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Culture War Roundup for the week of September 11, 2023

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So the Republican speaker of the house has decided to open an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden’s business dealings with hunter. I have serious doubts that this will go very far as democrats still control the senate. This looks like an attempt to stir up the base for re-election season.

I personally see this as a big distraction as we have a lot of very serious problems that need to be addressed. BRICs, Taiwan, Ukraine, inflation, and

If you don’t punish the most obvious bribery scandal at the national level in probably a century, then you clearly invite more bribery. All of the other things are more important in the short term, but for the long term health of the government you must punish obvious bribery.

Also, it isn’t clear it won’t go anywhere. If the inquiry can show (1) that Joe Biden personally benefited, (2) that State Dept didn’t want to fire the prosecutor (which seems like it was already proven) and (3) there were payments to Joe Biden shortly afterwards, then (4) Democrats would be forced with either trying to rally behind an obviously corrupt unpopular president or dumping said president for someone who might not be as tainted.

The real question is can the inquiry provided enough hard evidence to make the case beyond a reasonable doubt. Right now the Republicans have enough evidence that most people believe Biden is a crook. The question is whether this inquiry will turn that belief into knowledge. If so, then even democrats will vote to convict (or more likely Democrats like Obama will pull a Barry Goldwater)

I don't think there is enough evidence, aside from Biden being way too lenient with Hunter. And the Democrats are not going to want even the notion of corruption associated with the party, as it would be if they dumped Biden or even co-operated with this effort. Their only bet is to keep denying and keep fighting.

Besides, remember Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, and the big name feminists who made jokes about giving Bill a blow-job in return for what he and the Democratic Party did/would do for 'women's rights' in power. There's a lot of rotten behaviour both parties will tolerate in Their Guy if he's in power and seems the best chance for them to hang on to that power.

What is the evidence that isn’t compelling to you?

Is it the fact that multiple people have stated Biden was to get money doesn’t seem fishy? Was it Biden using aliases to set up calls with Burisma while CCing Hunter not being blatant enough? Was it that the state department believed in the AG that Biden fired in contradiction to state department policy being just an internal disagreement? Was it the massive string of corporate shells set up that triggered 72 money laundering alarm bells being just a way for Hunter to avoid taxes? Was it the statement by an FBI informant that is consistent with those shell corporations being just a statement from an informant? It must just be normal in the Biden family for all members to get paid for nothing from Hunter’s activities. Do we just accept that Biden met with people at Cafe Millano to just discuss the weather? Is it that to date no one has been able to prove any alleged facts are incorrect but maybe at some point someone will?

I’ve left out other evidence. There is a pattern and practice here.

If they have solid evidence, then the impeachment may well go ahead.

The problem then is, will they impeach? All this allegedly happened when Joe was VP in the last but one administration. Can a sitting president be impeached and removed for what he might have done in a different role?

This is genuinely legally interesting to me, if anyone has any news, views or informed opinion (or even uninformed speculation!)

Dershowitz takes the view no. I disagree. If it was impeachable while he was VP and he was impeached at such time, he would be ineligible to become president. Since there is no apparent SOL, it seems to me that one cannot escape being impeached for a crime while one was an officer of the United States even if not currently that office.

There was a lot of discussion when Trump was being impeached the second time.

If it was impeachable while he was VP and he was impeached at such time, he would be ineligible to become president.

Not necessarily. Impeachment trials do have the option to remove the official without disqualifying him/her from future office, and this happens fairly often.

Also, impeaching a VP has never been done and would be somewhat Constitutionally weird, since the judge at an impeachment trial is normally the VP and the only exception is if the impeached official is the POTUS. So the VP would be judge at his own trial.

Certainly impeaching/removing/disqualifying Biden while he was VP would have prevented him from becoming POTUS, though.