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joined 2022 September 04 20:29:00 UTC


User ID: 135



6 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 20:29:00 UTC


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User ID: 135

I have, perhaps surprisingly, managed to make new close friends as a mid twenties guy. Here's the trick, you first say "hey bro (or girl I want as a friend), I really enjoyed talking to you at that thing that time, we should get coffee sometime, how's next thursday?". Next, you need to talk one-on-one, it's hard to make a new close friend when you're always in a group with them, and you need to (gradually) tell them some of your secrets, vulnerability is required for close friendship. Virtually everyone to whom you offer one of your small secrets will reciprocate with one of their own, and thus the friendship builds.

Then, once you've hung out a few times one on one, you hit them with a heartfelt "hey man, great hanging out today, this is kinda weird to say, but I want you to know that I'm really grateful to have you as a friend". Think of yourself, would you allow yourself to grow closer in friendship with someone you weren't sure wanted the same thing? Realising that someone you considered a close friend doesn't feel the same probably hurts at the same level as romantic rejection. That's why the earnest declaration that you consider them a close friend works so well, it alleviates their fear that their friendship will not be reciprocated. People do want close friends, they're just afraid to hope.

Ben Shapiro also makes the point that they drop "knock bombs" before the real bombs, the only purpose of those bombs is to shake the building to tell civillians to evacuate.

Buying it on indiamart.com from India pharmacies, I haven't really had problems with importing it in Canada

I might have fucked up one of the easier ones, but gotten avulse correctly. That would explain things if difficult questions are worth more.

hmm, top 0.2% for me, I'm kind of surprised, I never made any explicit effort in all my english classes, and I'm not even a native speaker.


Athens was filthy. Almost every building is completely covered in bad graffiti up to a certain height.

And don't forget the brothels... they're called "studios" there, and there was a truly surprising number of them when I went last summer.

The recommended dosing has you slowly ramp up the dose over like 2 months until you get to the truly effective amounts. I suspect that you would get very large gastro-intestinal side-effects if you just went from 0 to the effective dose. Semaglutide also has a very long half-life of a week, so if you're injecting 1.0mg/week steadily, to get the same blood concentration with a single injection you'd need 2.0mg. I think it would be a fairly bad idea, there's a good chance that the diarrhea and vomiting you'd get would wipe out any mental benefits from the lack of hunger.

Hmm, somehow I doubt that. It's not like all schoolgirls I pass by giggle, but it's happened like 3 times over the past month (I probably pass by more schoolgirls than you because I take the subway). But then I'm curious, what things did you notice in your case?

yep, got a 25.38 score, which makes me HighRat too

I think instead of reading the documentation of libraries I'd try to read the main books on the theory, but only reading the first part of every chapter and very lightly skimming the rest, doing none of the exercises. Like, you understand what an integral is within like 30 minutes of having the problem stated to you, and the best ressources to be introduced to the problem are still the textbooks, they just happen to come with hundreds of pages you don't need. When I first learned ML I just spent 2 days reading Murphy's 2012 book without worrying about any of the details, I just wanted to get a small introduction to literally every method so that I could get a sort of mental picture of the entire field.

The problem with only knowing the theory so shallowly is that you're kind of brittle to modifications and expansions of the problem statement. Like, how would you solve the following problem: you have a company that has an industrial process with 10 free parameters, and they have a yield function F(x) : R^10 -> R that they want to maximize, but the exact physics if the process is unknown or very complicated. Each trial run to compute F(x) costs 1 million dollars (and of course F(x) has some unknown variance), so so far they only have around 30 data points {x_i, F(x_i)}. Your job is to advise them on how to pick the next point x_i to try in order to maximize their profits (which increase with yield, but decrease with additional suboptimal trials). And what if F(x) is nonstationary? Maybe the machines degrade over time, and the optimal parameters change...

I have a very large google sheets document where I compute macros per weight for a bunch of my most common homemade foods (like protein bars, chili, hamburgers, fried chicken, etc.), like the picture shows. Some variety does need to be sacrificed, but I arrived at a combination of 5 or 6 recipes that I like and that fit my macros pretty well.


edit: also, I get cheap whey here and cheap casein protein here, direct import from india from indiamart would be even cheaper, but that's a bit too much hassle for me right now

modafinil was generally for wakefulness?

Just like caffeine both keeps you awake and focuses/motivates you, modafinil also has quite significant effects on focus and motivation, it's sort of the intermediate step between caffeine and amphetamines. I wouldn't necessarily use it everyday, otherwise you get used to it, but it could really give you 2 days per week of great motivation.

Oh, very true! I honestly forget that people do these recreationally and not to understand the nature of self and sensory experience. Though I personally find it hard to think of anything less pleasant than doing shrooms in public.

Wow, unless you have a weird definition of "drink", then those are truly massive amounts of alcohol. Like Huberman would say, this is called "alcohol use disorder".

From our own point of view it's clear that SBF is grey tribe, so we've been focusing on the Effective Altruism angle, but I don't think the mainstream knows of the grey tribe yet, and if the blue tribe has recognised him as one of their own (with him being a democratic donor and all), then it makes more sense that the media would be defending him.

A very substantial flat decrease in tax rate for all couples with at least one child (maybe with some soft cutoff for the age of the parents so we don't lose revenu from people in their 40s and 50s). The average child per mother in western countries has actually increased since the 80s, it's just that women aren't having that first child anymore at the same rates, so encouraging the first child should be sufficient.

I am "out of the hole" in the sense that once you've lost all the weight, you can start eating at maintenance again, which is much easier than eating at a deep deficit. So pre-semaglutide my daily maintenance calories might have been like 3500, and I was eating at like 3600, very slowly gaining weight. During semaglutide I'm eating 2300, which is a very deep deficit, made much easier due to the appetite reduction. After semaglutide, my reduced body weight will push my maintenance calories at around 3000, which will be much easier to maintain, either with discipline or with low-dose semaglutide. I think that the state of being obese does some kind of permanent damage to appetite regulation, so that anyone who has ever been significantly overweight will basically need to be on some sort of permanent diet for the rest of their lives, and there's no scenario in which they eat "naturally" and don't gain all the weight back.

"I see my car is heading towards a cliff, once I start to fall, either I die an inevitable relatively painless death, or I survive. The first option is not worth thinking about, therefore I should plan for the second..."

You're right that AI safety rules won't stop a 10000 IQ machine from killing us if it wants to... But the whole point of AI safety is making it not want to kill us, just like you shouldn't drive over cliffs.

I think that's a great point, but the difference is that steroids are much more effective than adderall at their respective jobs. Steroids can essentially take people in the bottom quintile of muscle building potential and take them to the level of the top 0.1% natural athletes, and they take people in the top quintile and make them completely superhuman, they are freakishly effective. If something of this magnitude existed in the realm of productivity, it wouldn't matter that the best people left google, because the drug is doing so much of the work that those who take it become the best because of it.

yeah I just use insulin needles from amazon, with alcohol prep pads. The only thing you can't get from amazon is bacteriostatic water, which is still over-the-counter, just not from amazon (I got it from here). Peptides in general are best stored dry in a freezer or fridge, but I keep them at room temperature away from the light, the tests I've seen don't really show any meaningful degradation in a few months. Though they start to degrade much faster once you add in water.

Another thing, you probably won't be able to just buy a month's supply, the minimum order quantity is 10 vials of 2mg, which comes in a prepackaged little box disguised as a chinese beauty mask. I don't think the supplier is set up to ship orders which aren't multiples of 10 vials.

Surprisingly, it kind of does! It felt to me like it helped me not think of work or other things while I'm going to sleep, the vibrations on your skin have a way of capturing attention very effectively. I tried it out for a few weeks after seeing it recommended here, but I'm now returning it, the difference just isn't that big for me, nowhere near the magnitude that the bedjet is making.

Yeah I wouldn't really trust the tests on that page too much, I took their IQ test and got 158 on it, which a ridiculous overestimation based on the previous tests I took, where I got like 135-140.

I'd be super happy to be convinced of the contrary! (Given that the existence of mesa-optimisers are a big reason for my fears of existential risk) But do you mean to imply that gpt-4 is explicitly optimising for next-word prediction internally? And what about a gpt-4 variant that was only trained for 20% of the time that the real gpt-4 was? To the degree that LLMs have anything like "internal goals", they should change over the course of training, and no LLM is trained anywhere close to completion, so I find it hard to believe that the outer objective is being faithfully transfered.

I mean, if you want large costs for the same benefits, there are plenty of effective weight loss drugs with a shit ton of unhealthy side effects, DNP and trenbolone will make you lose weight, they just might also kill you lol, their side effects are not subtle at all. Free lunches are rare in the world, but there's certainly lunches that are more expensive than others.