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joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC

Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.

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User ID: 1042



1 follower   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC


Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.


User ID: 1042

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I doubt it's true for that bread now.

Even in Czech Republic a loaf of bread is now 2€.

The inflation due to the Ukraine war was pretty brutal. Milk went up 50%. Eggs. Vegetables, etc.

The only thing that stayed low is pork, not sure why.

Why are we so afraid of the likelihood that we are every bit as bizarre as the quantum world; that we possess fantastic capacities that we have so far only allowed ourselves to imagine in science fiction and fantasy literature?

Because it's bullshit.

Because if through I dunno, extreme sensations you could tap into supernatural abilities, people would be doing it all the time. Various cultures routinely subjected their own to transcendentally painful initiation experiences. I recall others but this is the one I remember most.

Any tribe that tapped into something like that and got a useful ability out of it would have kept doing it, and this would have given them an edge and spread. We've got 40,000 years of essentially modern human tribes existing all over the planet yet no useful custom of this type appeared.

Meanwhile, the useful custom of marriage was a human universal until very recently.

It's unsurprising the government is doing it, but it's also very much against the values it's supposed to defend. Ofc it makes perfect sense how it behaves, a 'democratic' government is more often than not a government by the bureaucracy for the bureaucracy, wearing 'democracy' as a skin suit.

That aside: a rather hilarious detail surfaced on twitter that sums up what's wrong with women these days.


I distrusted the guy from the get-go based on vibes. (my vibe module says "wannabe cult leader, drop a grenade on him from a drone). Learning he was pushing OWS style socialism nonsense cca 2008 and is now on completely another bandwagon and that he was also dating 16 year olds at age.. 31 is unsurprising.

..economic and political power of southern agricultural interests was pretty much zero after the civil war, was it not ? The value of their economic activity was miniscule compared to industry, mining etc.

Really you should provide at least some justification for huge claims.

He scrutinizes how technology fosters conformity and impedes the rise of individuality.

Did Ellul thing the peasant village was a place that fostered individualism, independence and cultural diversity ?

If you're inclined to dismiss Kaczynski's criticisms as the ramblings of a madman

The only thing madder than his chosen method of getting attention was the idea you can roll back technology voluntarily. You have but look at the Ukraine mess to see where countries without robust heavy and electronic industries end up.

They didn't refuse agriculture, they were banned from it in most places.

Of course, it was noted Jews were predominantly craftsmen and other non farm occupations cca year zero.

Pretty sure Jews in the pale of settlement farmed, no?

but when we look at potential mates we want the thin one

Not the thin one. The curvy one..

Link goes to one of the most stunning examples of 'autism' out there, and it's making everyone from arch-hater 0hp Lovecraft to bog standard SJWs and boomers mad.

Europe has a very different history with antisemitism than the US does.

No, it really doesn't. Before and during WW2, antisemitism was common across the present 'western world'.

In a 1938 poll, approximately 60 percent of the respondents held a low opinion of Jews, labeling them "greedy," "dishonest," and "pushy."[42] 41 percent of respondents agreed that Jews had "too much power in the United States," and this figure rose to 58 percent by 1945.[43] Several surveys taken from 1940 to 1946 found that Jews were seen as a greater threat to the welfare of the United States than any other national, religious, or racial group.[44]

Government attitudes to Jews in Europe also varied wildly, even among German allies. Finland told Germans to pound sand. Italy refused to hand over their Jews -that 30% of Italian Jews were members of the Fascist party had something to do with it & transports started only after the German occupation.

There's no plausible explanation for having data on the locations of repair shops.

He was on their top 30 sought list at number 16, and when the Revolver published their article they removed him from the list.

They aren't incompetent, he probably just wasn't theirs and the operation was only kinda covered up by the FBI, but ran by some other spooks.

EDIT: I'm also pissed how searches go. Epps story was broken by Revolver. Try searching for 'Epps revolver list'. On duckduckgo, the search result I meant was 20 results down. On Yandex, right on the top. I guess it goes without saying that Google is messing with it.

Admittedly, being a conservative and a fascist aren't the same things.


Fascism proclaimed itself revolutionary and was opposed to conservatism. That people conflate them is just absurd.

So, so many things didn't meet the smell test there. Hotdogs costing $100k ? Gay man's instagram being full of photos of children, sometimes taped to tables ?

You can look up the details and tell yourself it was all entirely innocuous.

Powerful people interested in kids isn't anything unusual. Justice minister ordering early release of a psychopathic sex criminal, well.

In any case, when it's a 'Pizzagate' but in Belgium, even NYT can afford to write about it.


The rule that you are not allowed to occupy other countries without a good reason.

The rule is enforced by most powerful countries on this planet, namely, NATO countries who supply Ukraine sufficient weapons so that they can fight against Russian occupying forces.

Are you truly not blind to the absurdity of your statement? ?

I think you're typical minding. You're not a median woman, very far from it, furthermore you're old enough to have used your vastly superior mental tools to get a whole lot of experience.

What does a median 18-22 woman know about these things? Women are conformist, they 'read the room'. If media and society keep putting out a message "being chubby is bad etc" a young woman might have spent years as deluded about male preferences as some guys are deluded about female ones (the so called 'nice guy' ). Sure that's not very applicable now with the obesity epidemic, nevertheless..

Also, there's a whole bunch of research that found women don't really know what men want, body shape wise.

It's not a nothingburger. It was overhyped initially (as everything is).

Anyway, LLMs. Apparently you can prevent them from hallucinating and make them accurately give advice on the content of a textbook or manual. Or so says Steve Hsu, who founded a company that (he claims) did that. I haven't followed it up but supposedly they had an initial sale.

Looks like superhuman performance isn't going to happen through this architecture, as you can't do self-competitive play - what was done with games but incremental progress -people making the models reliable, useful, likely even assembling normal to middling smart human-intelligence agents, with a will -is likely in the near term (10 years).

So at the very least, within 15 years, we're looking at governments being able to use 'kinda dumb' spies, automatically flag problematic online, on the scale of an entire population.

To sum it up:

-call centres: likely a lot less employment

-increased productivity of at least software developers, lawyers, theoretically bureaucrats (lol no).

-automated spying on everything your write on an online device -but not very smart spying- almost certain. Combined with universal private messaging access by governments (EU -DC's sock puppet - wants this), it's likely going to happen. Even though 'chat control' the initial proposal was defeated, it's going to come back.. IMO I suspect having an app that is not broken might even be criminalised because 'Chyna'.

-social media is dead without independent ID verification. Automated, much better online astroturfing.

-good enough chatbots that waste time of troublemakers / get people to spend money on BS / troll

-textbooks that talk

-even more addictive porn in the 5 year horizon (people can overuse the porn to the degree they can find that one special thing that appeals to them. When that can be generated on the fly, crap..)

In 'other ML' news, autonomous killbots (ethical militaries will geofence them to combat zone) are 100% certain to happen.

100%, anyone who doesn't develop autonomous drone air fighters in is going to get absolutely wrecked by people who develop autonomous drones bombers. I'm talking machineguns vs cavalry style carnage on the ground. Developing a $1000, fast, evasive reusable FPV drone drop mortar bombs with pin-point accuracy is just a question of 4-5 good university aeronautics student projects. It'll zoom low across the ground at 50-100 kph, deliver a bomb, reload/swap battery, while getting target data from recon drones or troops. It's not even funny how brutal this is.

A countermeasure - autocannon with VT flak rounds costs $300k. And needs a vehicle. A vehicle that's vastly more expensive than an IR or optically guided missile.

Ray beams won't help you (at sea maybe) because of line of sight problems. Drones will spot them call in an missile strike. Poof.

The list apparently includes a former twitter head of AI-safety.

Using my cynical glasses derived from living in eastern Europe, probably the person who was supposed to develop automated opinions suppression mechanisms for Twitter.

What about.. the supply part of the army ? Driving trucks, working in logistics. Any part of that <100 km can be fatal on a bad day if a drone spots it and it's deemed a good enough target.

You are assuming feds are competent.

They aren't.

Was Epps urging or instigating others to commit or threaten violence?

He specifically said he wanted people to do things they could get arrested for because "it's right" no ? Pretty sure that is, by definition, incitement to criminal activity no?

Writing isn't that good. Halfway to competent.

I mean, it suffers from being very modern minded.

How many families with 6 children can you count? Is it realistic that a warrior priest would go mad with grief after his wife's death?

Tieflings in old ADD games were nutty if good scoundrels, weird, as you'd expect from such parentage.

Tieflings in BG3 are written as if the entirety of the demonic heritage is biological, and whatever souls they have are entirely human. (I only got to chapter 2 so far).


QAnon wasn't concerned with Epstein much. More with Pizzagate, a scandal quite distinct from Epstein and focused very much around suspicions of actual child abuse by well connected people.


What if FSO is dysfunctional and not good at fighting either ?

It's pretty odd that the whole of Prigozhin's attempt hasn't been yet been curtailed by airstrikes.

I understand why so many subreddits are complete circlejerks now. It's not about echo-chambers and voting dynamics. They literally just banned everyone who disagreed.

Banning all harmful voices is in line with their ethos. Has been for quite some time.

Popper suggested how to abolish freedom of speech all the way back in 1945.

Why wouldn't they ?

If you ban everyone who transgresses your holy values from an important online space, you are strenghtening your religion's position, no ?

They see this as good and laudable. "It prevents violence".

They've mostly dispensed with even the pretense of being interested in a debate.

Better learn to turn every criticism into a fifty Stalins type criticism. Maybe that'd work.

It was really kinda unfair showing them one that wasn't labelled in Urdu or Persian or a related script though..

'Always a slum' With the 8-10x rate of homicidal violence between blacks and whites, and a roughly similar disparity in other forms of crime, it's fairly obvious one sort of 'slum' is a much more pleasant place to live.

I'm also skeptical of the 'always a slum' claim, as we have basically no slums in Czech Republic apart from the few Gypsy areas. Slums are not an inevitable part of life. They disappear once people have enough money to keep buildings repaired.