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Culture War Roundup for the week of January 1, 2024

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I'm going to take this opportunity to ask a question that has been bubbling whenever (racial) HBD comes up as a topic on this forum: do HBD advocates equally call for recognition of intra-racial HBD between classes, or does it stop at skin color?

No, this is just another gotcha. "Poor people" are not a race. We could imagine a world where assortative mating was such that there were distinct (if not perfectly so) populations separated by income level; perhaps it would look something like a society with non-interbreeding castes. The US, at least, is not such a place (though it may be moving in that direction)

I don't understand your argument here. Human Bio-Diversity, on its face, says nothing about race. Only about humans. If humans are of different ability levels, and it is correct to discriminate based on them, I don't see why I should only choose to discriminate based on race and not on other useful parameters, like education level and income.

I don't understand your argument here.

I think you do. Your argument is just a dressed-up version of "You HBD proponents are just a bunch of racists, if you really believed in HBD rather than just hating the blacks, you'd apply your lens to poor people as well."

Human Bio-Diversity, on its face, says nothing about race. Only about humans.

No, if that was all human bio-diversity said, only the most radical tabula rasa leftists would disagree. HBD as it is normally espoused also says that distinct populations of humans have different average levels of ability, which are genetically determined.

Your argument is just a dressed-up version of "You HBD proponents are just a bunch of racists, if you really believed in HBD rather than just hating the blacks, you'd apply your lens to poor people as well."

I'm really not seeing what your point is here, you've just restated a weaker version of the point I'm making. Who the cap fit let them wear it. You haven't provided any counter evidence. Just because you view it as a gotcha doesn't mean it didn't get ya.

HBD as it is normally espoused also says that distinct populations of humans have different average levels of ability, which are genetically determined.

Yes, and it generally settles on identifiable racial categories as everyday shorthand for those genetic traits. But I fail to see how or why that observation would be limited to one, messy, shorthand when society provides us with an excellent, individually tested shorthand: income and education level. Fine argue that one or the other is better or worse; if I accept HBD's moral bases why wouldn't I want to apply both to benefit myself, my family, my nation? Without a strong racist or wignat element introduced, focusing purely on the IQ supremacy and criminality planks that typically define HBD discourse, what justification is there to not discriminate against poor whites? They've demonstrated all the outcomes you decry as evidence of genetic inferiority.

How many generations of stupidity do I need evidence of before I can write it off as genetics? The stupid children of stupid parents? Stupid children with 3/4 stupid grandparents? We can find many millions of those in America.

You haven't provided any counter evidence. Just because you view it as a gotcha doesn't mean it didn't get ya.

I gave you the main reason it's not true. I don't need to go through a lot of effort to refute a cheap gotcha with an obvious flaw, I merely need point to the flaw.

HBD as it is normally espoused also says that distinct populations of humans have different average levels of ability, which are genetically determined.

Yes, and it generally settles on identifiable racial categories as everyday shorthand for those genetic traits.

The people who are really into it have various sorts of categories. HBD Chick is well known for talking about groups which originate on one side or the other of the Hajnal line. As I mentioned, castes in India fit the bill too. But race pretty much works in the US (at least as long as you split "Asian" up somewhat), and is the most relevant politically.

How many generations of stupidity do I need evidence of before I can write it off as genetics? The stupid children of stupid parents? Stupid children with 3/4 stupid grandparents? We can find many millions of those in America.

More than one, which is why "poor people" doesn't work as a relevant group.

More than one, which is why "poor people" doesn't work as a relevant group.

This seems silly? What exactly is lost by treating "poor people" as a relevant group? I guess I don't see the relevant differences.

It would be quite surprising if they were the same along all traits as elites, because of factors like those originally pointed out by @FiveHourMarathon: there is obviously selection going on as people find their positions in society, and assortative mating will help those clusters to be distinct. I see no reason not to look at additional, smaller, clusters beyond race.

Our default assumption should be that it is partially genetic, since that seems true of a great many things about human differences.

It's fine to compare groups even if they interbreed, as long as it's not an even mixing between them—statistical differences should be preserved (for how long depends on how strong the selection and interbreeding is).

They're not a separate population; all they have in common is being poor. Same reason it makes sense to consider Ashkenazi Jews as a population (in the sense of HBD) but not people born on the Fourth of July.

I literally argued that we can treat them as a separate population in a useful manner. Are you going to address that, instead of merely asserting it?

Or is your complaint that there's no clear lines, and only a spectrum? I see no reason why that should change our ability to talk about it.

Nor is there any reason why only having one feature in common should mean that we can't look at things with respect to that feature. (and, of course, it's not quite the one feature in common—everything that correlates with poverty will be something they are statistically more likely to have as well, and vice versa)

It's obvious why people born on the Fourth of July is useless: it has no correlation with genetics, and it causes no persistent groups. Socioeconomic class is not like that. Yes, there is class mobility, and intermarriage, but statistically, people are more likely to stay somewhere around where they started, relatively speaking. Of course, this varies from individual to individual, but there's no reason for it not to be useful on a population level.

There's no reason to require millenia-old groups to be able to talk about human genetics. All that matters are group differences derived in part from genotypes.

There's no reason to require millenia-old groups to be able to talk about human genetics. All that matters are group differences derived in part from genotypes.

And what grouping usefully includes both dirt-poor Zeke from Appalachia and dirt-poor Malcolm from Alabama? You can see how blacks are a useful (if fuzzy at the edges) group; they've got sub-Saharan African ancestry. Same for Scots-Irish, or Cajuns or various other ethnicities. But "poor people" in America just don't work as such a group.

Sure, I could treat poor people as a whole as a group and maybe note that "Hey, people who are poor also tend to do poorly on standardized tests". And that would be interesting. But I don't think it falls within HBDs domain.

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