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User ID: 1936



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User ID: 1936

Yeah. Generations of Asian immigrants having to largely pass through steep wealth and/or professional tests to immigrate versus White immigration being far more 'random agricultural workers being shipped over'.

From memory 'refugee' groups of Asian immigrants such as the Hmong & Vietnamese tend to be far less distinct from White performance in the USA which also indicates there's a heavy filtering process involved in who gets to be an economic migrant.

Yeah. I'd be looking about an hour out of KL where my partner's family is from, but I agree with this. Personally being located in Australia normally the distance to USA is something I just take as a given about life, and Malaysia actually improves most of my woes in terms of getting to Europe/USA becomes 15 hours instead of 24 hours.

Their own colorful ethnic issues seem to suppress issues with white foreigners, plus not really being a tourism defined as other similar countries.

Women's Tennis benefits from being a bit more volatile and a bit less serve-driven than the Men's game.

I remember reading a while back that China saw the divorce rate go down after requiring a mere thirty days cooling-off period before you could proceed.

This goes for prettymuch every major life decision, though. People are prone to inertia and frequently the straw that breaks the Camel's back only does so for a short while.

Fair enough. I feel like BJJ tends to trend incredibly that way, but I suppose the violence aspects make it a bit different.

Older guys have no reason to stop doing this, either, since younger women will keep expressing interest and the plight of younger males doesn't really factor into their decision.

Also frankly the older guys had to graduate through that younger period in order to become datable, so can't blame them for trying to reap something after getting through their twenties

Having been slowly co-opted into climbing over the last few months by some friends, and having spent a decade+ doing Brazilian Jiujitsu (which is similar, though not as gender-balanced but that has been changing) I do get where you're coming from.

At risk of being blunt, what's the lesbian rate of serious climbing women?

Exactly. Unless it's an immediate mortal peril, it's generally best to be physical conflict avoidant in modern society due to the consequences of civilization being potentially levied on you.

Yes but said married couples are more likely to have completed their courtship in earlier eras + I've got a lot more marital lifelines than I do career ones.

If you're in a niche field with limited employers, it feels like you're more likely to be nuked from orbit professionally if you make an unwise advance, no? Not that I don't think your wisdom holds, but generally holding back from workplace dating is more about avoiding the consequences than the specific benefits.

Both extremes are likely gonna have a bunch of weird correlations, though.

Dating on the other hand, I think the big trap lies in overanalysis. Simply meet more women and talk to more women and.. you get it. There are terminally awkward guys who hit a wall and never seem to improve (pattern seems to be that they have an ego problem and lash out in frustration burning all their social credibility), but I've seen some really awkward guys get over this hump with persistence.

You only have to win once if you're looking for a wife!

Also income isn't necessarily a 1-to-1 proxy to actual societal necessity.

For every heart surgeon that gets hypothetically mowed down you're losing a lot of senior marketing professionals (as somebody who's done that job), makework and bureaucrats who could fade out of existence with the real world barely noticing. My personal ascent to the 1% has generally been distinctly uncorrelated with any sort of 'how much does my job actually do for anybody' principle.

Yeah but a lot of that's down to China being China.

If it were an actual company in a Western country I think there's a lot more scope for reprisals.

I do agree that people weren't literally sitting in their own filth all the time, but I also think the average person from 2022 would find the scent of everyday people from eras prior to our own to be confronting/unusual.


I know a decent amount of high-income 'lottery winner' types between sports, influencers and a few other similar fields. Most just mentally operate on the assumption that the income'll never stop coming.

If your only KPI is COVID deaths per capita, lockdowns are fine. Unfortunately the cost-benefit equation versus practically everything else is hilariously awful.

Or the majority of the time they're determined by a relatively small population in swing seats

We learn China has been lying about their covid stats and the real numbers of deaths are horrendous and all their zero-covid strategy was a colossal atrocity

I think it's more likely that COVID just genuinely doesn't do a hell of a lot even if you 'let it rip', especially if you don't use the absurd attribution criteria that was used to justify the lockdowns.

Housing Prices in most affluent Western countries have combined with the deterioration of the sexual marketplace and decline of employer-employee relations to cause this, though. I'd love it if my lifepath was getting an okay sinecure somewhere here, making 75th percentile wage for my country and buying a free-standing house and get some kids going.

Instead in order to achieve the unfathomable wealth required to buy a free-standing 3bedroom house somewhere within an hour's drive of my CBD I've had to do pretty well in the startup lottery and pick a fairly disreputable industry on top of that. The system no longer facilitates the normal path.

Very slim personal anecdote but I recently got pulled into a major event for a Young Conservative group over here in Australia. Black tie affair, lots of young people etc.

I found it pretty shocking to notice that of say 50ish young (Under 25) male attendees they only had about 2 female partners between them, and it's not like this was a Breitbart gathering. Reasonably attractive, suit-wearing, university & private school-educated young men of decent breeding and yet being a conservative makes you so staggeringly unable to compete in domestic dating circles these days. The very tiny smattering of girls who were there as members seemed to be dating 10+ years older and for either career progression or tapping developed finances.

I've seen the impact myself of having a Hinge profile set Conservative v Liberal (legitimately 99% decline in matches by indicating rightward leanings), though I've been off the market for a few months now due to finding a foreign-born girl who's a sane, reasonably-conservative slender woman.

Second-Most Engaged Commercial During Super Bowl."

Engagement =/= actually achieving your goals, though. As much as people say 'any publicity is good publicity' it really isn't necessarily the case.

And these women who approached me were, to put it bluntly, not as good looking as the women I would normally date

Yeah. Verymuch echos my experience, though I have wondered if that's also due to women of that ilk not being able to rely upon the same social gameswomanship to attract mates so they've just gotta drive the bus or so to speak.

Fairly high up in some interaction of gambling/crypto. It's not socially gainful but it is fairly lucrative.

we might have to try 100 times

Far easier to do it at industrial scale these days, though. I managed to go on first dates with 50 different women last year in a mid-sized metro, all from the strength of polite conversation on an app. I'm fairly sure the vast majority of my forefathers wouldn't have met 50 'viable' women (Not that the majority of that 50 turned out to be viable after a first date) in a lifetime of living in a small agrarian village.