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joined 2022 September 07 21:47:22 UTC


User ID: 947



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User ID: 947

Canadian Anglican is going to largely be gay is A-OK, USA Anglican is going to be overwhelmingly gay is sin, USA Episcopal (rectifying respect to Canterbury but not the crown) is going to be usually gay is A-OK.

It only takes 25 years to have posted since the 90s.

What's your opinion of the rules on this forum and do you think your quoted remarks are good to go, with no particular citation?

Even though I think the world would be a better place with him dead and he goes against basically everything I value I am begrudgingly astounded and impressed by the sheer volume of vitriol in his heart to be able to keep posting pure hate for 4+ decades.

Phonetically, such that we get "Daenerys Targaryen 丹妮莉丝·坦格利安 (Dān nī lì sī·tǎn gé lì’ān)"
But the article talks about how the translation uses some classical and literary Chinese for flavor.

You could try watching 3 Kingdoms from 2010 or other adaptations? Putting a unique face, costume and demeanor to a character helped me a lot.

I don't think one exists, searched for a fair bit. Maybe contact someone at the American University of Central Asia? Either in the television cinema media arts department https://auca.kg/en/tcma_faculty_staff/ or the late film director's son who is a vice president of the university https://www.auca.kg/en/auca_news/5254/

For what it's worth, here's a translation of the book version https://archive.org/details/whiteship00aitm/mode/1up

When there are available other ways to provide resources and methods to keep the baby alive, and the court and hospital refuse and actively fight against it, that is exactly the same as killing the baby.

It would be more honest if the court and hospital directly argued in your manner that the parents are torturing the baby in keeping the baby alive. The have chosen instead to argue that more treatment is not in the baby's best interest, and just leave conclusions obvious but nebulous.

"The share of Belgians with a Belgian background clearly increases with age: it amounts to 52.3% among 0-17-year-olds, 63.2% among 18-64-year-olds and 85.9% among those aged 65 and over." https://statbel.fgov.be/en/themes/population/structure-population/origin

Googling- 113,600 births in 2022.

Kind of a mistake of a country. If I were an ancient Celt getting slaughtered or enslaved by Caesar I'd be embarrassed to have it named after my people in a roundabout way.

Keep an eye on the Enhanced Games, announced last month. Seems like a step toward what you want to see.

Aside from what others have mentioned (and it's nice seeing so many fellow FFIX fans), Earthbound (Mother 2), Suikoden I and II, and Stardew Valley if it counts.

How come, despite having a huge population of marks, we don't seem to have a dedicated scammer class in the U.S. like they do in Europe?

For the amount of effort they put into scams, they would legitimately make more money working a typical sales job in the US. Also MLM exists here and scams do happen in tourist heavy urban cores like in NYC.

Wealthy Indians are accustomed to tragedy of the commons in every sphere of public life. Immense wealth will buy you a lovely mansion, but nothing will get you a clean city outside.

Have y'all tried home owners associations for general upkeep, and getting a specifically funded unit of local cops to fine anyone littering or otherwise dirtying the place? (or mob to harass...)

The kind in the imagination and work of Rudyard Kipling.

It's 0.5-1% of males per generation.

Western Europe, State Formation, and Genetic Pacification



Was gang used in terms of "generic group" or "specific unit"- which these police were as members of a task force or "criminal organization" in which case this is a genuine concern- some police departments can and have been subverted and corrupted by criminal gangs having members with clean enough records join.

DeBoer elliptically acknowledges the HBD-IQ aspect of reality and then doubles down from a materialist-socialist (real Marxist, not trendy 'Marxist') perspective that he wants from each according to his abilities (HBD-IQ is here) to each according to his needs (not here).

He wrote a book called The Cult of Smart. This book has valuable insights about how charter schools can IQ poach out of normal public schools to make themselves look very impressive.

I start off with ARISE, MOUNT and if necessary GLYPH.

Scoredle 5/6


🟨🟨⬜⬜🟨 ARISE (242)

⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 MOUNT (32)

🟨🟨⬜🟨🟨 TAKER (5)

🟨🟨🟨⬜⬜ REACH (1)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 EXTRA

Assuming a few is >300k USD? Create a local machine shop, employ one industry veteran guy who is semi-retired for 400-750 hours/yr to train some goofballs who seem interested in making exact complicated parts for extreme tolerance demanding airplane parts or medical machinery.

Nation of Islam is a Hotep ethno-narcissist thing (you can call it a gang or cult or political movement or Männerbund for all I care), there are a lot genuine black real Sunnis, there are also a lot of prison converts whose adherence once they get on parole is questionable.

If somehow Chrome granted a page access to the entire filesystem, obviously that would be very bad.

Spoof it as just another accept/reject cookies. Tech illiterate can't tell.

I like ska, jazz and orchestral music so I don't think there's really a limit for me.

Is https://youtube.com/watch?v=BtyWhHwCXIU too much or close to right?

Identity based progressivism, usually recent aggressive illiberal status seeking strains.

Forces outside my control or understanding can determine my entire life- my parents certainly did when I was little! But if I have no actual agency ever then I'd like to petition a higher power to turn my consciousness off forever.

Just remember he's doing all programming, art and music alone for this one too (or at least that's the current plan, with porting and translation help).

Coffee-caramel ice cream can be pretty good, but frankly it makes more sense to put caramel sauce on coffee. I'm probably going to go to a different shop and get a sprite + sherbet freeze though.

From personal experience, going to jail for a very brief period was useful in confirming my edgy teen high school suspicions- "This place is bullshit, I bet jail is literally better than this."- jail was substantially better than a similar amount of time in high school. If you don't start shit with anyone and are vaguely polite to guards (don't be an ass kisser or snitch though), you can spend your time lying down on a shitty mat, read {Bible} or other provided material and just kinda chill.

P.S. Cumulative Uber/Lyft/Taxis over decades are almost certainly cheaper and easier to deal with than any given best-case first-time-offense DUI deferral/diversion program and eventual expungement. If you must be arrested, preferably do something cool or brave or sexy with near zero chance of harming innocents instead of something lame and stupid.