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Advanced search parameters (with examples): "author:quadnarca", "", "over18:true"

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Bird flu remains mostly a threat for chicken flocks, birds are very different from mammals and don't have as good a history of mutation to affect humans like pigs do.

There is also a variant of Ebola in swine that is hypothesized to have an airborne transmission, which is fun.

It is still mostly about food prices tho.


Well, was definitely pretty off on some of these. I should have thought about how the rich lady's death was heavily foreshadowed given the ending of the opera. I liked how they had her become Jack Bauer and nail three people while firing randomly with her eyes half closed; it's the rule of cool so that makes it ok. I guess I grudgingly liked that they killed her off anyway because at the end of the day, she is an idiot. But I still think it's lazy writing to have her prenup be structured for the husband to inherit all her money if she died. I mean, this is idiotic, right? Surely you'd set up some clause that says in the event of accidental death or anything unnatural, the spouse gets nothing.

I liked the pimp-being-a-paid-actor plot twist. Did not see that coming.

Krugman was right about the Internet at least in terms of aggregate productivity/gdp growth. It’s true that we switched dramatically from using red widgets to blue widgets to do basic communication tasks but sort of so what.


Yes, since it's more likely it'll find a path to humans (and bonus points for the last "burn the world" emergency having been the uncommon cold, we know exactly how much it cost us now, and we're more likely to reject safety measures now even if they're actually warranted because safetyists burned their social credit on said overreaction).

No, because I prefer a dignified life to a safe one and those things taste good.

Well, it's more than a nothingburger. At minimum, public education will be forever changed by LLMs doing assignments for kids. At the same time, I disagree with the projections coming from the AI enthusiast/AI doomer camps. I don't expect to see anytime soon:

  • an AI-generated serial hitting the Top 500 views on Royal Road
  • an AI-generated humor Youtube channel cracking 50k subscribers
  • an AI-generated Op-Ed or political essay trending on X

What I mean by these choices is that I don't expect AI to do even very low-brow creative work within a decade. (Except by technicality, wherein the popularity comes from "Look what an AI did", or a human has directed the creative process behind the scenes.) Let alone the sort of self-improving singularity bootstrap AI fans/blackpillers are expecting.