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joined 2022 September 17 21:05:42 UTC


User ID: 1245

Banned by: @cjet79

BANNED USER: /comment/174290



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 17 21:05:42 UTC


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User ID: 1245

Banned by: @cjet79

Let's reframe it again!

I have a gun. You have a wallet. I do not have a wallet. You do not have a gun.

Would you rather we lived in blue pill world or a red pill world?

That is why people pick blue. Because after everyone selects their pills, they go back to work where other people get 100000 choices a day to pick red or blue for you.

Your solution to this prisoners dilemma is the state of nature.

You should look at the correlation between high IQ, liberalism, and pro-socieality at some point.

IE, if you got Einstein, Bohr, Leibnitz, and the whole Nobel price galley together in a room and ran the test the only people who would pick red are the economists; ie the social scientists.

I'm not reading all that lol (actually I don't know jack about shit when it comes to pixies, it's all magic to me once people start talking about ohms. I'll wait for someone I know with a full fat engineering degree to offer an opinion)

For real though: Those are Korean names and I know they do a decent amount of boring hard physical research there, so I'm upgrading my +-1% prediction to a slightly stronger +-1%.

EDIT: SHIT FUCK SHIT someone who knows about pixies thinks it might be real (15-20%) noooooo my fake internet Nostradamus points

I appreciate the pun, but there is no flex in living that prol mdf furniture life.

When you pay IKEA 100 for 10 worth of material and labor, you are getting fleeced. Better to pay 1000 for 500 worth of materials and labor.

I know it stale, but get the bag the bag the bag. Fuck a boss and fuck a corporation. If they weren't getting more out of you than the reverse, you woulda been out a long time ago.

I will say that there is such a thing as a 'good teacher', it's just that it is determined per student and not per teacher.

For me, an autistic type 1 nerd that hates sitting still for more than 15 min, I need a teacher that goes lighting fast and makes as many jokes per minute as possible, then spends the back 3/4's of the class doing examples and taking questions so the loose information settles into the correct pattern. I actually REALLY benefited from zoom classes when I did my emergency covid degree; cause if the lecture was too slow I could play video games and keep my brain in the peak power zone RPMs wise, instead of falling asleep/into a fugue.

Someone else who takes careful notes and thinks things through might want very slow, thorough lecture to construct the pattern in their brain and then just moves to the next one.

A third person might not benefit from lecture at all; they need to read and reread the text until their brain synthesizes a world model out of it.

It's the full flower of human individuality, what a fucking pain!


That's why I'm strongly in favor of almost all forms of education other than home schooling: Where else are you gonna get your norms? If your dad comes home and whips you every day, where else are you gonna catch a break, or get a meal?

My analogy was more on the fact that the fictional school in question clearly spends +-a zillion per student.

Your causal arrows are backwards. Watching Obama get cucked over and over by the legislature (even when he had a majority!) managed to finally penetrate the thick ridge of bone the average congress critter uses to protect the part of their brain that turns sense data into long term memory.

I think the trauma of loosing two seats on the unelected unaccountable high priest council finally traumatized regular dems into realizing that the reps aren't playing the same game as them.

Yes and no; it's super localized and age gated.

Where I am: Allyship isn't expressed; but it is 100% presumed. Eg, if someone made a rainbow themed credenza and people started complaining about it being political; the response wouldn't have been understanding lets say.

Back east: Probably not the case.

Where I am woodworking (especially hand tool woodworking; which is my bag) is a very expensive involved hobby for upper-class people, thus lower class beliefs re. lgbtq+ai^2 are cast out into the darkness along with watching nascar and listening to country music. That's prole shit! For the fucking poors!

In other places it's probably totally different, I bet.

Because Trump was the president. He defacto represents the R's, just like Bidden represents the D's.

Him being gross means that the R's are also gross through the transitive property, because he is king shit of R mountain.

I don't have to have been their to know that doing the thing that always kills people would kill someone.

It's a simple application of physics and understanding of biology: when you deprive someone's brain of oxygen for 15 minutes, it stops working. You can tell when this happens because it's when they stop moving and they stop breathing and they shit their pants.

The just fruits of their labor/ return on their owned capital.

Thin a fuck and overwrought as hell, doesn't change my opinion.

Still think that it's 50/50 shitty russian engineering vs. some eastern member in the NATO constellation doing a little undersea trolling, with Poland in the lead.

Libs, specifically.

If you take the conservatives one is likely to see without searching them out[Media personalities (Tucker), influencers (shapiro), controversial politicians (trump/boeburt)] at their word: Absolutely yes.

Eg, Global warming isn't real, non-hetero's are all groomers, mexicans caravans 10000 strong are coming over the border to rape your dog, etc.

Depending on where you are and how high your water table is; you may be able to get a vertical shaft drilled for fairly cheap (except in the places where they take 2/3 of your liver, your kidneys, and your first born on the way out.)

Dieting doesn't work for me because I don't want to diet lol

For real though; diet is thing 1 for weight loss but if you have a healthy body thing 2 is putting on as much muscle as you can easily maintain (at least for me). When I am carrying the full amount of muscle I can get without doing heavy workouts, I would need to try really hard at the buffet to gain much weight at all. Just going around at 220 (where I am now) I barely have to watch my diet excepting around the holidays when it's feasts every 10 days and cookies in between.

The muscle gain attempt is mainly just to see if I can get back into fighting trim without being a teenager.

In the afternoon I walk the dog a couple miles, then sprint back in short sections; If I see a convenient horizontal solid I do a pullups till I start to feel it, plank until failure at the end, and If I don't feel exercised after that before I take my shower I do pushups and crunches and squats until I do.

Basically, I just do normal shit until I feel like my body has had enough, but not so much I get that lactic burn or loose feeling.

The only extra thing I do beyond gym class shit is heavy bag sprints when I think I need more cardio; which are the ultimate in full body heart rate raising exercise IMO.

I don't have a routine or record numbers; because that turns it into work instead of play and it becomes boring real quick and I quit doing it.

Having the dog around has been a godsend for fitness actually, it means I don't get to the end of the day having just mindlessly forgotten to move my body outside of work stuff at all.

I don't believe you. Post your family tree yea on for 10 generations, squire.

As a gender abolitionist, I agree. I think attraction, sex, and gender being part of identity is fucking stupid; anything that you don't choose for yourself as part of your identity likewise.

That said, society at large down to the legal system doesn't agree.

Basically; Until nobody gives more of a shit if it's adam and steve instead of adam and eve it will be a core piece of identity because enough people around said gay dudes will make it plain that THEY consider them diferent.

If there were such people to choose, I would choose them.

I just think they don't, have never, and will never exist on the RIGHT right. The best we can get is center right statist neocons; anyone who has strong opinions about Lee in statue form I would wager will never not employ the boot when given the opportunity.

That being the case, it is more important that they never get the chance than trying to compromise in some way.

It would be sick as hell if the liberal political tendency was wrong about that, but given the tenor of discussion here, with the smartest and most moderate RIGHT right population I've seen, I really don't think it is.

10 to 1 it's bog standard internet polarization. It's probably unfair but I find that it's easy enough to attaint anyone who is a 'fan' of the confederacy as a dumbdumb (bad values (meaning values I don't like(This is fair because it's me))) .

Basically, I've had to talk with more people than I expected who have all sorts of opinions about the "war of northern aggression" and related subjects who A: Don't know who the fuck anyone but Lee is (Bedford? Stuart? Can you eat them?) and have ahistorical views about the war and, B: Also have some opinions about the blacks that I find slightly distasteful AND C: Are fucking stupid Low iq mouthbreathers.

This is almost certainly a sorting mechanism thing, but anyone online is going to run in to enough loud morons they disagree with to tar any ideology they like with any size brush.

Mainly just how easy it is to cut stress totally out of your life just by floating a large amount of cash.

I don't have to worry about my car breaking down, the roof of my house, accidentally missing a bill and incurring fees, whatever.

I imagine as you get even more money it gets even more easy; I still bargain hunt and am cost conscious. Add a couple zeros and that small amount of friction would disappear also.

I could travel to Japan for a month with a budget of 2000$ for all my lodgings and travel and tickets; now the plane ticket on it's own will eat most of that.

I guess it's how you think of the poll.

If I was in a prisoners dilemma situation with one other person, I take the red pill. Duh. With ten? Red pill. With 100? Red pill.

I see the actual question as: We are posing this question to everyone who speaks your language on the internet. That changes the calculus, and I start answering the question by modeling what an ideal society would do, guessing how likely it is, and if it's =+51% doing that.