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joined 2022 November 15 08:31:46 UTC


User ID: 1865



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User ID: 1865

He's pretty clearly being sarcastic about how the majority of Wikipedia spend seems to be on bloat and random political efforts.

Wikipedia could run the entity with about 10% of it's incoming cash and everything else is a bureaucracy and progressive fundraisers. Whilst they shake down users for donations like their $10 is going to be the difference between a 404 error and Wikipedia next year.

It is a six-hour miniseries and at least 70% of the show is filled with boring relationship drama (the remaining 30% being focused on the actual…criminal investigation).

I feel like this is generally an issue with miniseries. There's this relentless need to take the half of the show that's about an interesting topic (Mindhunter particularly galling for this) and then wedge it against the protagonist's personal relationship issues, especially if it's a period piece with period vibes for the main concept and yet the protagonist is living their personal problems through 2020 norms and cultural memes. I understand the actual core stuff is what costs money and is hard to write, but the amount of shows where it has to be wild pingponging between 'here is the thing the show is about' and 'here is his girlfriend feeling neglected' is ridiculous.

Having lived in Darwin for a while, there was an essentially never-ending loop of 'Nice new accommodation is built for local indigenous, indigenous move in, Indigenous culture around extreme sharing within groups and territorial violence between groups leads to nice new accomodation becoming teeming slum, nice new accomodation is built'

There's a difference between adapting an ancient story to better suit your immediate geographic & cultural mores and constructing a beat-for-beat remake of something that's like 30 years old where the only difference is that the cast is made up of the right suite of POC.

It's also a matter of tone. A lot of modern race-swapping feels more deliberately combative to the source material.

They way I see it - if you were a jewish person with SJW opinions you don't have a right to complain about the lack of lube on the dildo of consequences that the people you supported and allied yourself with are inserting right now in your asshole.

This is essentially how I feel.

I'd rather have Israel than an Arabic region, since I think the latter wouldn't really be especially productive, whilst the former's been able to provide a bastion of a culture that's somewhat similar to mine and be economically productive. I also feel that the ADL has provided a lot of the blueprint for the modern anticolonial woke movement, and that it is very funny that suddenly the Zionist diaspora is getting hoisted by the petard that they've been condemning the rest of the West for.

I honestly feel a lot of the COVID hawks just assume the vaccine was a lot more effective than it actually is, and thus happily just kind of said 'Oh, vaccine's available, back to normal life' whilst simultaneously overrating the impact of COVID & the vaccine by a major factor.

Also I've got friends who are still habitual maskers, but the majority were germophobes & borderline OCD-types even before the pandemic who've now got license to indulge their pre-existing instincts and interests.

Why don't we teach young women 'please never send mixed signals to men about your sexual interest as ambiguous coquettishness muddies the water around consent'? Why is it 'No means no and if you don't have a yes, it's a no' in the face of all observed human mating practices? All the responsibility for miscommunication around consent is placed onto the shoulders of men by the groups advocating 'education'.

A lot of female sexuality operates around plausible deniability and genuinely being a lot more 100-0 with potential romantic partners than the male mind can really conceive. I've got a lot of female friends, and the amount of times a prospective paramour has gone from 'I think he's my soulmate' to 'it icks me to even be somewhat near them, they are physically and spiritually repulsive' off a single tiny moment/misplay is way too high. Being a proactive communicator of sexual intent doesn't work when you're wired like that, as the light switch can flip at any moment

"Me Too" may have had its overreaches, but it's bad when women are sexually coerced in the workplace. It's bad when false accusations destroy an innocent man's life, but it's also bad when a woman is genuinely taken advantage of. The balance of type 1 errors to type 2 errors has shifted - and while I'm not sure it's worse to be a female victim than a falsely accused man, I would expect that the deterred male misconduct is much greater in frequency than the corresponding rise in female misconduct. Similarly, many jurisdictions have consciously made it easier to convict men for rape - and again, while this is a double edged sword, the fact that more bad guys are getting punished and others are being deterred from doing bad things is good. Additionally, the type of conduct that is not rape but may result in an increased likelihood of being accused of rape is conduct that I think is bad - so even if it sometimes gets punished unfairly harshly, I don't mind men being disincentivized from e.g. getting women drunk to make them more pliable.

I think there's been a lot of pro-social behavior that's been thrown out with the bathwater, though. The proportion of people meeting their partners at work has dived off a cliff, and like that's generally good sort of assortative mating that produces solid outcomes for everybody. I don't think you can just purely say it's 'falsely accused men versus molested women' when there's a ton of social behavior that has been modified.

There was sort of this weird rhetorical loop between 'The Voice is a symbolic powerless body with no legal force' and 'The Voice will action real meaningful change due to its power' in which the former is probably more accurate but it never got firmly nailed down.

“Asian romantic preferences are morally permissible.” Pro

As in preferring Asian women? I feel like there's a lot to unpack here in which men may prefer Asian women for certain attributes that aren't necessarily racial.

Most of my dating has been WMAF and it's more due to wanting a petite, intelligent, agreeable socially-conservative woman without somebody else's kids. 90% of that stock in my area happens to be Asian and therefore I date a lot of Asian girls.

The thing that strikes me with the decolonization rhetoric is that so many people espousing it don't seem to recognize the position of intense historical privilege they live in. Yes, there's issues with 2023 society, but the vast majority of people with access to Twitter live in comfort unimaginable even 60 years ago.

The entire 'Indigenous Voice referendum' in Australia discussion has been providing so many examples of this, in which there's a ton of focus on 'English colonization bad' coupled with an unspoken assumption that the Indigenous would otherwise have been left completely unmolested by anybody else and somehow emerged as a Western Multicultural democracy via process of Wakandization by now. It makes a coherent argument difficult.

The Gaymaleification/Sex-in-the-city of single women hasn't really produced much in the way of longterm happiness, from what I can see.

Also to be frank I'd expect interspousal transfers to skew male -> female in terms of who created the funds. For every Mackenzie Scott there's hardly a counterbalancing force of... I don't know, Travis Kelce deciding to donate future Taylor Swift's money to the NRA.

I think games have just scaled as a project to the point that there's too many cooks in the kitchen. Also credentialism likely trends more formulaic compared to when even majorish projects would prettymuch be 'somebody's cousin + moderate drug use = Elder Scrolls mythos'

I've never understood why the guillotine isn't the most humane way. Big enough/fast enough pneumatic press with a big enough blade and there's few things plausibly more consistent.

I mean you can, but it tends to unravel pretty quickly if you ever get behind the 8-ball

Yup. It's uncomfortable for either side to admit this, but wokism is a Western value.

There's plenty of random Affirmative Action in the developing world, but a lot of the ones who end up in the West tend not to think highly of it since they're the successful Market Minorities getting screwed over in their own countries.

Yeah but these standards aren't upheld for tragic losers of other vanquished nations. Sitting Bull's vision for America likely falls far short of the current USA on practically every metric, but he gets a monument as a vainglorious upstart who fought for what he believed in.

Sarah is correct that the modern alliance between liberal progressives and Muslims was a marriage of convenience that took advantage of some unusual culture war circumstances, but it's a tryst that was bound to fray apart given the fundamental policy disagreements. One of the efforts to keep the bandwagon held together comes from what Sarah terms Muslims in Name Only (MINOs):

Honestly this is the case for the vast majority of allegiances between immigrant/refugee groups and Liberalism. It is quickly forgotten by the Western Left that practically everybody from a progressive-tinged first world nation is about 5 jumps to the left socially on most issues, and that whilst the recent imports from wherever else are briefly aligned whilst it's in their financial interests to have a leg up, they are going to revert to form on social issues the second they're established.

Is this really a dunk? Both photos still substantially more attractive than the other woman, even if she's less presented in the one you've just linked.

Are the people running factory machines inside of Ford and GM (or starbucks, or a hollywood writers room) really that highly skilled?

Switching costs are high, unions will generally make attempts to increase the difficulty of procuring 'scab'/temporary replacement labor and historically there was less ability to just move a factory international or procure international workers.

Do agree that the Writers' strike seems pretty fangless when it's not only a job with a fairly arbitrary marker of skill/ability to function, but it's also one that's an actual desired, targeted role for a lot of people without a real credentialist barrier to entry. Writer compensation should, logistically, have a pretty severe pareto principle.

I’ve been fascinated by the fact that even the richest among us are only surviving because Mother Earth decided not to crush them today. Seems like these people just had their luck run out, and maybe made a really stupid decision?

Honestly having hung out with a bunch of HNW individuals in Startup & Trading spheres, having low impulse control and the urge to go all-in on hare-brained schemes is one of the chief paths to being outlier rich... though obviously leads to a bunch of collapses along the wayside that nobody particularly cares for.

I feel like terrible stories in older games were easier to ignore/part of the appeal, too. Plenty of games where if you ignored a few pages in the manual and got down to Rip & Tearing it was a lot easier to just play. Compared to today's unskippable cutscenes.

Yeah. My interpretation was that he was diving/trying for some moderate rough play and landed the proverbial critical hit.

I don't think there was any intent of it ending as it did, but he also clearly made an abnormal movement for the sport

Yeah. Failure case in most Western democracies right now is not that earthshatteringly bad. It's definitely tight, but it's not like he'd be forced to go homeless 48 hours after declaring bankruptcy. Especially when he's got the contact network he ostensibly seems to have had, surely there'd be a 6-figure sinecure of some sort available somewhere as a consultant or middle manager that'd allow him to be atleast medium competitive.