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joined 2022 September 07 21:47:22 UTC


User ID: 947



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 07 21:47:22 UTC


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User ID: 947

If you want to figure out why, I guess you could compare Zoolander (mocking fashion) vs Seventh Horcrux (IMO best HP parody https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10677106/1/Seventh-Horcrux ) vs Wizard People Dear Reader (more outlandish HP satire)?

With some texts, you can still just google "$Title $Author pdf" (or epub) and get a clean copy without torrenting. This is the case with what you just mentioned.

There's also the formally abolished class/caste of Burakumin as far as Japan is concerned. They are allegedly a supermajority of yakuza.

Retain current apartment, set aside the entire increased budget as "Increased Motivation" to be split between therapy if necessary, social events with other entrepreneurs, gym budget, and some for credit improvement/condo down payment in a year or a few to avoid fickle landlords increasing your rent indefinitely.

If somehow Chrome granted a page access to the entire filesystem, obviously that would be very bad.

Spoof it as just another accept/reject cookies. Tech illiterate can't tell.

Not a real programmer but... Aren't your question parameters too wide? If someone has a perfect (presumably zero day) exploit then the link question is just how much can come over bandwidth before user wizens up, and with a modern connection, that's a lot. Granted the only huge hacking op involving zero day exploits I've ever read about was Stuxnet, and that was USB shenanigans not anything protected by https or modern browsers but still.

US Anglicans do not see the King as the head of their church in particular, but of the specific Church of England and other Anglican countries where he is king.

Confidence will make you more attractive. I'd suggest diet, sleep schedule, a bodybuilding routine, dance and improv classes, getting your clothes altered to fit, talking with career consultant and possibly a stylist, joining a religious community or volunteer organization before extreme hobbies.

I too want to do really intense shit in Alaska, but more Alone in the Wilderness style cabin build, hunting and gardening.

Very few people are going to have a problem with you having a young Achilles type character who is male but raised as a girl for contrived reasons, but absolutely rejects it at puberty.

Case to be made that needing coal for fuel and having flood-prone coal mines was why Newcomen developed the steam engine and later why Watt improved it- https://acoup.blog/2022/08/26/collections-why-no-roman-industrial-revolution/

Was gang used in terms of "generic group" or "specific unit"- which these police were as members of a task force or "criminal organization" in which case this is a genuine concern- some police departments can and have been subverted and corrupted by criminal gangs having members with clean enough records join.

Women are primarily attracted to men that other women are attracted to. Your best bet is replicating the record company paying young women screeching in excitement for the Beatles to land in America (before anyone had their records in America, or radio broadcast)***, but on social media, without obvious tells that you're paying for it.

***This account was apparently inaccurate, and exists as only a pop culture legend. Particular other instances of paid or otherwise incentivized enthusiastic 'actors' to appear as fans may be real.

Identity based progressivism, usually recent aggressive illiberal status seeking strains.

Forces outside my control or understanding can determine my entire life- my parents certainly did when I was little! But if I have no actual agency ever then I'd like to petition a higher power to turn my consciousness off forever.

I don't believe any of them have joined, but I privately send links to high quality posts (and sometimes rough drafts of my relatively low quality responses for proofing/critique, almost all of which were never posted) to thoughtful friends and family. Usually the links are related their profession/philosophy or a description of a culture war flareup in their area.

I was born in 1988, one of my first memories is my dad reading out Zork on an Apple II while waiting for my suggestions around 1991. Later, I was allowed to use his 3.1/95 computers under his supervision, and with the 95 I was given a full 2 hours of encarta per day in the family den.

I was given my own pc, a Dell with Windows 98 for my 11th birthday, with the understanding that I could only use the dial-up internet service (AOL) when my mom wasn't using the phone. I made point and click games in powerpoint and played a ton of Civ II, and set up a geocities site for my friends to roleplay our favorite action cartoons- DBZ and Gundam Wing.

You can probably assess whether you'd like a band with 1-3 15 second clips of their music.

Start a blog reviewing the music and plays you like and offer better posts as freelancer content to the small remaining local outlets, get press access to events you could possibly be interested in and interview people?

Go to conventions for things that interest you and try to have friendly acquaintances within an hour of a given metro area, treat them to dinner and figure out the local situation from them?

Please elaborate on the obvious and implicit parts of your argument that I missed, past the debatable idea that generic people have chosen their job, and flatly wrong idea that they are happy to do it.

Not sufficiently, because working a 48 hour retail cashier shift or 20 hour ditch digging effort is extremely challenging and not at all ambitious in other senses except an extremely limited context of possible overtime pay that does not reach the relative wealth suggested by ambition.

The kind in the imagination and work of Rudyard Kipling.

Weaker guess: The parasocial relationship is easier to attach to the individual fighter/is stronger than the organizational team. The individual fighter has a sole ethnicity and nationality, which makes tribal rallying easier.

Stronger guess: For a variety of reasons (not saying they are good, carefully thought reasons) casual and addicted gamblers are more confidant in individual fighters to not throw matches or prearrange results or be screwed by officiating- the PPV cost is insignificant compared to the cash they have bet, legally or illegally.

What are you typically scoring on practice tests for each subject?

What are your goals in terms of colleges/universities?

I think the series is kinda funny but felt it was over the top with the shift to misery/horror/gore. Very quotable in terms of "Green is not a creative color." Given that careless parents let their kids watch youtube without restrictions, I would prefer it if it was modestly harder to access because I could see an 7-10 year old getting ahold of this and being disturbed by some of the imagery.

I guess for similar content, maybe some stuff by filmcow? Llamas with Hats (though it starts disturbing off the bat), Charlie the Unicorn (for the musical numbers).

Eh, I think worse case scenario is that in a weird turn of events the North Macedonians reverse course and cements their claim over the Greek Macedonians and proceed to take not only Thessaloniki and Greek Macedonia but the full borders of Alexander's Empire.

For reference there has been a continual slapfight between the local Greeks and Slavs over the cultural legacy of ancient Macedon.



This is how the topic "Cultural Appropriation" was introduced to me, and made way more sense than every other instance I've ever heard.

endless amount of manga that are just isekais where the protagonist is reincarnated as the villain of a visual novel!

Is hamefura still the best? It's the only one I've watched an anime of, read some scanned translations of the light novels.