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Lacks all conviction

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joined 2022 September 06 21:19:04 UTC

Fruck is just this guy, you know?

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User ID: 889


Lacks all conviction

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 21:19:04 UTC


Fruck is just this guy, you know?


User ID: 889

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Ok, although I don't see how the question you asked clarifies the bit you don't understand. I do not believe the second is the more plausible of the two, I would be very surprised if anyone did since the first one has been the prevailing opinion of the zeitgeist for 30 years and is also the more parsimonious explanation. Nevertheless the second explanation is more plausible to me today than it used to be.

Is my opinion not clear? You're so hyper focused on getting everyone to use the language you prefer that you are missing the answers they are giving. It actually feels like you are trying to put people in boxes so you can dismiss their opinion without attempting to understand it.

Yep, but some of it is down to bias. Because the media are biased.

But that just raises further questions! Like if you were a politician with presidential aspirations, would you let family members repeatedly cash in on your good name in shady ways for decades? Or would you try to distance yourself from them as much as possible? Imagine your brother or son just got caught for the third time doing corrupt shit and linking it to you, but they swear they did nothing wrong. Do you believe them?

What about if your boss did that at work, just let his family run around embroiling him in scandals and doing things that made him look corrupt - would you believe him when he said he believed they did nothing wrong? If you did believe him, would you trust his judgement or would you think he had an obvious blindspot rendering him easy to manipulate?

Well it seemed to help when The Wave magazine gave all of San Francisco's mayoral candidates the vk test (not really a spoiler - Gavin Newsom is a replicant.)

Your edit is good stuff, but without it your original post is just so wrong as to be jaw dropping. And here, of all places! Honestly, I would be embarrassed if I were you. (Not really, but this post is more about practical application than discussion.)

I am aware different races have different types of hair. They also have different metabolisms, but nobody considers that a good and natural reason for segregating restaurants. Because that was and is my point - your good and natural reason for segregating barber shops is a lack of interest and experience. The same reasons separatists gave for segregating schools and restaurants (because they couldn't politely mention their feelings of discomfort, which I also suspect is the case with some hair stylists.)

Your argument justifies any and all long term thinking the same way what I said justifies short. Both are necessary for a functional society however. And I would argue that in this situation, where we are required to make a trade off between them, we should go with the one that doesn't hurt people who actually physically exist.

As for the coal miners "forcing 330 million citizens to live under a worse energy policy so that 62 thousand of them don't have to re-educate themselves into a different profession" avoiding that sounds fantastic. Sadly however, it also sounds fantastic, as in not based in reality. Which countries have benefited from shutting down coal power?

Also you implied your grandchildren are better than his to the exact same extent that Trump implied that coal miner is better than your grandchildren. If you never implied it, neither did Trump.

Regarding nuclear, you are right that his enemies would not be less critical than they currently are. Because they would be a thousand times more critical. Environmentalists don't care about the benefits of nuclear power, they are too concerned about the potential dangers.

Edit: forgot a word

Oh are we arguing about constitutionality? I thought we were arguing about how believable your claim to be a 'free speech absolutist in most respect [sic]' is. I contend it isn't particularly believable, because you seem way more interested in trying to shame people who don't understand constitutional law than discussing a prospiracy to suppress the speech of political opponents (because you have had ample opportunity over these posts to do either and have exclusively tried to do the first).

Yeah, but that's exactly what they hide behind - "ok yes obviously it would be better if all psychologists gave out industrial amounts of cocaine, but at least some of them do, so it's not all bad". And since they are psychologists, and all of them are familiar with the concepts of projection, transference and denial, I refuse to believe none of them know that "it's not all bad" almost always leads to "therefore we don't have to worry about it".

Edit: lol ok no jokes then. Which is it dude, does psychology know what it's doing or doesn't it? You can't end your op talking about psychology's hubris and the false perception of it as a cure all, and then say that it might be good anyway because we have bigger issues to deal with nowadays and need every tool we can get. You are just perpetuating the hubris. Better instead to take the tools that work and figure out why, and discard the detritus of a discipline with zero actual discipline, surely?

Edit 2: @Gregor, I think I have to tell you I edited my post.

I would be on board with this if we weren't talking about illegal, undocumented, non-citizens. I would actually be ok with indentured servitude if it was between consenting adults. But the system as it stands seems almost designed to be abused.

I really don't think defending pedophiles is a good way to avoid being perceived as causing societal problems. But even if it was, I would rather go to prison.

It isn't efficient (although as you say, it's not less efficient than most other keyboard layouts we've tried) and if he'd just said that I wouldn't have said anything. But calling it pointless is just wrong - there was a point to its design, and the point to it now is that all of the world's fastest typists are fluent in it and converting them would be a monumental task.

That said, we could definitely do better if we could start over. There was a keyboard design for thumbsticks I used to have on the psp that I reached 68wpm on after only a month's usage for example.

Don't be crazy! It's just because that's the only time nearly 100% of babies are in the hospital. Being handled by... health care workers.

Why would you argue y2 when you could be constructing x3?

Maybe in more traditional and conservative cultures, but in my experience in typical modern liberal environments it just raises your status.

I have gotten the same impression from women about bi guys though. Some of them are fine with it, but many seem like they put bi guys below gay guys in the list of dating prospects. My cousin said she felt betrayed when her boyfriend told her he was bi, which I kind of get. They stayed together for a few more months though.

Are police the nose of the government? You aren't making sense.

If Pfizer and the CDC were pushing ivermectin hard and MRNA vaccines were still under review the Brett Weinstein’s of the world would be clamoring for MRNA and crying conspiracy.

What do you base this on? Weinstein seemed pretty reasonable to me, although I haven't heard from him in a while.

I don't think you can cleave it so neatly. A lot of the time if someone thinks caring about criminals will improve their status they will find a reason to care about them. At first they might only care on a superficial level, but as they see it improve their status they find reasons to justify it and can even end up being more enthusiastic than the people who are actually affected.

Just a quick note - don't let its pronunciation fool you O-ree-gan it's spelled Oregon.

The way I see it, the only path to freedom from identity politics is if we all willingly give up our superweapons. I know it seems like an impossible ask, especially after we have seen so many defections, but as always in game theory, if you want to return to cooperation after a series of defections, someone has to take a leap of faith.

I think Jews would be a good candidate, because I think they are strong enough without it. I think it is pointless asking black people to do it first, because too many of them live on or near the poverty line and feel they have no safety net without identity politics. You ask them and they say "Do I look like an idiot? Ask the white people who run Hollywood to go first." (this is based on actual conversations I have had with black people.)

And yeah destroying Kanye is currently within the overton window, but it shouldn't be. It only is because we are mired in identity politics. If it was just Jewish people boycotting and insulting him on social media, I would probably agree with them. But destroying a man because he doesn't like the fact that you have the power to destroy him is totalitarian bullshit.

Well I try to only read fiction (because I am not a child) so it's hard to recommend anything, since what you take from fiction depends on what you already know, and only one author really sticks out as foundational - Alan Moore. Especially Providence. If you balk at the idea of reading a comic book you are seriously missing out, (and I don't just mean on that story, some of the smartest authors alive work in the medium) but The Last Psychiatrist was definitely an influence, although he probably isn't new to you.

It's a dog eat (hedge) hog world out there?

So that leaves Hamlin as the only person who had a sudden, life-threatening cardiac event, and I'd hardly call one person a trend.

Come on son. It doesn't leave shit, all you have done is claim Rich (54) was young and had a history of mental illness (he was a child movie star) and so he might have oded or killed himself.

Then we get to Lee, where you tell us that people don't advise others to check on your loved ones and tell them you love them when someone dies suddenly of an unknown cause? The conclusion you reach being - I think - that she committed suicide too? Why wouldn't your loved one dying suddenly of an unknown cause prompt you to check on your loved ones and make sure they know how much you love them - before it's too late you know, before they die suddenly from an unknown cause?

Lastly we have the ODU player, who didn't die, so his life wasn't threatened enough to count. And now you have made up just so stories for three of them, you can declare Hamlin the only person who had a sudden, life-threatening cardiac event! Except you can't expect any of that to convince the op - he is concerned because he doesn't know what information he should be believing, and you throw even more possibilities into the mix! Or to put it another way, jeroboam expressed his hypothetical possibilities to promote gathering more information. You expressed your hypothetical possibilities to promote gathering less information.

  • -11

So he's just like you?

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