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Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

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joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


User ID: 1057


Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

1 follower   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


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User ID: 1057

I see sociology/anthropology as having the Frankenstein problem. DEI, SEL etc come from "Sociologists" and is now being forced on all other science departments, including hard sciences.

As if chemists, upon discovering cocaine, not only became addicted, but

required all other science departments to become addicted to cocaine as a condition of employment.

Bulgarian lite sounds actually insane. I'll pass. I think squats will be my.next big step.

Really appreciate it man !This is exactly what I was hoping for. I'll look into these programs and see what works for me. This is exactly the kind of response I was hoping for.

Thanks for the feedback everyone! I want to try the rack but worried I might need a belt. It's the most used part of the gym so I'll just have to assert my place in line one day. Just worried I'll embarrass myself doing it the first time. But I need to take it to the next level. I think squats are a good way to do that.

I joined a gym 2 months ago when I quit smoking. I find the endorphin rush helps replace whatever cigarettes were doing in terms of stress relief. Also I am overweight and borderline obese. I have a few symptoms of pre diabetes and a family history of diabetes.

So far so good but, the honeymoon phase is coming to a close and I am stuck in a rut- arm day, curls, benchpress, tricep pushes. Alternate days with legs back and stomach. I generally workout 5 days a week, (about 45 minutes to an hour,) and run at least one mile each time I work out. 2 miles max so far.

My question is, how do I take it to the next level? I have lost roughly 10 pounds so far but I am starting to hit a wall. I don't need to become a body builder but I fear if I cannot get past this wall that I will see diminishing returns and slowly stop being consistent. (This has happened to me in the past.) What are new exercises, weight lifting exercises to try etc? I would live to try free squats but dont have a partner and dont want to hurt myself. Does anyone have an interesting program that works for them?

Bravo! You had me at psychology is overrated.

Somehow sociology is even worse.

Thanks for the links. I'll look into them when I have time.

Edit: They are both short pieces but great reads.

The main issue for me is that when a society says, "we are going to blind ourselves to this aspect of reality for the greater good," it's inevitable that we blind ourselves to other aspects of reality as well. Until we develop an ideology that has, at its foundations, a denial of reality itself. That seems to be the nightmare scenario we are stumbling towards in the dark.

Credit where credit is due- this is a step in the right direction. I dislike Biden strongly but I agree with this.

Also, it was nice to see him share the podium in Florida with Desantis during the hurricane.

Also, I think it was a class act for Biden to personally call Peter Doocy from Fox news and apologize for calling him a "son of a bitch." It made Biden relatable in that moment, almost likable even.

Again, I dislike Biden strongly but it's important to recognize what he gets right, if only to combat one's own cognitive bias.

I blame anime ala dragonball z for the infinite power creep of action movies.

Honor Harrington universe? I didn't consider that a "major" space opera.

It seems clear to me that there's an obvious incentive for a male rapist to identify as a woman in order to go to a women's prison. That alone would explain the higher rate.

(with all due respect to people who consider themselves transsexual.)

Also don't we find the same bias against men generally as compared to women?

"It finds large gender gaps favoring women throughout the sentence length distribution (averaging over 60%), conditional on arrest offense, criminal history, and other pre-charge observables."


I somehow doubt that getting banned from Twitter for wrongthink creates incentives. Maybe disincentives.

I'm the opposite. I ignore celebrities, block NYTimes writers, and follow an extensive collection of ~10,000 follower anonymous accounts.

Also, I want to see all the permanently suspended returned, my personal favorite was Brick, AKA @thehindudindu.

The tweet that got him banned?

"What's the matter Twitter, don't like being banned? Why don't you build your Uganda?"

I cannot tell if the censorship is merely petty or how power consolidates.

For tweets. And liking tweets. And to see my old friends. It will be like the Resurrection if everyone gets a Jubilee!

I just want my account back which was permanently banned for criticizing mRNA jabs and declaring war on the CIA.

Technically, in most Western countries, it is nigh impossible for a woman to legally rape a man.

In the USA, a woman can drug you, tie you up, and force you to have sex with her, but the FBI only considers it rape if she penetrates your anus.

Similar in UK and India.

The key difference is that claiming Russian interference in the 2016 elections was high status.

Criticizing CIA involvement in a former soviet is low status.

"NATO enlargement,

particularly to Ukraine, remains "an emotional and neuralgic"

issue for Russia, but strategic policy considerations also

underlie strong opposition to NATO membership for Ukraine and


Sheesh. 2008.

"Maidan was a CIA plot."

I'm sure much of it was organic. But it's naive to think that the CIA wasn't involved early and at the ground level as it was obviously in their interest.

I could always be wrong but I would be genuinely shocked if the CIA wasn't involved at all. If you concede thay they were involved, then we are just debating how involved they were and how much and how well the organic movent would have gotten without them.

corollary- a proposition that follows from (and is often appended to) one already proved.

If we grant that Ivermectin's effectiveness is a red tribe talking point, then it follows that Ivermectin's ineffectiveness is culturally important to blue tribe.

However- in a sane world, we would still expect a few Joe Rogan's and Bret Weinstein's to weigh in on their far out beliefs on a podcast. What we wouldn't expect in a sane world is for the FDA to snarkily take a side using a national institution of science, well before the fog of war had cleared.

However, the FDA receives much of their funding from Pfizer/Moderna/JnJ and there is a revolving door among board members.

I doubt Rogan is getting paid by Ivermectin advocates. There's no money in it. You could argue that he gains more followers by choosing the fault line, a kind of reverse audience capture.

I find it easier to place the cultural war aspect of Ivermectin into the category of, probably more effective than it appears since even the FDA will go out of its way to smear the cheap and safe drug as "horse dewormer."

Again, maybe I'm wrong but that was my internal assesment. It was odd to see someone making a symmetrical but opposite argument.

Thanks for the update. I wondered how it turned out. I had to chuckle. Glad the shop accident kid is okay.

"Due to the culture-war dimension of Ivermectin, whose efficacy the red tribe in the US has entangled its social status with (no point in recounting the way this happened here), there is an obvious motivation for members of that tribe to produce compelling-looking arguments for its efficacy."

The corollary to this is that the FDA itself went out of its way to smear Ivermectin as horse dewormer. The FDA tweeted the following over a year ago. Is it normal for the FDA to mock drugs like this?

"You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it."

This seems to me way worse than Bret Weinstein getting overly excited about Ivermectin and jumping the gun on a study that turned out to be no good.

So I have the opposite point in favor of Ivermectin, and in fact, Scott makes a similar point in saying that big pharma suppresses cheap old generic drugs all the time to get people to take their new expensive drugs. It's their marketing model. So we know at least millions of dollars of marketing are being spent to take down Ivermectin. Who is spending the big money in favor of Ivermectin?Nobody.

I came forward with evidence that a former roommate of mine was falsely accused.

The accusation was made on Facebook just after the Kavanaugh hearings. It was a surreal experience because the stories she told were such obvious lies. I was there for some, not all, of her "abuse" allegations. Pure DARVO.

I knew I would lose social capital by standing up for him. But it was more than expected. Also, to this day, many of my former friends apparently still believe her and think I was lying. In fact, I am in many ways become a larger pariah than he is.

I like to tell myself that it was worth it, to speak the truth in defense of a friend at great personal cost... but i've certainly grown more cynical about human nature.

SPLC also distinguishes Richard Spencer as the premier author/person of the alt right movement, whether rightly or wrongly.