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BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

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joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

2 followers   follows 6 users   joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


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User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

Fair. We'll leave it in your capable hands then, and good luck to you.

Nothing makes me see red like people lying about this shit. It's the most scummy, insulting, manipulative, and (given that the internet never forgets) stupid things someone can do in a discussion.

And it makes me wonder what the point of any of this is if it all comes down to who's more willing and able to gaslight everyone.

A lot, sadly. They spent over a century developing a whole ideology around it, no one else can compete

What would be your "well what if X made it ok" in that scenario then?

That's why I asked the question: what would make a bunch of people who were super into "Me Too" and abolishing any potential for sketchy behavior in school and the workplace suddenly get so evasive about this?

If It's never ok for a 25 year old professor to talk to a 22 year old student without the office door open for fear of grooming, why the reluctance to call out weird sex stuff with leftist teachers and kids? Because to an observer the explanation looks an awful lot like "we don't want to prevent that, and oppose any attempt by concerned parents to prevent it until it's fully normalized."

Quibbling over the terminology and trying to prevent any word being used to describe the behavior is just Freddie's "please just tell me what word I am allowed to use" post in action yet again.

I... Don't really understand the "emotionally charged" thing? It's one of the funny anecdotes I tell about my retarded school that was well ahead of its time, like the trips to Cuba to witness the glorious communist future, or the Buddhist convert teachers who never realized the monks were laughing at them behind their backs.

If it's a war story, it's the mildly embarrassing one about finding out that one guy wasn't just really good at gay chicken only after two dates and a very awkward shower.

But if you think it's a serious issue worth being emotional about, why can't you come out against teachers doing it?

Yeah, which is what made watching the gaslighting so upsetting, especially when all the anti-abortion guys on the motte took a victory lap after it happened. I don't have logs for it, but I'm sure some of the pro-abortion regulars do.

In fairness some of them were saying things like "holy fuck, Kavanaugh actually found his balls," indicating that they were legitimately surprised rather than going "lol libs, we fooled you all along." So it's not the most awful variant of that behavior, but there was never a moment where people went "ok, yeah, in retrospect all that panic about Roe was justified, my bad"

I guess this is why they say never meet your heroes :(

(Welcome to the motte!)

Is he or is he not at risk of deportation? Give a clear answer.

Want me to link dozens of leftist "climate warriors" saying exactly the same thing but without the sarcasm?

No, that wasn't in reference to any particular post, although I was definitely thinking about sscreader's "when you think about it, grooming kids into being castrated isn't any different than grooming them to become Anglican or not masturbate" post series.

And as a mod you can probably see that all my posts get edited 50 times, because I'm a filthy phoneposter.

If I spend an hour collecting articles, will you reply or do the Darwin ghosting thing?

Not to mention certain groups get a much higher payoff than others, depending entirely on lifespan. Statistically a black man paying into social security will only collect for a few years before death, while Asian and Jewish women will get a return many times greater by living to their late 80s.

Small differences in life expectancy turn out to be huge in terms of "years lived after age 65", and the inevitable raising of SS collection age will only make that worse.

I should have saved you guys openly saying that the light hand was there to encourage engagement until you thought you had enough of an audience to keep the place going. How else are people supposed to read that other than adding the obvious "then we can crack down and shape the contributors however we want"?

Alas, dissolving the people and electing another is not a realistic option here

Just say you want this and stop the equivocation and gaslighting. https://twitter.com/TheLaurenChen/status/1543405646049058816

And don't you fucking dare pretend it's "defense" to push this shit.

I feel like since an nrx government wouldn't have to buy votes for $10,000 a pop in handouts, inflationary spending wouldn't be a serious issue in the first place.

If prices started going up, the government's main lever would be sighing and delaying construction of the giant gold pyramid housing the AIngram of Charles I.

If that's an offer to find people one, you're going to have a lot of takers here lol. Good luck through.

Oh, thanks, I'd forgotten about that little cheese knife. In my defense I've got zero knowledge of or experience with circumcision, other than a lurking suspicion of gentiles doing it. Because that didn't work out so well last time.

Thanks! I searched .is for the tweet URLs, but nothing came up. Guess the archived one was the top tweet.

What evil image? I'm really confused about all this. He posted a random out of context meme pic that people downvoted because it was a random out of context meme pic, even though it was mildly funny.

It would have been way funnier mixed in with an actual post, tbf.

Liking hate, what are you on about?

Wow, from Karl's video you'd think the G36 had slept with his wife. Or something else that made him love it.

Thanks, I've always intended to read that. Sure there's a pdf available somewhere.

I hope Jones credited anechonicmedia for that insight.

But you can still be liable if you return fire against a home invader and hit your neighbor, which is pretty close to this case. ("Your honor, I was trying to shoot his bullets out of the air, it's not my fault I missed and those nuns got in the way")

Hey, if I have to suffer through Rüdiger Lautmann's "Die Lust am Kind" to win the groomer argument, other people should be forced to read tedious German academic books too.