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User ID: 315



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User ID: 315

OAI just announced last week what could be considered GPT 4.5 in their dev event, including it's integration with a vision solution for uploading images to the LLM and having it interact with it. While I don't consider this in the same realm as AGI nor I think we are in any danger from it exterminating the human race ala Skynet; I think this advancements will render a great many people unemployed with its accompanying social unrest.

there is no /s at the end, so it's better to err on the side of not assuming things, it's 3 AC after all and Poe Law is in effect.

Could be. In this instance time will tell. I'm just waiting to start the series when the last book comes out.

Is that or no final book (and the publisher won't leave money in the table, I bet they already have the eulogy written and the contract with Sanderson drafted). Your choice nerds.

I assume that is due to ignorance, as there is no Disney movie with the horrors of pre-colonization life, it must have been rainbows and flowers and all that noble savage jazz.

for my part, a lot of top level posts made by a user named Questionmark (or something like that) in the old site were very likely GPT made, at least to my eyes.

"Conservatives Pounce"

you cull it.

By what metric you consider Canada more Liberal?

Then the market crashes, which is not apocalyptic, and the replacement markets resort to different trusted actor systems.

"Hey Bob, how is your Pension?"

"What Pension?"

EDIT.- Just thought of a funsie:

"Papa, I'm hungry"

"Sorry Timmy, the dog was sold to round up the payment on the mortage."

that is fair, thanks.

How can you prove it wrong if you don't have data?

So? how did the date go?

One could argue this whole invasion is simply the end stage of Russia's downgrade into a lesser-tier power.

it could be, but that is something we will get to see until this war ends.

That "at one point superpower" part of your post is doing a lot of the work there.

we will have to see. They are throwing bodies at the problem as they do.

That it hasn't changed doesn't mean that it can't. You just need a candidate that among other things make it part of it's rethoric, like Trump did with China.

That could have changed with a single election cycle.

because in the other scenario you are assuming that companies are going to finance the same employees that they cut to maximize profit margins. And unless the Woke mind virus becomes a terminal case in the minds of their CEO's I don't see how they would justify doing it. Granted the unemployed can go into the wealthfare state arms, but I don't think that is sustainable.

yeah, that could happen I guess but with profiling, indoctrination and a sense of purpose I would think those are few (Something like a Snowden, but I can't stop thinking that right now he is in a very advantageous position).

Like accusing a beaten wife of "Making him do it".

what is the utility of this distinction? just to identify the "Efective Altruists" from among the blues?

This sounds like consensus building more than any other thing, considering the pushback affirmations like yours got in the recent thread about this topic in the main page. Is there anything significant that separates a blue triber from this so called grey one?

I'm of the opinion that she is more like a political prisioner than anything else.

justice reformers

Dis you mean "Justice reform" in this part?

Instead, the reaction seems to be outrage that Upstanding Citizens like themselves should be subject to the same conditions as common criminals.

By all accounts they are being tortured. Or at least that is what is alleged to be happening.

Can't expect anything else when their sacred cow is attacked.

nor does it rely on reaction time or fast twitch movements like many other competitive video games.

False, just the Summoner Skill "Flash" alone is about reflexes. The opportunity windows in the game are generally in the realm of 1 second in length.