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It's been shocking how bad the Israeli propaganda ops are, like there's now a complete disconnect between Israel and American jewry.
But on the other hand we can see signs of immense power still in the hands of older US Jews in media. Papers like the NYT have been relatively unbiased despite their junior staff wanting to turn it into the Hamas Daily. There's a moderating energy that was completely missing during the hysteria of 2020, and I think it's safe to ascribe it to Jewish senior staff putting their feet down.

I’ve had bear meat on several occasions, and while it is good, I don’t think it’s that much better than venison, squirrel, or beef. It’s also not exotic enough. Mammoth, whale, and giant tortoise meat all seem like winners though.

You should try to elaborate on making it a bit more clear.

Yes, protesters are important for democracy, for if they didn't protest, what excuse for political action would there be ?

the Golem is running amok on college campuses but is flexing as much political power as ever

Are you suggesting these protesters were funded, all along, by the same people who are now using the protests as an excuse to pass anti-semitism legislation ? (that, if it passes, is probably going to be struck down as unconstitutional, pretty soon )

You need to train your voice so it's not horrible. It used to be rather common, now is much less so.

It was really kinda unfair showing them one that wasn't labelled in Urdu or Persian or a related script though..

The recording industry managed to spread the idea that non-professionals singing is lame and embarrassing.

How did they accomplish this? What was the vehicle of delivery for this idea? Can you point me to specific sources?


Seeing as you're conversant with what to me seems like insufferable turgid nonsense, what do you make out of the claims that Hegel is being misunderstood and misclassified ?

Thus far, however, the most influential English-language account of Hegel’s Hermeticism is Eric Voegelin’s. In his essay, “Response to Professor Altizer’s ‘A New History and a New but Ancient God’” Voegelin admits that “For a long time I studiously avoided any serious criticism of Hegel in my published work, because I simply could not understand him.” The turning point came with Voegelin’s study of gnosticism, and the discovery that, “by his contemporaries Hegel was considered a gnostic thinker:” Voegelin goes on to claim that Hegel’s thought “belongs to the continuous history of modern Hermeticism since the fifteenth century."’ Voegelin’s principal statement on Hegel’s Hermeticism is a savagely polemical essay, “On Hegel: A Study in Sorcery,” referring to the Phenomenology of Spirit as a “grimoire” which “must be recognized as a work of magic — indeed, it is one of the great magic performances.”

Voegelin’s claims are unique in that he does not simply claim that Hegel was influenced by the Hermetic tradition. He claims that Hegel was part of the Hermetic tradition and cannot be adequately understood apart from it. Unfortunately, however, Voegelin never adequately developed his thesis. He never spelled out, in detail, how Hegel is a Hermetic thinker. Voegelin has, however, encouraged other scholars to develop his thesis more systematically (and more soberly). David Walsh, for instance, has written an important doctoral dissertation entitled The Esoteric Origins of Modern Ideological Thought: Boehme and Hegel (1978), in which he makes strong claims about Hegel’s indebtedness to Boehme. Gerald Hanratty has also published an extensive two-part essay, entitled “Hegel and the Gnostic Tradition” (1984-87).

I would just get on the bus. But, also, there are almost never actually lines for busses in my region, so it wouldn't come up. Even when I was taking the CTA, everyone just spreads out, there isn't a queue.

That's not demonstrating "zero respect for the target as a thinking human being" - it's being pragmatic about how to achieve some limited version of their goals and build a coalition in a representative liberal democracy.

It's A pretending to share a value that is important to B to convince B to help toward's A's policy goals, whereas A actually holds both the B and the value in contempt. One of the cleanest examples of this, historically, is the western Communist's appeal for human rights including freedom of speech, but only as it applies to their treatment by western governments. If the Communist were to take power, those rights would disappear instantly and any attempt to appeal to them on the basis of that shared value would reveal that it was never shared in the first place. There's not really a true coalition, unless you consider the conman and his mark in a coalition to steal the mark's money.

This is less clear on issues of bodily autonomy and meat production, but probably not hard to see less charitable angles if you zoom out a few levels and look at a bigger picture than just those issues.

I respect it.

Because I've seen enough cases where having the wrong type of person present acts as a barrier to inclusion (which is supposed to be good and proper and what everybody wants).

If having the wrong type of person present acts as a barrier to inclusion, then "inclusion" taken seriously is self-defeating and should be discarded as a concept. If having one type of person present discourages other types of people, you must make a choice of which to include and which to exclude; this is not "inclusion" but "discrimination".

Billionaire Jewish donors and powerful Jews in the media are working overtime to pull the most powerful levers possible to put out Israeli propaganda

I ask this out of curiosity: what Israeli propaganda are you referring to? I feel like I only ever see the following messaging these days:

  • people and organizations denouncing Israel
  • people and organizations staying as quiet as they can
  • lone jewish people writing op-eds about how scared they are and how they think everyone is out to get them and they think everyone is antisemitic

I think maybe I only ever saw one billboard that was funded by a pro Israel organization that was specifically calling out Claudine Gay.

I could believe that well-situated individuals or organizations are using more shadowy means to put pro-Israeli pressure specifically on large organizations, but I don't really feel like I've seen much in the way of propaganda that's pro-Israel. I'm thinking of propaganda as big funded things like ads, flyers, commercials, demonstrations, people giving away free stuff, benefit concerts and generally things that are designed to change the mindsets of average individuals. Mostly things seem either neutral or anti-Israel, and certainly the popular mindset seems to be moving slowly towards anti-Israel, so I'm wondering what sort of things you're referring to.

Since then, the behavior of Israel, Zionists, and frankly Jews in general has made me hate Israel just as much as I hate Iran or Saudi Arabia

Once again, I am genuinely curious about what behavior you're referring to. This might be totally obvious to everyone, and I might just be the odd-man out simply because I don't pay attention to the news very much, but I want to know what things have you seen that have changed your mind. I have seen Jewish people and Zionists I know be very defensive and quick to call things antisemitic, but that's no different now than it was before, just ramped up a bit.

The first answer to come to my mind on "Who is the most famous woman in history apart from Virgin Mary" was Cleopatra, though Queen Elizabeth II would be a great answer.

Maybe the devil is the details on this one? But my personal take is that the misandry is off the charts here. As in, I'm people saying they'd choose the bear because men are necrophilies.

The big divide I see, however, it's the same as I always seen. Theory people and practical people are just going to see things in an entirely different light. So I think for the theory people it's fun and bants, for the practical people, I think for them it becomes a bit more serious, because to essentially "obey" this concept isn't really healthy. The question really I personally have is how much should men hold themselves accountable for triggering these reactions? And it's not a theoretical, right? Because I've seen enough cases where having the wrong type of person present acts as a barrier to inclusion (which is supposed to be good and proper and what everybody wants).

Should people be aware of the effect of their presence on potential other people, or this something we're supposed to ignore and just push through?

Are they worse off? Queues are certainly good in some situations but I'm not sure that holds true for bus stops.

The recording industry managed to spread the idea that non-professionals singing is lame and embarassing. So gathering around the campfire or a piano and singing as a group is pretty unusual for adults, at least in the US & CAN.

So there's not much of an opportunity for people to spread grassroots parodies.

I don't really care about what they do to Gaza because I don't care about Palestinians. It's about the massive propaganda push they've put out in the US, the flexing of their power, and pulling the US into this disaster. If these Middle Eastern countries want to kill each other at this point I just don't care. But I don't want US tax dollars going to this and I certainly don't want all these laws being passed criminalizing the criticism of Israel. I'm just so tired of hearing about antisemitism, the Holocaust, and Israel at this point. I'm just done caring about this issue either way, and the Israel lobby shoving this in my face daily makes me hate them. My whole life I've been hearing about Jews and the Holocaust and never again and all this shit. I'm just done with it.

Personally I would have annexed Gaza (and the West bank too for good measure) and made everyone there a citizen.

Now the next time you have an election the Palestinian party wins and all the Jews get expelled or killed. Game over. Thank you for playing Middle East Peace, please come back soon.

I hate my life so much. I haven't had a date actually happen in six months.

Keep it in perspective. It could always be worse. It could be a year. It could be five years. Or a decade. Or maybe you could not date at all due I dunno, a horrible circumcision accident or something of a similar nature.

I mean, sure, people are pragmatic and meta-pragmatic all the time. I don't really see the point of this anti-lab grown meat bill, since I think meat eating is so culturally dominant that it won't be wiped out within our life times just because lab grown meat becomes affordable and widely available. More likely, vegetarianism will remain a costly social signal of a minority of people until the diet becomes indistinguishable from meat eating in terms of price and flavor, and then when it is practically effortless a law might eventually pass that bans animal slaughter altogether.

It's going to be exactly what happened with slavery. Banning slavery when an entire regional economy depends on it is difficult to accomplish, and probably requires a war and imposition of force. Living in a world where everyone has 200 to 8000 energy slaves thanks to electricity and industrialization makes being anti-slavery very easy, basically without cost to the individual. I think I would be more likely to see the point of slavery if I had to fetch my own water, grow, prepare and cook my own food from scratch, clean my clothes by hand, wash my dishes by hand, etc.

Identity based progressivism, usually recent aggressive illiberal status seeking strains.

The steel manned case for banning lab meat is that it will be shitty and maybe even less healthy at first but it'll become the default/only choice. Banning it pre-emptively means it'll be harder to introduce unless it's at least as good.

Personally I would have annexed Gaza (and the West bank too for good measure) and made everyone there a citizen. Then treat any terrorists as common criminals and punish them to the full extent of the law. This would also solve the Haredim problem in one fell swoop (or at least delay it for two generations) and crush the Israeli far right because now there are an extra two million people who'll never vote for them.

In this scenario everyone wins except for the terrorists and far right nutters; both of which are groups that deserve to have a boot stamping on their face for eternity.

Is that how lawsuits are typically brought? That thing reads like a reddit schizo post. I find myself constantly surprised how how loose lawyers are with their language in contrast to how precise engineers need to be to limit their risk exposure.

Snapping turtle tastes excellent. If they tasted anything like that I'm not surprised they were eaten.