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Small-Scale Question Sunday for November 26, 2023

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

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I would assume that Kamala Harris would be the backup Dem.

Probably not, given people don't really like her.

Leaving aside the question about whether a VP has ever been more popular than their president2, it’s remarkable how little enthusiasm there is about the prospect of a Harris candidacy or presidency. I’m not particularly well-connected among Democratic Party establishment types — it’s just not my crowd. But between the conversations I have had with people in those circles and my “normie D” friends, I don’t think I ever heard a single person advocate that Biden should settle for one term and let Harris run instead. Hell, even in her column that did advocate for Biden to step down, New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg — who I find to be a consistently thoughtful reader of progressive sentiment — conspicuously mentioned that the alternative didn’t have to be Harris, citing Harris’s poor polling.

... It’s also a pretty consistent pattern; Harris polled worse than Biden in literally every poll that I could find. And I’d note that it’s not just a matter of Harris performing worse against Trump because she’s less well-known and so more voters flow into the undecided column. Instead, Trump actually gained vote share against her, getting 46 percent of the vote against Harris as compared to 44 percent against Biden.

... However, Harris has run for president before and it didn’t go well — it didn’t go well at all. Considered one of the frontrunners5 for the Democratic nomination when she launched her campaign in January 20196, Harris wound up dropping out of the race in December, well before the Iowa caucuses. It was in the Scott Walker/Jeb Bush/Phil Gramm/Ed Muskie/Rick Perry tier of epic primary season flameouts.

Whatever process got her into the VP slot is disconnected enough from those polls that it might still apply today.

Ugh. Biden, please hold on for the rest of your term!

Is it bad that I kind of want to see a Trump-Kamala matchup?

And the backup veep?

The only way it would be Harris is if Biden dies after winning the election, at which point it would be generally expected that 'his' electors would choose Harris in December. If either candidate dies between the conventions and the election, the DNC or RNC can choose a new candidate, and again the expectation would be that states would make sure that said chosen candidate could run.

If Biden dies before the election the exact order of events depends on when in the primary calendar it happens, but I'd expect that Gavin Newsom would become the candidate. If Trump does, the field will be much more open, it's hard to say what would happen now or what the RNC would do.