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I'm serious.


User ID: 267



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:21:03 UTC


I'm serious.


User ID: 267

This makes me uncomfortable because it reminds me so much of those times that the Democrats would push narratives about Russia and Trump. I remember making arguments at length that regardless of whether or not Trump was 'polite' the office of the presidency should still command respect; I thought these were strong arguments and maybe I still do. When are we going to try to be a more uniting force instead of continuing to hunt down scandals involving relatives?

Kushner being sent to build peace in the middle east was unorthodox in the appearance of nepotism, but in unorthodox times we need unorthodox solutions. I dare call this preoccupation on Biden's spawn obsessive. You're trying to hold 'the system' to a consistency it never had. Trump did things that angered the left and that made me glad, but as I think about a divided country I feel some shame for embracing that power, for now I see in you someone who is angered, much as the left was, over trivial, irrelevant, and imagined corruption.

Do you need to be told that Trump lost, get over it? Do you need to be told to look to the future and not the past? What are you looking for? What are you hoping to find?

Explain to me, if you would, your preoccupation with Fauci.

All I know is the government said take the vaccine, so I took it. I knew there was a chance of side effects but I judged them to be negligible. Vaccines aren't scary.

Otherwise you would lose every elections and never project power.

The right just lost elections because they can't let go of Trump. Trump doesn't project power he projects weakness. He used to be able to do it but his time is done. DeSantis has some strong points but I'm still hoping for someone a little better at silencing wokeness without feeding division.

Most Republicans don't believe climate change is a problem at all, your optimism is incoherent

At the end of the day you need someone who recognizes that American government has to be for Americans, and that's Trump.

It sounds to me like you're resisting an obvious conclusion: you need religion. The choice is between tradition and its challenging but earnest calls to a better life and the degeneracy of rainbow churches.

You need religion because you boast about your sexual relationship with your wife online.

You need religion because instead of keeping your family business in the family, you make political hay of it to strangers.

Talk to the people you need to talk to, don't just vent helplessly.

I believe this vindicates the front-line doctors and makes mass murderers of the censors, as well-intentioned as those who smashed sparrows for Mao.

Something I've been thinking a lot about as I see a well-intentioned president Trump struggle against the power in this country is the fallibility of human government. Are you sure you're not overreacting to human fallibility?

Trump was on the right side of history, and I think it's important to retain belief that there is a right side of history and people can be on it.

The CDC was more concerned about getting the vaccine out than perfect safety. Does that really make them mass murderers?

I would impeach Biden for being old and will accept any pretext whatsoever.

Wait, are you telling me Trump ordered the FDA to bypass safety protocols to get the vaccine out??

I'm really hoping that the Republican wave coming our way (I have some positions on Republicans winning both the House and the Senate) will cool the fire on leftwing extremism. We need a de-escalation in this country and it's never going to happen while left-aligned people continue to belabor their most noxious positions.

A sound defeat might be just the thing to correct some of the worst excesses of the morality police.

It's not like anyone objects (or should object) to shots taken at Biden. I'm starting to feel like this place may have a problem.

It is somewhat irresponsible to mention dharma without also covering dukkha.

It would be one thing if Trump successfully punched out the establishment but he drowned in controversies of his own making instead.

If you don't want to face questions I think you're in the wrong place.

I think you've become overpoliticized on this.

He's done a far better job of standing up to the wokes than any other politician if you ask me.

Watching the press briefing Trump gave... something in me finally broke.

I don't think it matters what you call Trumpism. I think that we've spent all of this time propping up a broken system with a broken man. I recoiled from the accelerationists who said they were using Trump to break the system because that just seems so destructive and vile, no better than the people who break Starbucks windows.

I thought: maybe he's a good man. Maybe we should give him a chance. And the Democrats are so vile in their baseless slander.

But the Dermocrats didn't make him give that speech on January 6th.

Hillary Clinton should have been jailed and she should still be in jail. There is nothing to be gained however from holding on to a tool that has run out of use.

I mean is there anyone out there who didn't understand why Democrats were in shrill hysterics about fascism? The man like to scare them, and I don't know if I believe that he had so much fun terrorizing the libs (it's so easy and someone has to do it) that he fell into it, or if... well, I just can't go down that road yet.

This criminal wasn't worth all of this divisiveness in our politics. Maybe the divisiveness was already there.

I regret my support for former president Trump and I want him to withdraw from public life. Nixon had the decency to step down when his time was up.

  • -28

Is Biden the enemy of the people, as has been claimed by Trump?

I wouldn't like to take such an allegation lightly. But I have to admit, there's something to be said for recognizing a spade as a spade. It's impossible to talk about in leftist controlled spaces, but woke politics does sometimes act like this higher-dimension being which occupies minds and turns them towards the possession of power in the service of ritual idealism.

This country is divided and maybe it's time to recognize those divisions more openly. Maybe those who have been forced to keep mouths shut for fear of being attacked or losing jobs need to stand firm.

Maybe conservatives need to hold on to the right to speak about demographics in a straightforward fashion.

Maybe it's better to hold onto the strong fighter you have instead of indulging in the hope that this time there might be a compromise, even as history shows the limits, even pitfalls, of such willingness to come to the table.

I wish I had more of a firm argument to submit, but I can only ask the question and see what the responses stir in my mind...

Your thoughts?

  • -21

One of the criticisms that stuck with me early on in Trump's presidency, don't know who said it, was that by embracing a politician whose action deliberately enraged the 'other side', we were furthering division in this country. I think that was undeniably true, and it was undeniably the sort of thing any proper conservative party should understand.

You have no understanding of why Democrats are in shrill hysterics after a mob ransacked a building of our federal government? In reality it was a sad selfie party but don't let that make it impossible to understand why Democrats think the way they do.

But you've been tolerating corruption like this the entire time. The system is so corrupt that picking any one portion of it to get angry about is missing the point and falling into partisanship. Do you really want to debate the Democrat talking point of Trump's Ukraine phone call? It's a losing game.

The usual litany of accusations after a crazed attacker broke into the Pelosi's house has me thinking about the difficulty of assigning an ideological basis for any specific action or idea. Generally speaking this is known as a 'motte and bailey,' but there's something even broader at work when anyone can claim to speak for any movement at any time.

But it clearly wouldn't be fair to say that this attacker is representative of 'the right' any more than it is fair to say that the people raving about Russia collusion in 2016 were representative of 'the left,' except to the extent to which those ideas were platformed by the media.

This separation from media, the elevation of media from populace, seems inevitable given the mass confusion that results in exposure of the general population to the misinformation machine that is the modern Internet.

I don't know what to do about it but I begin to think that merely criticizing and replacing 'media' won't solve this problem of human confusion.

Sorry, I was writing to process and I should have included a link.

Biden claims it's not a majority of Republicans, but I think the majority of Republicans don't believe him.

Why should they? Republicans live in occupied territory: a foreign government blasts its propaganda on their airwaves.

During the time for that, all the so-called adults in the room told the hotheads who saw what was coming to just shut up and endure.

I wish I'd listened a little more. Now it feels like the only person I've been able to rely on to take the fight to them is old and discredited. Whether or not Trump is right that Biden has become the enemy of the people, it doesn't matter that he's right.

How many people here are "unfuckable messes" and would be comfortable being made a subject like this?