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Getting trapped into promising federal / congressional restrictions would be a big mistake and highly unpopular.

Among the general populace, yes.

But getting into the White House or, worse yet, doing so and having the House and the Senate, and then doing nothing would disillusion a huge part of the base.

No win.

I can imagine certain types of shows working with those sorts of premises, but the key there is there would be no dialog between our pro/antagonists except before and after action sequences. So our cyberpunk drone operator sequence would be cool but it would have to be a thing where all the talking happens by characters that aren't our drone operators, maybe observers in a meeting room or something.Can't have them communicate via comms since that would cause them to get caught by the other operator.

The only other example I know of is The fan animation astartes which you know isn't even a real show. Reading /r/combatfootage sort of shows just how hard it is to even come close to making modern weapons interesting storytelling, you walk around in a trench and then boom an artillery round killed you. No drama between you and the antagonist, just nothing nothing nothing dead.

As for the saga of Tanya the Evil, it's a decently popular show, but definitely not some major franchise like the MCU or something. The author of the novels is clearly some guy who played a lot of Hearts of Iron 4 and also clearly read a lot of World war history novels before making the original books. Unlike live action, the animation actually can make explosions ect that "look" real because in spite of the cartoons not being real this means the stupid cartoon can have the bullet actually go through the persons head. According to imdb it's probably about in the top 15% of shows ratings wise. Now I will admit the show really does use rational tactics for the mages, having them provide cover fire, spot for artillery and engage in aerial bombardments, even though it's a show about magical girls. (heck one of the main villains is called Mary Sue :D) But it's a major exception, and one I'm a big fan of.

That's a good point. I doubt Trump ever did the old "baby I love you, but I need you to get this abortion because I can't leave my wife for you just yet. Come on, it's for us!"

More like "you and I both know it's 1-in-10 I'm the father, how's that paternity suit going to work out for you?"

The ruling class only are so because they are willing to organize against everyone else. It is always thus. The day they stop is the day they get supplanted by another minority who is willing to grasp power.

It's a big club, and you ain't in it.

The question is, I think, a little bit misleading, because humans don't live in a vacuum - they have real desires and needs that require other humans, or some kind of human society, to meet. That's the real challenge, not questions of human worth so far abstracted away from the actual problems we face as to be irrelevant.