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joined 2022 September 05 01:37:00 UTC


User ID: 347



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User ID: 347

You’re wasting your time, people on the motte are very blackpilled and demoralized to the point they can’t see a win as a win.

You clearly don’t read Scott’s own writings I guess


Take a look at what the best and brightest of psychiatrists conference write about for their conferences. Endless woke activist slop. And it’s like this at every single social sciencey conference too, including economics.

I don’t feel like doing research for someone who isn’t interested in asking honest questions though so go ahead and find your own sources

I guess if you totally discount immigration that might be true

Funny. I’m a regular /r/MawInstallation participant, and I’ve mostly heard good things about the High Republic.

Yeah, Redditors don’t really reflect the true fan base for, well, anything anymore. surprised someone still thinks that, especially in this space.

The follow-up to this condemnation of the rollout is…an argument that the first book was actually successful.

Successful? It merely is the best selling of the bunch, which is….not high praise given the pathetic numbers on display:

Maybe 2021 wasn’t the best time to release half a dozen books.

Yeah, why would the middle of a pandemic when everyone is stuck at home be a bad time to sell books?

According to the fans, yes, Zahn “did it right”. Money talks. Shit walks.

  • If the tits aren’t out, she can’t be a good Jedi, hmm?

Judging by the fact no one knows who this character is, yes. Correct.

Er, third-rate talent operating on a budget.

Lol, Disney is operating “on a budget”. Yeah, a billion dollar marketing budget.

This article has made you really angry. Why? Did you enjoy the new Star Wars and it’s abject commercial and cultural failure feel invalidating to you?

Someone must be buying them

Non Americans

Ah I see, I don’t really see why the rest of the office needed to get involved though

If you can’t see what’s blindingly obvious I see this “umm source please?” as nothing more than rhetorical

No problem. One good way to test if it’s chronic hyperventilation is to get a blood o2 monitor and see if you’re above 98 percent saturation. Or you can simply hold your breath after taking a normal breath and see how long you last without feeling an urge to breath. Anything less than 20 seconds is indicative of CH iirc

Didn’t see that, got a source?

I thought the Lebanese were heavily into organized crime in Australia?

Well wouldn’t an increased tax burden eventually translate to increased corporate taxes? At some point they must see this also goes against their interests

He’s unlikable, yes, but that doesn’t make him wrong

All that information will be banned, just as facial recognition software has been banned for police

Didn’t LePenne come in second in the most recent elections? With a serious chance as well? Seems like this just boosted her odds

He at least had the good sense to feel ashamed of it

100 grams of high quality animal protein is probably enough, with rapidly diminishing returns above that

Sales figures are pretty good evidence of quality of product, but go off I guess

Yes but why should we need such archaic laws and taboos? The taboos against homosexuals also existed for thousands of years without skulls. So meh

Also eugenics has been around for thousands of years in other forms. Baby looks kinda weird? Throw it off a cliff or leave it exposed to the wilderness. Meh.

Yeah didn’t China already use technology to create a bio weapon that just recently devastated the globe? What’s to stop them from using AI to design another super virus and then WHOOPSIE super Covid is unleashed my bad

"helping restrain someone so that they can be more effectively executed makes you an accomplice."

That’s the argument from the pro punishment side which is who I was originally arguing with but it looks like it was a different user. I don’t believe it was an execution

So you think Penny’s intent was to kill a homeless person on the subway that day? Interesting. What evidence do you have for your belief?

I don’t think all women place as much emphasis on looks as you think, especially in other cultures. I’ve seen some baddies with disgusting men

This incident might then divide the whole office along racial lines

??? Racial?

I don’t see how local pride events have influence in other locales - this sounds like an argument for a “pride bus” simile to a “freedom bus” in civil rights era

But not before giving AI it’s anti racism training data

I stand corrected. I’m impressed with their consistency.

"This is absolutely devastating. Should have never happened. We have been pleading with MTA and state to put in social workers, deploy them into the subway system," Jack Nierenberg of Passengers United said.

And right away I’m amazed at their absurdity. Beyond parody