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BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

2 followers   follows 6 users  
joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

2 followers   follows 6 users   joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


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User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

Hey now, if that's an accusation I would never, ever even consider doing the former of those.

Was actually considering adding the impossible trinity of "the Holocaust is fake, Hitler did nothing wrong, but also they had it coming and we'd do it again", but the post was getting pretty long already.

That one's so irritating it makes me do a magical girl transformation into Simon Wiesenthal whenever it comes up. Just pick two of the three and stop bullshitting people, damn it.

Oh God, I have some sort of sneezy cough cold thing. Never really get sick, so can anyone give advice?

So far I've just been chugging honey and apple cider vinegar (conveniently extracted the honey the day before), taking cough drops, and stuffing nasal spray in every available orifice. Is there anything else that helps?

I'm honestly very sorry for the kid who hurt himself, but it's a good thing it didn't happen last year when he probably would have gotten yelled at for trying to appropriate the pain of indigenous children or something

  • -16

Honestly, I'd fully endorse right wingers not being welcome in a community that seemingly exists to waste people's time with video games in the most useless ways possible. Maybe they could get off discords run by shut-ins and do something real.

But the worrying thing is the way petty conflicts like this work as training wheels for leftist takeovers of organizations that actually matter.

It breeds mindless no-life zealots and trains them to follow party procedures for crushing opposition, rewarding them with a taste of power when they're allowed to summon the might of corporations to hurt people they hate; the pack has already been banned by Microsoft. And a lack of victories means there's no effective training for humans to oppose them, even In Minecraft.

Edit: I offer my deepest apologies to the gamer community for the offense and hurt this poorly considered post caused. It was a heated non-gaming moment that does not represent who I am. As such, I promise to Do The Work and fund a scholarship for children to compete for the prestigious "100% achievement no-keyboard" Minecraft Speedrun category. Their bravery and commitment to this valuable skill is an inspiration to us all.

(critical theory) that in fact is rarely taught below the graduate level...

To succeed on the pilot AP African American Studies test, students will have to understand the concept of intersectionality, a way of looking at discrimination through overlapping racial and gender identities, and know that while it was written about by legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw—a leading thinker on critical race theory

Those absolute scumfuck liars. What else can you possibly say about the CRT gaslighting campaign at this point?

the history of the reparations movement and Black Lives Matter activism

Oh boy, I wonder what the "research" on those will be about.

in-depth lessons on the Black Panther Party’s free breakfast and medical programs, often seen as taboo topics to cover in class because critics historically smeared the group as violent and communist.

Of fucking course.

And just quoting them is banworthy, apparently. Looks like I was on the list.


He wasn't just using the "private company spell," he spent a week acting shocked that anyone could have a problem with the government censoring people via a partnership with Twitter. I don't think he cares about the object level issue he's talking about, it's just a way of sneering.

They're 100% running with the "Musk allows child porn on Twitter" thing. I was right about cloudflare and kiwifarms, I'm almost certain about this one.

He's done. There'll be a rape accusation within six months, and he'll have his companies taken over by the entryists that are already setting up parallel power structures within them. That's what always happens to powerful individuals who go up against the blob.

Are adult men using a gay party drug with a 12 year old boy grooming him? You've written a long post very carefully not saying anything specific and insinuating that any opposition to these specific things is just enforcing victorian morality.

Why is this? If there is nothing wrong with the specific behavior of these activists, why avoid mentioning it?

Personally I just have zero tolerance for arguments that go: "'how dare you,' she explained. 'How dare you,' she elaborated"

Last time I asked if anyone knew good English language sources for modern Holocaust scholarship, the only response was echos. I'd like to learn more, but for how emotionally invested people are there's very little effort to dredge up sources or make effort posts compared to every other topic discussed here.

Yes, I remember the "conversations" on reddit, because they were a lesson in effective gaslighting and manipulation. Month after month of tactical arguments msde in bad faith by accounts that went back to their home subs and gloated about how good they were at propaganda.

Those tricks don't work here, thank god.

The reason intentionality was such a big deal for holocaust historiography is because a lot of other nations have this on their records.

The gas chambers and skin lampshades and SS-she-wolves and Looney Tunes electric roller coasters have to be real, because if was all just starvation and cholera and slave camps and mass reprisal executions the holocaust starts looking too familiar. And it has to be seen as a categorically different and historically unique event, not just a quantitatively worse successor.

(Of course, future generations of historians might not care, and will instead prefer to treat the holocaust as just one of many related examples of "naturally evil white devils being evil")

Look up "Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher tik tok teens breast removal 'yeet the teat'"

Then look up "Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher malpractice rotted tissue"

I won't post images.

See here. All perfectly fine, I'm sure. https://twitter.com/KingChristianCS/status/1594848557843943429

No rules being violated here, no sir ma'am https://twitter.com/Droidytv25/status/1595123798466269184

Definitely no calls for immediate violence here that are apparently perfectly ok as long as it's happening to a "fascist terf woman" https://twitter.com/A7aKoala/status/1595101534047576072

Definitely no bias on the part of Twitter's moderation team. What a thing to pick on as if this makes their behavior look any better...

wherein a private company is compelled to put their ad dollars towards another company

"compelled" is a nice choice of words there. Is saying "you'd better not advertise with this company because we don't like what they say" compelling anyone? Is organizing a cartel with ink companies to deny a publisher ink if they print books you don't like compelling anyone?

Something seems perverse there to me, but it's not the concept of free speech.

I strongly disagree. Please tell me: do you believe my art teacher telling me I should come to school in women's underwear to get in touch with my true self qualifies as grooming?

I've brought this up twice now, and nobody in the "groomer is a slur" camp has deigned to state their opinion on it. I'm curious why, when it seems like such a clear example they could build trust by reassuring people they are against it. If they are, in fact, against it.

I'm putting in the new window I bought today, actually. Really dumb time of year to do it, but I liked the first one so much more than the old French doors that the project... Kinda grew again. Just DIYing a heat pump turned into a stupidly big house renovation.

How have you been?

This coy "woah, what do you have against antifa graffiti, I honestly don't understand bro, just asking questions" trolling is a really obnoxious habit. And it doesn't even accomplish anything except reinforce people's suspicions.

Is it just a reflex?

Sadly that has about as much chance of working as responding with demographic data to "look at how dumb and illiterate southern states are."

Evidence that doesn't fit the programmed frame just goes in one ear and out the other.

I'd say sexbot manufacturers, but we all know what's going to happen to them.

The only safe bet is the ever-profitable "berating men for things done to men" industry.

Optimizing individuals for group dominance isn't the same as optimizing them for personal happiness. For the strength of the party, the ideal party members are unhappy neurotic messes with constant status insecurity and no personal relationships strong enough to cause "reactionary sentiments" on issues that affect friends and family (education, crime, etc.) Ideally in political therapy/reeducation and on plenty of drugs.

Well adjusted happy people with desires and sources of joy in their lives outside the control of the state are a weak link, and lead to embarrassing debacles like the California AA referendum.

In chapter 8, he describes seeing a naked woman escape the clutches of the guards and leap over a three-metre high barbed wire fence unscathed. When accosted by a Ukrainian guard (Trawniki) on the other side, she wrestled his machine gun out of his grasp and shot two guards before being killed herself.

God damn it. Surely that entire wiki page was written by someone having a giggle, but all of them on the talk page take it dead seriously.

Why didn't she just use the infinity stones again?!

Or a similar third world country, yeah.

I'd love to hear what they did (assuming there was even a "they" to begin with), but it doesn't sound like they were too successful. Griefing vulnerable infrastructure in minecraft is an understudied tactic, and it's fascinating to notice the potential for it all around you in, uh, your local server.

Transformers seem like the big one due to the shortage and huge lead times, especially specialist ones. Some guys from the utility asked to make sure I was keeping my wood stove after installing a mini split, because the single HV transmission line that brings power to our whole area relies on transformers they don't have and possibly can't get replacements for; they did manage to call the supplier's old number a few years ago, but the lady on the phone didn't seem to speak much english and couldn't tell them if the company was still in business.

Also another example of "dimmer vs switch" violence (assuming any of it's true); leftists are a lot better at strategically applying violence to target enemies and bully bystanders into compliance. Rightists only know how to go straight from zero to death con 1. "Go Wolverines!"

My RE teacher taught me about how Onan was sinful and I very much did not want to be there to learn that. If teaching a kid that is ok to be trans or gay or to masturbate is grooming, then teaching the opposite should also get the same brush

Unlike the UK, US public school teachers are in theory prohibited from religious instruction. But the new religion is of course exempt from such rules.

To be fair, the guy he was asking invited a guy to come bite a bit off of said penis (unless SF's more modern mohels use scissors or something), so "if you can take the tip of a dick you can take a question" seems like a reasonable assumption.