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Culture War Roundup for the week of December 25, 2023

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Surely you are not suggesting that it’s not possible to reason probabilistically about who is more or less likely to shoplift?

Demographically no, behaviorally on the other hand...

I half suspect that the prog preoccupation with idpol and demographics stems from an underdeveloped sense of social awareness. IE that in lacking the normal predator/danger sense and background theory-of-mind they find themselves defaulting to coarser easier to read signals.

You are still doing "dems are the real racists" bit, huh.

Ages ago there was this youtube cartoon (or maybe it was still in the Flash era of internet animation), where the running gag was the main character facing a barrage of extremely witty and elaborate insults, responding with "you fucking moron...", and walking off with a satisfied smile, and triumphant music. I can't think of a better portrayal of the "dems are the real racists" dynamic. Like yes, they very obviously are. They publish pages upon pages of academic literature describing in detail how people should be judged by the color of their skin, and how it's morally wrong to say things like "there's only one race - the human race".

On one hand, I understand how we've had this conversation a thousand times before and there's not much more to add, but I don't understand how people sneering at "dems are the real racists" get to pretend they've decisively won (other than by brute censorship, that is).

but I don't understand how people sneering at "dems are the real racists" get to pretend they've decisively won

The people sneering at "dems are the real racists" haven't won. They're doing the sneering because the dems won, and pointing out they are real racists doesn't harm them in the slightest.

Yeah, I misjudged who I was responding to, but I have issues with that side using the sneer as well. It's fine and well to point out you're not going to stop them from being racist by calling them racist, but that's not what Hlynka was doing, so the whole thing ends up looking like "we must become our enemy to defeat them".

It's not "we must become our enemy to defeat them", it's "we must use tactics which work, even if the enemy has used them". "Democrats are the real racists" doesn't work. It convinces nobody of anything. Hlynka's preference is to keep losing without a fight and keep retreating into the smaller and smaller areas (both literal and figurative) the progressives haven't completely stomped, and hope the Second Coming happens before he runs out of area. That's why the scorn.

It's not "we must become our enemy to defeat them", it's "we must use tactics which work, even if the enemy has used them". "Democrats are the real racists" doesn't work.

And what are the tactics which work? From the outside it looks like a fight between "the enemy won by calling us racist, we must call them racist!" and "no you moron, the enemy won by being racist, we must be racist!". I agree and disagree with both, we can lay to rest the idea of using accusations of racism to win, but it seems worthwhile remind ourselves to not actually endorse racism.

As long as your enemy defines what 'racist' is, you have to be willing to endorse things that they call 'racism' and you don't. Instead, Republican Good People fall for the purity spiral and back away from anything the Democrats call racist (such as the idea that black people commit more violent crime than would be expected based on population)

you have to be willing to endorse things that they call 'racism' and you don't.

Well, the whole issue seems to be the Hlynka does find it racist, and isn't just applying the labels of the other side. There's something to be said about this not helping your win, but every once in a while people are going to discuss what they actually believe, rather than using arguments to win the Culture War. It seems to me we're in the former scenario rather than the latter.

Republican Good People fall for the purity spiral and back away from anything the Democrats call racist (such as the idea that black people commit more violent crime than would be expected based on population)

If Democrats have the power of defining 'racism', and he's purity spiraling, why doesn't he go all the way, and tell us how anti-white racism is ok because of our white privilege?

I don't think he ever denied the fact that black people commit more crime, or called pointing that fact out racist. My impression is that the contention is about the reasons why they're doing it, and I think I have a firm grasp over why each sides takes their respective position on that debate. What I don't see is how "Dems are the real racists" enters into it. From what I understand, you believe that his framing it this ways plays into the Dems' hands by allowing them to point at things like the differences in crime rates as proof of "systemic racism". I think this is wrong for two reasons:

  • He does not seem to buy into the idea that crime rate differences are proof of racism any more than you, or anyone else here.
  • As you said yourself, the Dems define what is racist, so the framing he chooses is irrelevant. No matter what he says he will be racist, so his framing does not play into the enemies hands any more than yours.
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