I know, even where statute-toppling nearly killed someone, as far as I know no one was convicted and the people who were charged and assisted got a sizable settlement from a local government that fired the police chief that charged them before any serious attempt at trial. Actually literally-directly-murdering a teenager in cold blood at CHOP/CHAZ? 14 years

In theory, the guy who plotted to kill Kavanaugh could by statute get sentenced to literally anything, if the court case ever starts, but if I'm reading the sentencing guidelines probably maybe he'd get 14 years at the high end?

Obviously it's easy to draw a thousand lines such that each reference case is a class of one, and there's a million ways you can talk about how all those other protests that interfere with various proceedings are totally separate such that it's absolutely reasonable for them to end with an arrest and no charges ever being brought. But it's kinda hard to draw lines without making the Texas Sharpshooter's Fallacy obvious.

And that's... kinda the issue. You can well say how much you hope that anything near this gets smacked down with a sledgehammer no matter who does it, but if you want to actually have a norm what matters is what people actually see happening, and the last time a progressive-themed group got hit hard for anything on this class involved a literal bombing, and even that ended up becoming a cause celebre.

That’s exactly the issue!

Why should we expect similar charges and sentences in these two scenarios?

One one hand, we have various obviously dysfunctional, obviously embattled city police departments. The bureaucrats who fund and control them are somewhere between uncooperative and actively hostile. They are pursuing chaotic, personal crimes.

On the other, we have the security apparatus of the most powerful country in the world. Its directing bureaucracy feels, for once in their lives, personally threatened. They also have a short list of high-profile suspects who carefully organized and documented their participation.

Which of these two do you think will be better at building a case?

It is unreasonable to expect a tragic accident among protestors to spawn comparable charges to a deliberate plan. It is impractical to compare the FBI’s resources and political will to those of random police departments. And it is irresponsible to insist that, when these vastly different scenarios yield any difference in outcome, it is proof of an insidious conspiracy.

Out of all these examples, the best intuition pump is the murder at CHAZ. Did Tarrio’s crime really deserve harsher sanction than an actual murder? I’m not sure. I can’t find information on his plea. His subordinates certainly didn’t earn such sentences. At best, it’s the old problem of utilitarianism, adding and distributing harms until our intuition complains.

But I think it’s telling that the murder—the most heinous crime which can be thrown at the feet of a BLM protestor—gets closest to your sharpshooter’s 15-year line.

I don’t believe for a minute that Trump supporters would be satisfied with 13-year sentences for the ringleaders. There is no line. Only the belief that there was an injustice, and a search for the facts which will best support it.

  • -13

Why should we expect similar charges and sentences in these two scenarios?

Because some people are still stupid enough to maintain a belief in equal protection under the law.

It is unreasonable to expect a tragic accident among protestors to spawn comparable charges to a deliberate plan.

A massive amount of the popular consensus against the Jan 6th protesters was secured through coordinated lies about the death of Officer Sicknick, which was in fact a tragic accident, but was presented for months as a deliberate murder in order to demonize everyone who attended the protest. Likewise, there is zero reason to describe the chaotic destruction of public property, which was without doubt deliberately planned, as a "tragic accident". People did dangerous, stupid things on purpose, and fucked a person up so bad they nearly died. If I rob a bank and fire a bunch of rounds to keep the cops' heads down, and one of those bullets hits a kid in the gut, that's a crime, not a "tragic accident".

But of course, as this as in all things, framing is everything.

And it is irresponsible to insist that, when these vastly different scenarios yield any difference in outcome, it is proof of an insidious conspiracy.

No, it isn't. We have ample evidence that the authorities play favorites in their enforcement of the law. Having seen that evidence, it is no longer reasonable expect us to grant them the benefit of the doubt when outcomes differ. Maybe you're right, and partisan motives have nothing to do with it this time. But they burned the trust required to accept that explanation, and nothing was done, and so the trust is no longer a viable option.

I don’t believe for a minute that Trump supporters would be satisfied with 13-year sentences for the ringleaders.

Trump supporters don't see riot organizers getting 13-year sentences for approved riots. Why would they accept 13-year sentences for this riot? The correct sentence is a night in jail to polish the radical credentials and arrange good photo-ops, and then a polite release.

You're thinking of the Angela Davis track, where one conspires in an armed attack on our lawful institutions resulting in multiple murders, which leads to tenured positions at premiere educational institutions. Easy mistake to make.

Equal protection implies equal crimes.

I am not basing my condemnation on Officer Sicknick. He’s not mentioned in these extreme charges, either. If anyone was charged in his death, I haven’t seen it—what was the resulting sentence?

Your bank robbery hypothetical smuggled in an innocent bystander instead of a willing accomplice. I’d think you would endorse the cops saying “live by the sword…” rather than demanding justice for a bank robber wounded by his conspirators. And it’s not like accidental injuries are a surefire way to get charged.

As for Dr. Davis, I observe she was in fact charged and acquitted. Perhaps the police bit off more than they could chew, charging her with kidnapping and murder? Or the CPUSA played dirty by defending her with jury selection and expert witnesses? If you’d like to argue that it was all witness intimidation and political pressure, be my guest—it’s always interesting to read about the wild days of the 1970s.

The Jan. 6 actions are obviously not the same as any of these. They were less violent, more coordinated, and targeted different people. You can’t find BLM protestors getting away with 40 USC §5104(e) for the same reason that you won’t see Proud Boys getting bargains for statue-toppling: they aren’t committing the same crimes. Different crimes, different charges, different outcomes.