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joined 2022 September 07 21:47:22 UTC


User ID: 947



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 07 21:47:22 UTC


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User ID: 947

I decided to hold off on joining until 2 or 3 kinks were worked out, having been annoyed by new sites in the past that necessarily deal with growing pains at launch.

Also, I consume enough nicotine, caffeine and alcohol that you'd have to make me quit all 3 at once for me to deal with withdrawal symptoms from other stuff.

I've tried it up to halfway through episode 4, tried first games of thrones series through episode 1, tried first book halfway through 20 years ago. I think I'm always going to get this unshakeable feeling that this is made by perverts with a seething hatred of medieval/renaissance/early modern Europeans, and I don't want to give them my attention.

Below, someone mentioned American Episcopalians, but I'd add there are Methodists and American Anglican (split from American Episcopal to be more conservative mostly within the past 20 years). A larger American Anglican church or Methodist or Episcopal might have a more formal morning service and casual evening service that hits the middle you're looking for. If you find a particularly liberal Methodist or Episcopal church, liturgy usage might decline though.

I like ska, jazz and orchestral music so I don't think there's really a limit for me.

Is https://youtube.com/watch?v=BtyWhHwCXIU too much or close to right?

Canadian Anglican is going to largely be gay is A-OK, USA Anglican is going to be overwhelmingly gay is sin, USA Episcopal (rectifying respect to Canterbury but not the crown) is going to be usually gay is A-OK.

US Anglicans do not see the King as the head of their church in particular, but of the specific Church of England and other Anglican countries where he is king.

Also Mastodon.

While I can't actually speak/read/understand Japanese having only studied for a dozen hours, to make things clear for others, an example that stands out to me (with nearly zero comprehension) is the issue that "Watashi wa [name]" is one of the first sentences most learn in Japanese, it's for introducing yourself, it's "I am [name]", so lot's of guys stick with "Watashi"=Personal pronoun, but it's fairly gendered and situational. Good table just above the linked section as to usage percentage in context, with explanations below.


endless amount of manga that are just isekais where the protagonist is reincarnated as the villain of a visual novel!

Is hamefura still the best? It's the only one I've watched an anime of, read some scanned translations of the light novels.

Try to get involved on the import/export side of things?

I'd start going to industry conventions like https://west.supplysideshow.com/en/home.html but that one starts tomorrow, so unless already in or near las vegas I'd wait for another one.

It's on their website https://www.foxnews.com/world/dozens-south-korea-cardiac-arrest-seoul-crowd-surge-halloween-festivities-officials-say

Fox News just has a weird relationship with youtube in terms of their clips being uploaded by random people more often than others. Their actual youtube channel isn't meant to convey news, but is more spicy 2-5 minute clips that are uploaded every few hours for virality potential.

They also try a bit harder to promote their app to audience, and it doesn't seem to have failed like CNN's did 6 month ago.

They have news shows which are more general, but with unsubtle conservative slant (and most conservative Americans would say the other cable news channels are unsubtle about liberal/progressive slant), but there are also opinion shows which get the most ratings and are more focused on US politics.

Not a real programmer but... Aren't your question parameters too wide? If someone has a perfect (presumably zero day) exploit then the link question is just how much can come over bandwidth before user wizens up, and with a modern connection, that's a lot. Granted the only huge hacking op involving zero day exploits I've ever read about was Stuxnet, and that was USB shenanigans not anything protected by https or modern browsers but still.

If somehow Chrome granted a page access to the entire filesystem, obviously that would be very bad.

Spoof it as just another accept/reject cookies. Tech illiterate can't tell.

Eh, I think worse case scenario is that in a weird turn of events the North Macedonians reverse course and cements their claim over the Greek Macedonians and proceed to take not only Thessaloniki and Greek Macedonia but the full borders of Alexander's Empire.

For reference there has been a continual slapfight between the local Greeks and Slavs over the cultural legacy of ancient Macedon.



This is how the topic "Cultural Appropriation" was introduced to me, and made way more sense than every other instance I've ever heard.

Nation of Islam is a Hotep ethno-narcissist thing (you can call it a gang or cult or political movement or Männerbund for all I care), there are a lot genuine black real Sunnis, there are also a lot of prison converts whose adherence once they get on parole is questionable.

Women are primarily attracted to men that other women are attracted to. Your best bet is replicating the record company paying young women screeching in excitement for the Beatles to land in America (before anyone had their records in America, or radio broadcast)***, but on social media, without obvious tells that you're paying for it.

***This account was apparently inaccurate, and exists as only a pop culture legend. Particular other instances of paid or otherwise incentivized enthusiastic 'actors' to appear as fans may be real.

I tried wording it as a humorous direct response more than pure joke, and apparently I bought into an unfounded rumor regarding the beatles landing, but you've put it better than I could in terms of preselection being a strong attractive factor (at least initially).

Retain current apartment, set aside the entire increased budget as "Increased Motivation" to be split between therapy if necessary, social events with other entrepreneurs, gym budget, and some for credit improvement/condo down payment in a year or a few to avoid fickle landlords increasing your rent indefinitely.

Assuming a few is >300k USD? Create a local machine shop, employ one industry veteran guy who is semi-retired for 400-750 hours/yr to train some goofballs who seem interested in making exact complicated parts for extreme tolerance demanding airplane parts or medical machinery.

Having delivered Amazon Flex throughout greater Birmingham for a few years(never as far as college town proper, but Brookwood/Vance one unlucky game day night), I'd say even the sketchiest areas are "merely uncomfortable" during daytime, but I hated taking runs to particular neighborhoods after dark. If I had a 4 hour run with 1 hour going after dark, I could adjust schedule to be less efficient but finish those areas early. My dad worked the 2010 census around here and hated the idea of going to some of those places at night. Only time I had a gun directly pointed at me was in Remlap, older guy thought only a meth-head would be driving to his trailer at night while raining, a not especially wrong belief. I just wish he had held it, safety off at his side and not stood in position with it levelled at me.

The few times people people aggressively approached me when outside my car and I just said "I don't carry cash and don't get tips. I'm pretty sure what's in my car is mostly books, dog food, and diapers." and they'd laugh or mutter and do something else.

Najeh getting murdered still pisses me off because I grew up within walking distance of that Domino's and Summit apartments.

I'm currently prepping for Summa Theologica, getting a complete version for Christmas.

I start off with ARISE, MOUNT and if necessary GLYPH.

Scoredle 5/6


🟨🟨⬜⬜🟨 ARISE (242)

⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 MOUNT (32)

🟨🟨⬜🟨🟨 TAKER (5)

🟨🟨🟨⬜⬜ REACH (1)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 EXTRA

Typical third automatic guess is GLYPH (because I also do quordle and things get tight!).


🟨🟨⬜⬜⬜ ARISE (379)

🟩🟩⬜⬜⬜ MOUNT (9)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 MOLAR

9 guesses are moral molar mogar morah moray mohar morra mogra mowra, if I attempted GLYPH it would be reduced to MOLAR and MORAL


🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ ARISE (1,010)

🟩⬜⬜🟨⬜ MOUNT (9)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 MANLY

9 guesses are mangy manly manky manga mandy mayan makan maban mynah, if I attempted GLYPH it would be reduced to only MANLY


Scoredle 3/6*


⬜🟨🟩🟨⬜ ARISE (29)

🟩⬜🟩🟩⬜ SWIRL (15)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 SKIRT

I'll try SKIRT as an opener tomorrow and see how it goes.

Re: Military Service

If you were dealing with a ~115IQ teenager graduating high school at 17, open to a few years of service/misery, would ROTC contract+ College then commission make more sense, or first a 3 year Enlistment (assume desired MOS due to prepped ASVAB, Eagle Scout rank bump) + Guard/Reserves during College paid by GI bill?

Or screw either, not worth time and stress, that answer makes tons of sense too.

A part of the calculus that throws a slight wrench into the decision is that the $0 VA loan can go for a million and can be used on a 4-plex (assume parents of said kid built credit to 725 by making them an authorized user on a credit card that mostly makes utility payments).