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joined 2022 October 04 23:03:46 UTC


User ID: 1485

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Constant low-value, low-effort antagonistic poster



1 follower   follows 3 users   joined 2022 October 04 23:03:46 UTC


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User ID: 1485

Banned by: @Amadan

The actual cue that settled Tate's fate was that the pizza box belongs to a poor quality (cheap) shop thus showing the local cops that he would (no longer) be able to afford the aforementioned $500 customary bribe.

Oh and the local Romanian police is following his social media activity for the same reason everyone else is, where else would they get quality advice on masculinity and getting rich quick?

women are liars

Women are liars in one way but this is not something that is being blamed here. The one way they are generally liar is that they rarely tell a man to their face that they find him repulsive, disgusting, or creepy.

So these low-value men don't often get the feedback needed to reconsider they way before going and interacting with women.

Which makes sense and I would not blame women for, as being too honest (perceived as harsh) with a man [with poor social skills] could lead to violence.

What I think most men here could call women is delusional.

Women will give advice to the population of men who date as if they were only speaking to the men that they have dated (the attractive ones).

They find the attractive men in their life too casual, too promiscuous, too impolite or callous, so they tell all men to be more 'romantic'. Autistic nerds read that advice -the actual target, attractive men don't need to read the fish's advice on fishing- and think they need to do more romantic gestures to get a woman, while being more aggressive would make them closer to a fisherman.

“we”, do not want to get romantically or sexually involved with someone who thinks so poorly of “us”. Well, I suppose some of “us” do, but that’s a kink lol.

“we”, do not want to get romantically or sexually involved with someone who thinks so poorly of “us”. well, i suppose some of “us” do, but that’s a kink lol.

Rape is a kink. Ladies love serial killers. There's all kind of kinks out there.

I've never heard of the kink of 'unassuming nerd that nobody respects who let women tell him how to live his life'. Only as a character in a Jewish comedy.

I was gonna make a top level but I guess this is already tangentially the topic.

According to the New Stateman, Russel Brand is now far-right?

Brand launched into a tinny rant that encompassed every right-wing signalling trope: the ghoulish mainstream media, the dishonest and untrustworthy pharmaceutical industry, the West’s shameful treatment of Julian Assange and “American hero” Edward Snowden, and the Covid drug Ivermectin. He then pivoted leftwards, and rounded off his angry sermon with an endorsement for, erm, Bernie Sanders.

Glenn Greenwald (Dailystormer darling // He might be a homosexual Jew, but Glenn Greenwald is a legend and a hero, and his recent piece ripping apart the hall monitor censorship beat of the mainstream media is the article of the year.) comments:

For as long as I can remember, those views - contempt for corporate media and Big Pharma, anger over mistreatment of "heroes" Assange and Snowden - were deeply associated with the Western left.

They're views I always held and still did. Now these are right-wing views? Evidently.

Is it now right-wing to signal distrust of Big Pharma, corporate media and opposing desert wars?

Mishandled IT / intelligence has been at the center of American political scandals in the last couple decades

Is it just 'boomers who can't use a computer' all the way down?

Loosely related question, are there any self-identified 'black', African, African-American etc writer or contributors in the rationalist / lesswrong / motte / substack community?

I'm curious to see what their perspective over the HBD question would be considering that they are often 'the Other' in these discussions.

A lot of early Christians were ethnically Jewish, it's not a problem.

From my experience, mostly from mom groups on social media, American women get very little help after the birth. Some will even attack others for lamenting that their immediate family does not provide much or any help postpartum. 'I didn't need any help I'm a strong independent woman' kind of talk. Meanwhile immigrant women have their mom or other relatives take care of their household for a month while they recover.

There is a lot of emotion before the first child, for the cute baby, a lot of very tiny outfits gifted at the baby shower, fewer outfits for the later ages, and then the attention dies down and people don't want to help.

Literally anybody that does not cheer for team J gets deplatformed, fired, unbanked, sued for millions of dollars...

Countersemitism is actually a broadly popular mindset, as it always was.

You just wouldn't know if you only watch TV or youtube and read reddit.

American politicians will one day say that it's unacceptable that foreign countries influence American elections [talking about Trump/Russia] then attend an AIPAC meeting where they will pledge their undying support of Israel.

You only hear about the people that have the wealth and fame combination that allows them to 1 - have some people listen to them 2 - have the resources to survive getting cancelled.

Everyone else just can't afford to openly talk about jewish power, even if they are acutely aware of it, so they self-censor.

Most self-censor themselves before even formulating an actual thought, as they are bathed in a constant semitic propaganda.

I think the key element in that review is that he was watching it at night with his wife.

SATC is like porn to the female mind, I imagine that must have worked to get her in the mood.

Watching it alone as a man is like getting cucked by a gross, older woman.

Her best-selling book and the racy TV series it inspired taught a generation of women that they could ‘have it all’.

But Sex and the City creator Candace Bushnell, 60, has admitted that she regrets choosing a career over having children as she is now ‘truly alone’.

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

When you go from 'racism is a property of uniquely evil people called nazis' + 'evil nazis want to kill Jews because they are the good guys' to

'racism is your uniquely original sin and there is nothing you can do to wash it away' + 'somehow this does not apply to similar-looking people called Jews because it just doesn't'.

At some point the people targeted by #2 are going to wonder about #1 and how and why the uniquely evil nazis that they are made to identify with felt about the suspiciously similar but immune people.

Something's gotta give.

The only way to stop antisemitism is identical to the only way to stop racism, for Jews to assimilate. Unlike various races that have been more than happy to blend in together, the current Jews are descended from people that ferociously refused to.

While Jews enjoy a pretty comfortable situation at the top of American society, from an economic, social, prestige pov, they are not satisfied until the goyim grovel and endlessly apologize, even if they are billionaires, even if they are minorities, even if they are beloved, high status entertainment figures.

That's not sustainable.

I will pray for you.

Back home people can basically tell at a glance that I am better than them simply based on my dress

The son of God rode in on a donkey and never expected anybody to 'tell at a glance that he was better than them'.

Those who believed in him created the civilization that lucky people like you get to visit and 'work in quant finance' in.

my job is focused on figuring out ways to make money off of other market participants in the west these people get to deal with a version of me that only looks after my own self interest, and naturally since they are beneath me they lose out more often.

You didn't choose your job? Who forced you to 'only look after your own self interest'? I pray that we all find the alternative version of ourselves that treats others better than ourselves.

'globally enforced rule'

Indeed. Leftist memes are enforced at gun point or delete button point.

Stating one's pronouns is literally supported by a billion dollar DEI industry.

Racism = power + prejudice is not in application otherwise the media wouldn't be so careful handling some cases of racial conflicts.

Isn't racism now understood to be “A collection of racist policies that lead to racial inequity that are substantiated by racist ideas”??

I have a little bit of insight from my experience with a few UAW members and the industry.

EV manufacturing requires high-tech equipment: clean rooms to build the batteries, state-of-the-art HVAC filters to remove metal dust, toxic gasses.

Not only are the production workers not qualified for the production work, but union workers are not qualified to maintain the factory itself either.

Companies use that as an excuse to bring in outside contractors to replace them.

The big problem is the demographic. I don't know exactly the history, but there was a hiring freeze in the last part of the 20th century, so the demographic structure of the union members is lopsided, with a lot more retired union members than actually working ones.

When times are bad, the retired members have all the time in the world to attend day-time union meetings to steer the union's direction toward protecting their retirement benefits. Wages and other workers' benefits get the short end of the stick.

I think being a union worker in the auto industry is still preferable to not being in a union, but it's not easy to get in.

Regarding the corruption, at some point it was possible for a company manager to join the union on their last day / week before company retirement, go work on the line for a day with the guys that were your subordinates until then, and then get full union retirement benefits on top of the company pension.

Be rude or stay hungry.

While you may be right about the source, it would not be surprising for such a website to fail.

Conservative social networks don't need to be online.

From my personal experience, it is hard for conservative men to find an adequate partner, as the quality of women available in for example the US or Canada is so overwhelmingly low.

Consider : Pentagon: 7 in 10 Youths Would Fail to Qualify for Military Service

The ineligible typically includes those who are obese, those who lack a high school diploma or a GED, convicted felons, those taking prescription drugs for ADHD and those with certain tattoos and ear gauges

Nearly 40% of US women 20-39 yo are overweight.

Factor in other debilitating mental illnesses, promiscuity, crippling debt, criminal or insane family, hostility to religion...

You end up with a very small pool of viable candidates.

All modern men are in essence incels as the female partner that they desire most likely does not exist in any meaningful quantity.

Additionally conservative women should keep a low-profile, as signaling too great an availability does not bode well for their quality.

I don't fault the ones I've known to do that as they were reaching an older age, end of 20s-early 30s.

Unless you mean they should literally stop being Jews?

If by 'being Jews' you refer to '(1)only allowing blood-related people into your religion, claiming that only blood-relation can make you Jewish and (2) the whole other host of beliefs associated with the Holocaust/progressive worldview related to white people and institutions they like being intrinsically racist'.

(2) being most obviously exemplified by the memetic double claim 'fellow white people now is time to end racism/whiteness etc' + 'I'm not white I'm Jewish' when time comes to explain why affirmative action somehow does not apply to Jewish-heavy institutions.

Then yes.

But guess what, that is implicitly and sometimes explicitly what is demanded of white people. 'stop supporting whiteness'.

'stop surrounding yourself with other white people' / 'stop excluding non-whites' / 'stop taking non-whites' space [in formerly white-built institutions]

Why wouldn't it be more inclusive to have every synagogue open to worship Mohammed or even Hitler?

This is just vilifying your outgroup without evidence.

Well then not all Jews (NAJ).

Just the handful of ones that hold such power that they can get a beloved entertainment billionaire African-American to lose a money-printing contract with a sports clothing company.

[ADL & co / Kanye West / Adidas]

But uh oh isn't that an antisemitic trope to claim that a handful of Jews have disproportionate power?!

English-speaking Nigeria does

Perhaps Americans should try learning non-English languages to solve their school violence problems?

Because old European kingdoms and empires were awesome, and their only flaw was racism. If people of color were equally represented among European royalty and nobility, it would be true paradise on earth.

I was just reading about Haitian history...:

While the French settlers debated how new revolutionary laws would apply to Saint-Domingue, outright civil war broke out in 1790 when the free men of color claimed they too were French citizens under the terms of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.

In Paris, a group of wealthy mulattoes, led by Julien Raimond and Vincent Ogé, unsuccessfully petitioned the white planter delegates to support mulatto claims for full civil and political rights. Through the efforts of a group called Société d'Amis des Noirs, of which Raimond and Ogé were prominent leaders, in March 1790 the National Assembly granted full civic rights to the gens de couleur.

Vincent Ogé traveled to St. Domingue to secure the promulgation and implementation of this decree, landing near Cap-Français (now Cap-Haïtien) in October 1790 and petitioning the royal governor, the Comte de Peynier. After his demands were refused, he attempted to incite the gens de couleur to revolt.

However, the mulatto rebels refused to arm or free their slaves, or to challenge the status of slavery, and their attack was defeated by a force of white militia and black volunteers (including Henri Christophe).

Systemic slavery internalized by strong people of color smh.

The difficulty with the current social mores is that you have to determine the truth values of contradicting advice, and act on it in a sociopathic manner:

-women are just like men, they deserve the same respect, plain speaking, no need to take kiddie-gloves for them (mainstream media feminism/women page articles)

-women are fragile animals full of emotion, that, similarly to children, you can trick into buying your products (the ads running on the side or intersped with the content of the aforementioned articles)

To date successfully, a man has to claim to genuinely believe the former, to the grave, while in practice behaving ruthlessly like the latter (marketing/ad professional), and make it seem effortless, as if there was never any contradiction to resolve.

Once this premise is begrudgingly somewhat internalized, the main obstacle becomes a combination of idealism/integrity and ego.

We want to believe Hollywood lies about the poor, unattractive nerd getting a love story with the girl next door, after he stopped believing in incel conspiracies or started showering or what not.

We want to believe that women will just give the average man a fair chance.

And more than anything we want to believe that we are great as we are and we shouldn't change anything to attract a woman.

I think the greatest tragedy in all of this is how much effort smart men end up deploying before they can secure one wife. For the 50-80% of men who cannot effortlessly attract women they are attracted to, securing a long-term partner becomes a long-term hobby, or a second career. How many of the nerds on this website have dating sites statistics memorized, like Scott Adams with FBI crime statistics?

But but but I just can't believe in God, it doesn't make sense, cries the atheist, before spending the next decade crying about the unfairness of the dating market generated by his elders' criminal apostasy.

Simply keep the old folks of your family around. It is not uncommon around the world to have a young married couple live with their parents. The grandparents provide help with taking care of the children and also benefit from social contact into old age.

There are many issues with corporations entering into competitions with families by providing maternity leave, abortion services, paying in excess single women while keeping married men wages' low...

Moreover corporations have also created a market out of the elderly, with cruises, independent communities, reverse mortgages to make sure that there is no estate to leave to descendants...

We will just have to wait for a few decades for the Amish, Mexicans, Mormons and Chinese to solve the issue in the US.

Here's a citation from goofy mail prank man:

"Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them.

But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred."

What's the point of being a leftist? Change society? Don't you already have the power within yourself to behave with humility and charity to help those you perceive as oppressed?

Isn't the need to change others the expression of a will to power as explained above?

This is not a requirement to be Jewish. They do not go looking for converts, but it is possible to convert into Judaism.

Not a very common thing to see. At least we can admit that they are pretty insular people.

In the one country where there is a large amount of them, Israel, they can't really be said to be very nice to the non-Jews.

This isn't a component of Judaism, and while it may be a fair description of many (not all) socially liberal Jews, it's not a defining characteristic of "Jewishness."

Your main objection seems to be specifically about contemporary leftist SJ-aligned Jews, yet you made reference to historical "ferocious" refusal to assimilate.

Well, yes. Refusal to assimilate. All the Jews that decided to assimilate converted to Christianity, 2000 years ago.

All the Jews that exist now descend from people that had a chance to convert at some point, and decided not to.

And they've taught their descendants not to.

Similarly to the Amish. The Amish exist because they descend from a line of people that decided not to adopt technology and to teach their children not to. There are very few converts.

At any point in time an Amish person can decide to stop living the Amish life. Sure, they could still be considered Amish, but their children or grand-children would not.

The difference between the Amish and the Jews is that the Amish don't control banking and media corporations, don't control people's livelihood, what they buy, are allowed to buy or what they are allowed to think, who they are allowed to vote for.

Imagine if the owner of TheMotte was talking trash about the Amish and the Amish somehow coordinated with payment processing systems, internet infrastructure companies, other corporations to force the owner to close the website.

And when they would try go tell somebody about these events, their media invites would get cancelled or the media that did decide to host them would get banned from internet infrastructure companies, payment processing companies, etc.

This is what happens very often if not always when somebody talks trash about the Jews.

that's still a long shot from saying "Jews cause anti-Semitism because they all cancelled Kanye and are afraid of being Holocausted and won't assimilate."

This would be fair if that was the first time this ever happened.

Rick Sanchez had the same issues in the 2010s.

Norm was joking about it in the 90s

My point of view is that a conspiracy does not need to exist for the results that we see.

I think that Jews in general, going through the historical selection that they went through, led them to inherit characteristics of people that not only cannot assimilate to a wider body of humanity, but also constantly feel under attack from the majority of humanity, and tend to overreact to that perceived attack, therefore triggering resentment.

Kind of like the common psychological phenomenon of somebody feeling insecure, thinking that everybody is constantly judging or scrutinizing them, therefore projecting an aura of awkwardness wherever they go, and causing people to perceive them as they self-evaluate.

These people find each over and bond over their uniqueness and their vulnerability against the rest of the mean world, and when inevitably their behavior causes the rest of the tribe to suffer, they are the first out the door, and the most likely to survive!

Who is most likely to survive a banking riot, the honest guy that doesn't really have any opinion about banking, or the insider Sam Bankman-Fried, who knows that there's a lot of bad things happening in banking, and if they're not coming for him, the pitchforks outside the windows are not good news anyway?

The easiest for rich, powerful Jews to get others to like them, is to personify noblesse oblige.

Be generous with your money, share your wealth, be a role model for others.

What do so many of them do?

George Soros goes and hires people to make US cities more dangerous (soft on crime DAs).

Others found organizations to help people illegally immigrate to the US (break the laws that protect the American people).

Sam Bankman Fried goes and scams a bunch of do-gooders who wanted to improve charity.

And of course the endless stream of progressive media 'stop whiteness now', 'you are racist for having standards of how your country should be that rich Jews disagree with' etc.

This is historical too. So many Jews could not stand that Americans had a right to self-association so they funded the Civil Rights movement.

The Amish like their life a certain way, they like to live among themselves and not mingle with others, like the Jews, but they're not forcing or even coercing anyone else to live their beliefs, drop their borders, accommodate foreigners, accommodate sexual minorities, drug addicts, etc.


Another issue is that when needed they are all coordinated to cover up or create urgency.

The joke at the time 'Oh it's Ukraine season? I still have my Covid decorations up'

illustrates this state of affairs, where the American/Western media overwhelmingly talks about the same thing at the same time, to take over the mind of the people.

Then they claim that there is such a thing as democracy, while the majority of people get their opinions fed directly from the same sources, with a handful of billionaires controlling all large corporate media that is allowed to have bank accounts and appear on the internet.

The recent Biden classified documents 'scandal' is another example.

The initial find was on November 2.. Right before the Midterms.

But we did not see it in the media before the end of the election of the speaker of the House.

Compare this to the leak of the Roe v. Wade overturning before the Midterms.

Finally, here is a critique of this article on unz.com.

I will quote just the end:

second opinion, from Paleo Retiree, who worked for decades at a major weekly news magazine. After I wrote about the bronze statue boom of the last third of a century, which I’ve seen with my own eyes all across the country but can’t recall ever reading about in the national press as a subject worthy of art criticism, he responded:

BTW, there’s a surprisingly big world out there of gifted people — architects, painters, composers, poets, etc — creating delightful, solid and beautiful stuff in trad kinds of ways. I’ve met a bunch of them. The reason your average American culturefan isn’t aware of this activity is that the press doesn’t cover it, so you aren’t being told about it. You won’t know about it if you don’t stumble into it yourself.

You can trust me on this, btw: back in the ‘90s I pitched a lot of story ideas about the various New Traditionalisms to a lot of different editors, and 99.9% of the time my ideas were shot down. I had to have had the worst batting average of any arts reporter ever, lol.

You’d think editors of arts sections and arts publications would find such people and developments interesting, and would want to explore them and tell readers and viewers about them. But no: in fact what I found was that the editors and producers (and the people behind them) who run the discussion about the arts in our country aren’t interested in mere reporting, let alone in giving their readers and viewers a fair picture of what’s really going on culturally in the world. They’re interested in dictating terms and promoting agendas. A few scales fell from my eyes. It’s almost like the entire news business generally!


Geeze I wonder why this guy loves the press :

Personally, I’ve always been treated well by the mainstream press.

This advice of course isn’t going to apply to people who think January 6 was a peaceful protest, Trump really won the 2020 election, mRNA vaccines are dangerous, or that the world is run by a cabal of Satanic pedophiles, because such views, unlike anti-wokeness and anti-masking, don’t have any support in newsrooms or among the kinds of people who become successful journalists.

Wow I wonder how somebody with such bold and brave opinions could find that the media is not that bad after all.

But let's see.

This guy claims that somebody with these opinions could NOT be 'among the kinds of people who become successful journalists'?

What is an example of good journalism according to him?


[Let's see what Vice thinks of the Jan 6 protests.](


Gavin McInnes Wears Proud Boy Colors Again, Throws Support Behind Jan. 6 Defendants

Oh my, that sounds like one of these people that could never be successful journalists right there according to Mr Hanania!

(Disclosure: Gavin McInnes was a co-founder of VICE in the mid-1990s. He left the company in 2008 and has had no involvement since then. He founded the Proud Boys in 2016.)


I know several people have already pointed out that right-wing journalists are pushed away from the media, but I thought that this part was especially savory.

I have another example of course.

Andrew Anglin who draws millions of people to read his blog.

He writes a dozen article every single day, derivative, not of his own research, usually using the MSM as the source.

Why is Andrew Anglin not sending teams of journalists to report on first-hand information?

Gee I wonder maybe it has to do with him getting banned from social media, all payment processing systems, getting banned from Cloudflare, getting banned from several DNS, getting banned from webhosts...

He would be a successful journalist if he were a leftist, or if the right-wing were in charge.

Currently sitting at 10k followers on twitter a couple months after joining back in.

Part of the problem is that Republicans aren’t very smart, so they can’t pressure the media in effective ways to give them better coverage and do actually do things that can’t be defended like equivocate on who won the 2020 election.

Just smart yourself out of depending on banks and internet access to be a successful media company.

But don't smart yourself too much or they'll put you in jail like Virgil Griffith.

Back in the 2010s they'd just have roasted the guy on a reality tv show like King of the Nerds instead.

Now, let's look at the 'right-wing' media that is allowed to exist.

Ben Shapiro for years has enjoyed great promotion on Youtube, to the extent that left-wingers complain that he was part of the gateway to the altright or the radicalization engine etc... Funnily enough one of my zoomer friends said he was first 'radicalized' by Ben Shapiro.

Here is another example from Reddit, Shapiro has ads on Youtube.

Meanwhile, ever since Gamergate or earlier, a wide range of Youtube streamers can testify that their videos were demonetized, removed, shadowbanned or deamplified. For example Pewdiepie.

The 'Adpocalypse' began over two separate incidents. The first was when it came to light that terrorist groups like Hezbollah were using YouTube to upload and monetize videos promoting terrorism.

The second occurred when Felix 'PewDiePie' Kjellberg made a video that included men he had paid to hold signs that read 'Death to all Jews.' Kjellberg insisted his video was satirical in nature and has since apologized. But since his channel remains the largest on YouTube, and since he was partnered with Disney's Maker Studios at the time and worked closely with YouTube Red on original content, the backlash was intense, and the reverberations were felt throughout the YouTube community.

Now, why is Ben Shapiro allowed to enjoy such an audience on Youtube?

Is it because he is such a consummate professional, expert at SIO?

He didn't do too well against an actual conservative journalist Andrew Neil.

Is it perhaps because his opinions are not actually a threat to the system, much like Hanania's?

['And by the way, I don't give a good damn about the so-called "browning of America."

Color doesn't matter. Ideology does.'](https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/875730927002963968)

Perhaps Susan Wojcicki the CEO of YouTube thinks that she needs some 'conservative' talking heads.

Another example quoted in the MediaMatters link above is PragerU, which has an Israeli intelligence veteran for CEO, on video saying :

Frankly, I think a big thing we’ve changed people’s minds on is Israel. I got a phone call from … Israel’s foreign ministry … they called me. They specifically said “what you guys [PragerU] are doing is probably better than most pro-Israel organizations” because our audience is not Jewish or Israeli, so we’re not called ‘Israel.com.’ We do videos on 52 different topics, and a few of them happen to be on Israel… In no case we’re preaching to the choir on no issue because we have such diverse issues. Yes, we’re always conservative and pro Judeo-Christian, you know, American values, but we have moved a lot of people who have never heard positive things about Israel more towards Israel because of the diversity of our content.

There's a lot of such media out there. American exposure to Israel in the media is overwhelmingly positive. And that country gets a lot more media coverage than any other smallish country (prior to Ukraine in 2022-2023).

Another aspect is how tied up at the hip with American intelligence / deep state the media is.

Twitter for example had a lot of former FBI agents working there. But they are not the only ones.

The initial articles covering the January 6 protests said that policemen were killed during the protests.

The only death during the protest was an unarmed, female protestor.

This was known at time of publishing, but it took weeks for the NYT article to show a correction that the one cop who died was not 'bludgeoned' to death but died after the protests in some other location and without really getting hurt by protestors.

Moreover, there is evidence that the protests were directed by people who were working for the federal government, and this is not something that the MSM has been willing to cover much.

The MSM journalists don't even believe their own lies in some cases, as with January 6:

NYT National Security Correspondent, Matthew Rosenberg, contradicts his own January 6 reporting: “There were a ton of FBI informants amongst the people who attacked the Capitol.”

Rosenberg: “It was like, me and two other colleagues who were there [January 6] outside and we were just having fun!”

Rosenberg: “I know I’m supposed to be traumatized, but like, all these colleagues who were in the [Capitol] building and are like ‘Oh my God it was so scary!’ I’m like, ‘f*ck off!’”

Rosenberg: “I’m like come on, it’s not the kind place I can tell someone to man up but I kind of want to be like, ‘dude come on, you were not in any danger.’”

Rosenberg: “These fcking little dweebs who keep going on about their trauma. Shut the fck up. They’re fcking btches.”

Rosenberg: "They were making too big a deal. They were making this an organized thing that it wasn’t.”

Rosenberg RESPONDS: “Will I stand by those comments? Absolutely.”

The irony with this is that during the Charlottesville protests of 2016, one of the deaths was a female left-wing protestor who was walking on the street in front of stopped cars, when one car ran at moderate speed into the car at the back of the line, which caused the other cars to move and hit her.

The Dailystormer was mainly deplatformed because they made a joke about her being fat.

I don't think any of the media outlets calling the dead female protestor of 2022 an insurrectionist or a terrorist has been deplatformed.

The perpetrator had his time of glory on TV instead of getting several life sentences like James Field.

I think the biggest problem for the media is what they choose to cover.

If a team of scientists makes a discovery, they have guidelines to go out of their way to find a woman or a non-white to talk about it, even if their involvement was very minor.

If they talk about a country that their bosses like, then they say (mostly) positive things, no matter what.

The issue is that this kind of thing can change very fast.

One day we support #MeToo, the next we have to remember the tragedy of Emmett Till.

Here's an example with a NYT journalist writing a hitpiece on Americans who indulge in Russian propaganda, getting their own media's links thrown back at them when asking for source on Ukraine being a corrupt country.

As a thought experiment, name a couple Chinese-American actors, or any other immigrant-descendants who use their influence to subvert European-American values.

One of the only apparently decent people in Hollywood is Keanu Reeves, Americans love his gun movies.

On the other hand, we have a Sarah Silverman who makes Santa Inc.

Statistically speaking there's a jew in new york whose grandpa moved to brooklyn and learned english, and his dad moved to italy and learned italian, and his dad moved to austria and learned austraian, and his dad had to learn greek, and each of them invested in a local business along the way.

Normal people don't do that. Why do you act as if that's evidence of integrating successfully?

Speaking the same language as somebody =/= integrating.

This is an example of integration

A normal person you talk shit to they talk shit back, they don't seize your bank accounts.

Only the high priests of the Holocaust religion make people bow and apologize with real tears.