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joined 2022 September 04 22:15:28 UTC
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User ID: 204



1 follower   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:15:28 UTC


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User ID: 204

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Is there a way to do this from reddit to themotte? I have it copied with working links to a word file, but when I copy it to themotte it loses the links, and it's a link heavy post

edit: nvm, I think reddit enhancement suite fixed this

No kidding, I didn't even think of that. Share the gossip!

thanks for the free shit

  • -10

I don't think the argument is over capacity. Everyone knows Jews are smart. The questions are, are they nepotistic? Do they agitate as a class?

I think they do. I think they behave the exact way wokes claim whites do (but whites don't).

I don't have much in the way of an anti-Jew bias and don't care about it very much. But I think it's interesting, especially after seeing what happened to Kanye for being, essentially, the modern equivalent to Marilyn Manson (Kanye is as much a genuine Nazi as Manson was a genuine satanist).

We're too autistic and awkward to know how to take a compliment

I think my psych is an odd one. He doesn't buy the multiple intelligences hypothesis, or a lot of the other stuff he's supposed to. He doesn't see trans clients anymore, because he's skeptical of the affirmation first model, and feels that psychs are put in a no win scenario.

He told me a story about a friend of his, another psych, who works at a hospital. One of his friend's residents had a trans patient that wanted to surgically transition. The resident wasn't sure what to do, so he asked her. She said she wasn't sure either, and referred the case to their gender center (or whatever they call it now). She was informed, in no uncertain terms, that if they ask for it, they get it. Then she found her responsibilities curtailed. So he doesn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

He believes in hbd, and believes that the black community has been taught to externalize their problems.

He's also really critical of feminists, after he clashed with them on campus because of sex based research into the brain that he was doing. He buys into red pill-lite ideas.

He's still mostly a NYT liberal, but he has to keep his mouth shut about a lot of topics (and has plenty of stories about how he's gotten into trouble because he couldn't)

I think you're right about the trajectory of the field. If I had to get a younger psych I probably wouldn't bother. They won't let guys like that in anymore.

Does this mean that we need to waste another 60 years on interventions that will at best make things not worse, and then blame White kids (and punish Asians) in perpetuity?

But, you're right of course. White and Asian kids are on the hook for our current order, for the foreseeable future

What makes you think progressives want to dismantle capitalism? Those are just kids on reddit. Real life progressives are heavily integrated into capitalism, and progressivism's big cultural wins align curiously well with capitalism

We're a long ways off from there really being no way to make money if you aren't substantially brighter than average. My plumber makes 250k, he's been doing it a while but his company is just him and two other guys.

I think that if we separated kids by ability and slotted them into tracks that lead to realistic career choices, you could have a lot of very successful Black and White tradesmen, foremen, etc.

But first, we'd have to admit that aptitude is a thing, and that not everyone can grow up to be a physicist. We make perfect the enemy of the good, and it's mostly the underserved who pay for it.

It is, but color blindness as the official policy would have put this to cycle to rest. At least more so.

There is too much power and money up for grabs, so the people who want to perpetuate the cycle of abuse outflanked the people who wanted to transcend the cycle of abuse.

If I'm right that elite Whites are pivoting to minorities to beat other Whites, then there is no place for a suggestion that doesn't emphasize racial conflict.

I'm not sure, but to help I clicked it a million times on your profile

I'm locked into starting a career in tech, in one of the wokest cities in the nation.

I need to make money. I'm hoping to start a family in the next few years, and if I'm lucky, I can make enough money that my wife won't have to work full time.

But I've heard a lot of horror stories. And while I was antiwoke in the past, I'm even more so today.

How can I survive in this field while minimizing the amount of "evil" that I have to be accomplice to? I'm not a great liar, and I do see this stuff as a form of mundane evil.

Sometimes when I'm researching random shit I'll tell him about it.

He can be a useful sounding board. Basically an NYT liberal, but heterodox enough to be able to have certain conversations. It helps ground me.

Man, those links are a trip. If I showed those to anyone back in the '90s, they'd think it was something a White supremacist put together.

Roughly how many users have migrated so far?

I somewhat agree with this, something important is lost if you don't take it (at least aspects) literally. But, I go to AA. For many, religion in AA is a larp, but one that they adhere to, er, religiously. Not just in terms of alcohol, or admitting yourself powerless and in need of God, but in every aspect of their lives. And the transformation this enables can be remarkable to witness, and goes far beyond not having a sip of alcohol.

I took my wife to a rationalist meetup and she made me promise not to do that to her again

I was right with you until you framed nukes off the coast of the US as a nothing burger. The fact that we did it too doesn't change that.

The rest is pretty spot on though

Anybody else here have pretty bad concentration issues? I'm near the end of a coding camp and will be looking for a job in tech soon (timing couldn't be worse, with the tech job market as it is).

I've been messing with various stimulants. I used to take Dexedrine or Adderall, but I don't tolerate amphetamine well. Currently I use coffee, but I'm also sensitive to caffeine so I can only handle about half a cup currently. I sometimes use provigil, I used to take a full 200mg pill, but that made sleep too difficult. I switched to half a pill, 100mg, and that seems to work. But it isn't something I can take daily, again because of sleep. I still need to experiment more with a quarter of a pill, 50 mg. I've only done that a handful of times, but it seems like it might be low enough that I'm thrust into the comedown after two or three hours, which would be a problem.

I used to smoke, and vape, and use snus. Nicotine seems to work well for me, but I don't want to mess up my lungs, get gum disease, or obviously cancer. So I've been using tobacco free nicotine pouches, a ten pack of 15mg nicotine pouches will arrive today. I don't have a comedown or anxiety with nicotine, so that seems to be the winner so far.

Does anyone have advice for managing this stuff? I'm so much more productive with it, but I'm so sensitive to anxiety and sleep disturbances that it's hard to imagine that I could do it long term. Maybe a day with 100mg provigil, then a day without, repeat? Provigil's half life is so long that daily doesn't seem possible, at least not long term.

Edit: Does anyone have experience with khat?

Thank you, this is exactly what I needed to hear. Especially the specific responses/tactics you used, that makes me feel somewhat armed for when I deal with this stuff.

She did know my beliefs, I developed them halfway through our relationship. Well, I had suspicions at the start, and found confirmation partway through.

It was dicey at first, but she was open to it. It helped that she knew me by then, and that it wasn't a "my pure hu-white blood" thing.

I'm not a troll. I've been in the rationalist world for almost a decade.

Do we avoid talk like this? What was the point of leaving reddit, then? Should we self censor based on some fringe loons who hate read us? If someone wants to paint an awful picture of us, they already can.

Tell me why I'm so wrong and crazy, then. That's the point of the post

Does anyone know of any smart, young(ish) Christian thinkers with interesting perspectives? Been listening the This Cultural Moment, about being Christian in a post-Christian world. It's excellent, but I'm having trouble finding more.

How do the few motte Christians manage their faith? It's something I really struggle with. I had a religious experience where everything clicked, but my brain is not good at this sort of faith and I inevitably end up in doubt again. I hate it.

These kinds of articles have been common for years. Two types of authors: woke sympathetics who recognize some of the insanity but want to tone down the opposition, and anti-wokes who confuse what they want to happen with what will happen.

I believe we are still in the early stages of our woke cultural revolution. I think that rising inequality (imagine what AI, automation, and climate change will be able to do in terms of disruption) will create more rage, and the rage will be shunted into wokism, because it has been able to effectively market itself as in opposition to inequality. Unfortunately, wokism provides cover for, and is a tool of the drivers of modern inequality.

Thank you. I agree that the argument that it foments race hate falls flat when you take into account that the people saying this are pushing race hate.