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User ID: 315



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User ID: 315

nor does it rely on reaction time or fast twitch movements like many other competitive video games.

False, just the Summoner Skill "Flash" alone is about reflexes. The opportunity windows in the game are generally in the realm of 1 second in length.

I only found out transsexuals existed 18 months ago,

oh, wow. Speaking of bubbles yours looks to be pretty airtight. Anyway, considering your life situation, I don't think continuing this discussion is really worth the time spend; so let's agree to disagree.

Don't think of it too literally, it wasn't a group of people in a conference room signing papers; it was done how everything else is agreed upon in society. A new idea came up in the zeitgeist, in this case the progs idea of Gender and Sex being separate and all that and it gained traction until it became mainstream. But because progs are progs they are pushing again to "Alter the Deal" and merge the 2 again but with their bullshit definitions tacked in.

yes, I agree. In my head sex is the same as gender, it was how I learned about the world and think gender roles are made up bullshit.

Well, I'm sorry to say that the deal was struck already and it doesn't matter your feelings on the subject. I honestly abhor it as anything else feminist but I can't do anything about it, so you are incorrect in that I agreed to this deal.

Notice I'm only saying how it is, I'm not prescribing or advocating here.

If you don't agree to the deal that is fine and your right, but recognize that it will be difficult if not impossible to void as it was made by society at large and a single individual won't affect it.

Can you answer my question instead of saying meaningless pithy remarks?

They promoted gender differences an alt right position.

Do you mean sex differences here? because gender differences or differences in gender roles is a mainly Leftist Idea, so it reads really weird if you mean that.

Through vibes obviously...

but aren't Asians honorary whites at this point? I would imagine that we are approaching the reality of Asians being as white as Italians or Irish.

the most famous example I know is Octavia Butler


are you refering to the roman salute, or the OK hand symbol?

sorry, I will try to be better than this potshot, but when the OP reacted like the classical Progressive I couldn't resist the impulse to try to find if he was a troll or just part of the herd.

yeah, I forgot about it. Comics gate was so long ago I just remembered it now.

He'd just seem very strange.

pre op. Post Op he would have a clear and visible signifier of his weakness(Virtue), easier to grind with costly signals than with just bend fingers and a grumpy disposition.

One of the big complaints about the modern trends in gaming is the disappearance of the "AA" game. That sort of middle-ground between budget/indie and AAA. I think Alan Wake 2 should have been an AA game.

I think that is more the realm of the Japanese and other Asian devs. Things for example like the recent Unicorn Overlord.

I wonder which part of the incline belongs to the different Intersectional consulting services so ubiquitous now a days.

nowhere is this more prevalent that with the Doomers obsession with Skynet.

Of the staples like milk and bread? yeah.

nothing says "living in the wild" like living in a welfare state, these people live in another reality alright.

surely there is a MAGA ymeskhout out there, right?

to be honest that would be a cool aesthetic.

to that add the "suspension bridge" effect and I would assume they are very, very horny.

what do you think is more probable, that the Doomers saw Terminator in theaters when they were children or that they watched Anime related to AI doom?.

but Doomers are not a majority of people and are, IMHO, very different from regular people.

that is a major disagreement we have there. To me Doomers and "rationalists" in general are just regular people very good at rationalizing their biases.

Also, I'm assuming AIM doesn't stand for AOL Instant Messenger, but I don't know what it refers to.

Sorry, it was supposed to be AM not AIM. From I have no mouth and I must scream.

When adjusted for the total amount of time the child spends in their company (I won't count the inherent trust of the relationship since trust is what we're debating in the first place)? Doubt it would be significant. 77% divided by ~10 years, compared to however many% are relative strangers divided by however much time they spend in the company of a given relative stranger.

the point I was trying to make with that example is that:

I assume you have numerous concessions and allowances for your "friends" and "family"... whose "brain chemicals" "rob them of the ability" to kill you.

isn't a sure. It may be true in general (maybe?), but not always. They have the ability to kill you, but there are incentives that make that course of action less optimal to them that pacific coexistence (see "crimes of passion" for when the incentives aren't enough of a deterrent).

Even most criminals and organized gangsters have end-goals that aren't "kill everyone I see".

"end-goals" there is doing a lot of heavy lifting. Swab's end-goal inn Ether mindscape isn't to torture the proles in perpetuity but as he put it "about enforcing your will on the proles where they lick your boots and ask for more". More to your point how about gladiatorial games for amusement?

I was only giving some pseudo-examples of "the real power" Ether was talking about. In Rusia and China they are more similar to what is being asserted, in the west the power is a little more diffused and is focused in narrow niches of your life.