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joined 2022 September 17 21:05:42 UTC


User ID: 1245

Banned by: @cjet79

BANNED USER: /comment/174290



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 17 21:05:42 UTC


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User ID: 1245

Banned by: @cjet79

Contrary to what most people think, rich people work more.

This is not true, both in anecdote and data.

Data says they work about 3 hours per weak on average, but other data says that as much as 70% of their total work is business travel, lunches, seminars, trade shows, "meetings", etc.

EG: Not actually work at all.

This lines up with my one wagie experience where I got to know exactly what a couple suits were doing with their day, and it was mostly facebook and porn, except for the days where it was mostly spending company money on entertainment

I don't know what to say, dude.

Simply do not hold a choke for 15 minutes.

Yet physical property rights are also a fiction, which have only existed for a couple hundred years out of the thousands of years of human history. Up until the 1700's ish, all property was defacto owned by the king.

There is nothing stopping the Viking a'reaving up your coastline on his long ship but social pressure and the monopoly of violence; property rights are not physical law.

That said, if you want to argue the socialist de-commodification of all human endeavor, I won't stop you. That shit would be tight, if it could be made to function.

I represent as sample of that population.

I think Chapelle is too in his feelings about people not liking his trans jokes, but he's still DAVE FUCKING CHAPELLE. Shit, I even liked most of his trans material, it's his bitching and moaning about being "cancelled" on his 73'd netflix special that's cringe.

Musk is just pure cringe top to bottom. I miss just thinking "his fans are lame as fuck but dude is launching rockets and popularizing electric cars and making long bomb bets on innovative manufacturing techniques" instead of "Oh, that insecure guy who called a recue diver a pedophile 'cause he didn't want his stupid submarine and who did all that Hyperloop snake oil bullshit and who did all that boring company snake oil bullshit and and and". Dude needs to take up boxing or mma or something and work up some self respect.

In that case, carry on and thank you very much.

It's always been this way about something.

Before, it's Marilyn monroe being all scandalous 'an shit, the Dixie Chicks failing to be sufficiently patriotic (sic. blood thirsty), taking the lords name in vain, whatever the fuck.

The cost of and benifit of fame is everyone watching you, so they can all shout at the some time when you violate the norm of the day.

To be Fair: this has been happening for 4+ years in lib spaces; once everyone who takes this shit seriously realized trump was a retard.

Lotta "Oh shit we just dodged a bullet; imagine if it was pence/desantis/whoever in charge with all three branches instead of this manchild".

If you will pardon some hysterical left wring political doomerism:

I think I'm having an AI risk moment, and you guys are doing it to me!

I was always kinda skeptical of leftist claims re. right wing fascism in the US.

Yes, claiming the election was stolen is a little ehhhhh, but it is also just more traditional right wing signaling about corrupt institutions and blah blah blah.

Yes, circling the wagons around Trump and friends when they were doing clearly sketchy/criminal shit was a little fucked, but could I honestly say the left or the libs wouldn't do the same thing in exchange for the presidency? Of course not.

Yes, conservative justices are openly political and have only enough respect for precedent to secure the fig leaf with blue tack, but come on now. Roe v Wade, anyone?

The reaction of right wing populists, elected officials, intellectuals, and media regarding our lovable insane maga hammerbro doing a little trolling are making me wig out. People I thought were wrong but serious passing around clear bullshit about gay escorts, pretending the dude wasn't Q radicalized, and laughing it off. It's one thing for the lunatic fringe to do that shit, it's another entirely when the largest single conservative news network and most popular intellectuals are doing it.

Then I come here for a dose of sanity, and I have to dig DEEP into the replies before I find anyone positing the plainly obvious: that if you say your political opponents are child rapist election stealing perverts, some section of the population will actually believe the literal words you are saying and "take action".

Maybe I'm just having a little moment and will regress to mean in a couple weeks, but this particular incident has shifted me from "no" to "They would if they could" regarding conservatives in this country, at least temporarily.

I was already armed because I think guns are fun and cool and are never gonna be banned regardless of how many schools get shot up so I might as well have fun, now I'm shopping around for my local John Brown chapter.

(also, if you are apolitical or don't mind some leftism from time to time and are looking for a gun club, the John Brown Gun Club and SRA are actually really chill and safe, so far. Much better than the local non-denominational clubs. I haven't been flagged once by a dude shoulder carrying his AR with closed bolt and magazine loaded yet, which is a damn sight better than the public ranges in SC.)

One last thing while I'm thinking about it: Dude once showed up to the range with the sickest Springfield armory 1911 I've ever seen, all nickel and smooth as glass and beautiful as fuck, one of their 2000$ fancy jobs. Predictably everyone gathered around and asked to see it like a bunch of 7 year olds for a foil pokemon card, then dude turns around and fucking holds me up with it practically. Scary as fuck. He let me shoot it afterwards though, so that was something.

Why though? Why not attraction as identity, instead of race as identity or job as identity or cult as identity or gender as identity?

They are all equally valid and equally worthless way to construct yourself; I don't see why we should say "This cultural hallucination is good but this one is bad" without reference to either outcomes or principles. Those can be argued, at least.

They do have the right to vote: They can rock up to their polling place, place their vote, and then loose because their policies are unpopular (or win on merits, but given the polls on that particular issue it sure seems unlikely).

The right to compete doesn't mean the right to win.

Eh. Pre covid MY life was at least a decade in to getting "ruined" just by society functioning as intended.

I can sympathize with people that got fucked by covid, and I would happily live in a society where people didn't get fucked by covid; but that's not what we got. The majority of everyone is getting fucked every day, and I've finally managed to ascend high enough in the crab bucket that I get to stand on the little people while my bosses stand on me.

It's shit, but it is what it is, right?

'cause he was getting strangled, which is impossible to do safely. Even a short strangulation routinely fucks your neck up such that you die without medical care.

So, either he was choking him in such a way he would certainly die, or he was strangling the dude (which is also bad, and also ends in death if you hold it for 10+ mins.)

Strangling is continuous, choking isn't (from a wrestling perspective).

A choke has a defined end; which is a tap, unconsciousness, or death. A choke leads to unconsciousness somewhere between 5 and 15 seconds (shit is faster than you think; once it is locked in.) and brain damage/ death in 1 - 5 mins. Assuming that this was a shitty armature choke as from a guy that had a couple months of light combatives once; it is still pretty murder-y.

Any choke that is held for more than 10 minutes is as excessive as shooting a dude 7 times that reloading and giving him another 7.

Given that he surrendered himself and doesn't seem to have intended to kill the dude, manslaughter seems about right.

Given that the dude was found fully a corpse on the scene, I find that hard to believe.

By all means, institutionalize mentally ill vagrants.

Also by all means, punish extrajudicial killings. We can do both, NYC police got 10.3 BILLION this year.

Yeah? Unless your rotator cuff is fucked or you are weak as shit, you can hold an rnc forever. It's the easiest hold to hold, its why getting one locked in right should be an instant tap.

You can's struggle against an rnc once it is locked in because your point of leverage is your squishy trachea area, the best you can do is try to pull their hands off their own arms get a finger loose, but if it is locked in you have shitty leverage for that also.

Lord of the Rings is actually really good; IF you don't mind them playing fast and loose with cannon dates and some GoT style bloody titillation that doesn't quite fit with the movies or books (it's not too gratuitous, but it is there. It's the only place you could really feel the heavy hand of the executive).

I wasn't sure on my feelings while I was watching it vis. some pacing issues and where the camera was looking, but the last couple episodes made me really appreciate the whole thing.

The apologia for the richest guy who started rich and picked right twice is funny to me, as always. Dude really is the modern day Timothy Dexter.

YOU are smarter than Elon Musk, he just had money and the blind self confidence to parley his way into a leadership position where his staff carefully wrangles him to making correct decisions sometimes. Testimonials from everyone who has ever touched his technical work are universally negative, strip it down and build it again right style shit.

But! That doesn't matter. HIS JOB ISN'T ENGINEERING, he is the fucking CEO. He can hire 99th percentile STEMlords to do STEM stuff, he needs to do CEO stuff.

The place you can say he is actually a genius: He is a fucking sublime marketing machine. He never turns off, he is 25/8 looking for ways to promote himself and his sources of revenue, both directly and indirectly, both positively and negatively.

He managed to fill the Steve Jobs shaped hole in the zeitgeist, and that is enough to make up for 95% of all boneheaded financial decisions.

You have to understand, it's more of a vibes based religion these days.

If you actually do that shit I will be BTFO for real. I will never recover from this thing that hasn't happened but might.

I don't consider myself an SJW because that's a boomer ass term from 10 years ago, but conservatives do.

I am a gender abolitionist philosophically, and pro everything on that cringe liberal yard sign more practically. Also, I am more equality of outcome than I am equality of opportunity (with limits, ofc).

I can't imagine the future planes of shit I don't like that will eventually get normalized; but when it comes I will know it. Or maybe I will be the cool old guy who remains both "hip" and "with it", who nows.

Eh. Modern historiography that is less triumphal and heroic puts almost all the blame for southern success on early northern incompetence and sheer bad luck with who went where.

Eg, Lee could have been replaced by any number of Dudes in the south, as long as the Cav turned coat whichever guy the pick still gets his early licks until the north relearns how to do horsey shit.

Actually, Lee probably lost the war for the south even faster than it would have gone otherwise by trying to repeat his early Dramatic Battle successes well after the North got some real killers in charge that stopped walking into bad situations.

The fairness is the problem, I guess.

It just feels kinda shitty to get more benefits out of parasitism three steps removed than actually improving the world.

I think it's unfair, and that is me.

I didn't do anything to deserve a high enough IQ or a low compulsion to gamble or a lack of desire to alter my state of concious; that shit just happened to fall out that way.

If I sit here and say, "The cosmic hapenstance that alowes my pleasent life is fine and just" why can't someone say "the cosmic hapenstance of me shooting you in the head and taking you shit is also fine and just", bassicaly.

Dude has good pipes, mediocre fingers, and no songwriting talent. Politics aside, if you are a dedicated listener to this style of music it sounds extremally trite and standard and played out, style of thing.

The genre is going through a bit of a Renaissance right now with Billy Strings and friends tearing it up, down and sideways; but most new talented artists in the field are either hard left or socially conservative but sympathetic to the homeless/criminal/welfare crowd (because they come from there; half the time. 90% of the population of Appalachia receives welfare of some sort, the vast majority of traditional bluegrass areas eat the government cheese. ) this dude wouldn't get any oxygen if it wasn't for the politics IMO.