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User ID: 347



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User ID: 347

You’re wasting your time, people on the motte are very blackpilled and demoralized to the point they can’t see a win as a win.

Maybe, but I doubt it’s about ease. Prostitution exists after all, if they were really wanting to try it.

Great post

Why does it matter what the majority do? They already have the infrastructure set up for LNG, Germany doesn’t. Once it’s set up it will still cost far more than using a pipeline.

That’s great and all that they manage to eke out that much energy from renewables, why isn’t it 100%? Because my information isn’t outdated. Germany is still a cloudy place without much wind compared to many other places.

Progress is being made on storage but it won’t be made quick enough by winter. Gas prices are still going to be eye watering and the worlds 4th largest economy is likely to go into recession

You clearly don’t read Scott’s own writings I guess


Take a look at what the best and brightest of psychiatrists conference write about for their conferences. Endless woke activist slop. And it’s like this at every single social sciencey conference too, including economics.

I don’t feel like doing research for someone who isn’t interested in asking honest questions though so go ahead and find your own sources

Not yet

I guess if you totally discount immigration that might be true

Yeah that’s a hell of a look for a movement “our community lets it’s men paw at any pretty girl working as a secretary, what of it?”

Yeah, good luck with that defence, just fight back!

Trump isn’t more nationalistic than the typical conservative though, given primary election results (and the fact he, yknow, won a national

Election as well). Conservatives in america are fundamentally nationalist

Husbands? The rank and file maybe, but a large majority of the thought leaders were shrewish spinsters

Funny. I’m a regular /r/MawInstallation participant, and I’ve mostly heard good things about the High Republic.

Yeah, Redditors don’t really reflect the true fan base for, well, anything anymore. surprised someone still thinks that, especially in this space.

The follow-up to this condemnation of the rollout is…an argument that the first book was actually successful.

Successful? It merely is the best selling of the bunch, which is….not high praise given the pathetic numbers on display:

Maybe 2021 wasn’t the best time to release half a dozen books.

Yeah, why would the middle of a pandemic when everyone is stuck at home be a bad time to sell books?

According to the fans, yes, Zahn “did it right”. Money talks. Shit walks.

  • If the tits aren’t out, she can’t be a good Jedi, hmm?

Judging by the fact no one knows who this character is, yes. Correct.

Er, third-rate talent operating on a budget.

Lol, Disney is operating “on a budget”. Yeah, a billion dollar marketing budget.

This article has made you really angry. Why? Did you enjoy the new Star Wars and it’s abject commercial and cultural failure feel invalidating to you?

Someone must be buying them

Non Americans

Ah I see, I don’t really see why the rest of the office needed to get involved though

If you can’t see what’s blindingly obvious I see this “umm source please?” as nothing more than rhetorical

No problem. One good way to test if it’s chronic hyperventilation is to get a blood o2 monitor and see if you’re above 98 percent saturation. Or you can simply hold your breath after taking a normal breath and see how long you last without feeling an urge to breath. Anything less than 20 seconds is indicative of CH iirc

Didn’t see that, got a source?


I think it’s because we are allowing more people to pick driving who want to. The demand is there, so why not meet it? The only rebuttal I can think of is that it will accelerate climate change, but if we have better cars such as electric or hybrid maybe that won’t matter

I’m not - using base rates alone this seems obviously tied to some kind of paraphilia. I’m using statistics and probability which admittedly doesn’t come intuitively to most people

I mean; kinda yeah. Conflicts can be entertaining when you hold no stake in the outcome

Then just have anti immigration code left. It’s not as if that’s impossible. You can make a leftist case for being anti immigration.

Seems like many of the migrant communities in the UK hate each intensely though.

In 1945 90 percent of the British were opposed to immigration. Now a slight majority support it. It’s possible for attitudes to change

Garlic, vitamin D, and zinc are your best bets. Maybe increase your intake if beta glucans and probiotics as well

Sorry I thought I checked thoroughly but I missed it