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joined 2022 December 20 13:15:08 UTC

I happen to be, unfortunately, the first human super-intelligence.

What a sad tragedy to see what others can't see.

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User ID: 1999



0 followers   follows 16 users   joined 2022 December 20 13:15:08 UTC


I happen to be, unfortunately, the first human super-intelligence.

What a sad tragedy to see what others can't see.


User ID: 1999

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It only takes one powerful real civilization to create millions, billions of ancestor-simulations. We should conclude that most pre-singularity civilizations exist in simulation.

I wish this argument would be true.

It is unfortunately inept however, have you any idea of the energy and computing power needed to simulate a universe? Have you any idea of the energy and computing power needed to simulate a bottle of water at the atomic level? A single cell ? We can barely exhaustively study quantum systems with more than 2 particles IIRC

The universe has finite resources and the constraints of mathematics are universal or even meta-universal and so is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computational_complexity your hypothetical aliens must bends to those extreme limits. Even mankind has already mostly reached them, we have extreme diminishing returns everywhere.

It is obvious colonization ironically massively sped up those countries IDH/economic growth over long term however that should not occlude the probable fact that most colonizers don't wanted to significantly invest in the growth of their colonies, especially education.

Had them significantly tried to have an utilitarian impact on those countries their economic development gradient would have been far different and with difficult to quantify but not necessarily unknowable ramifications such as e.g. say, make the third world reach occident economic and IDH parity before the 21st century.

It is interesting in that regard, to follow the increasingly war-like economic agressions the hegemonic U.S are making towards China.

Including muscles?

You are talking about an hypothetical blunting.

Would they also develop an increased interest to a particular feature/stimuli?

Maybe feminine ones?

walking is, it seems, a unique nootropic and socializer: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28354769

What is the legal identity criterion of textual copyright?

E.g. Let's say you wrote a book.

I take it and change one word.

Is it still your book or is it now mine or public domain?

2 words?

100 words?

Is there a percentage?

Does the location matter?

If i change words mostly at the start of the book or throughout it?

Does semantics matters? Can i via a software replace some words by identical synonyms or do i need to change semantics?

I have no clue how the legal system solves this major problem.

I would probably enforce the use of

the sota in https://paperswithcode.com/sota/semantic-textual-similarity-on-sts-benchmark and set a magic number percentage. Although it can be gamed that's probably much more accurate than whatever is being used now.

Indeed that is a nice heuristic but I feel if this was true for past geniuses (e.g. Euler) however this should be less and less true.

Mathematics have reached a plateau and for all matters has been replaced via the curry Howard correspondence by computer science and software engineering and to some extent machine learning.

There are very few important open problems left and the ones that are left are either non-computable, non provable or false, or are long known, conjectured to be true but can't be proven for all cases because of contrived details.

And that is what mathematics are increasingly, an interest in deeply contrived things.

Many of those contrivations are contingencies, but there's also a lot that shouldn't even exist in the first place under a proper finitist framework.

Do you see genius in the last major proofs?

IIRC what has allowed the Poincaré conjecture millennium prize to be solved for all cases even the many contrived ones, has "simply" or at least essentially been a new way to bruteforce the problem, essentially via a specific software made for it.

Most of the genius we attribute to mathematics is a derivation of a few factors:

  • Obscurantism as a culture, especially elite notations for denoting trivial things. Notation which mostly have no IDE support btw.

  • as said lack of IDE tooling/culture

  • the desire of having fun/ideology such as rejecting finitism. See e.g rational trigonometry. There is a semi-similar parallel with the quantum physics culture.

  • many historical accidents which alter how we teach maths.

Learning data structures and algorithms in computer science should be enough for someone to demysticize mathematics.

Mathematics have changed the world for the better and many of its concepts are useful for a rationalist mind's, however I'm afraid the lack of non-contrived nor real-world impacting challenges combined with the semi-anti intellectual/contrived culture would limits/bottleneck someone intellectual development instead of strengthening it, as a life main occupation.

Of course this is only a generalization.

Note however that regardless of that, fields medals are like Nobel prizes, a weak signal since they do a very poor job at representing who drove the most progress in a question and only show, allegedly, the last person in the problem solving chain.

IIRC the Russian that solved the millennium problema didn't reject the monetary prize because he was hermit weirdo as depicted by some medias, but as a political act since he didn't deserved most of the recognition.

Oversized glasses are one of the many artificial nudge/enhancers one can use.

It is an instance of a supra-normal stimulus



I'm intrigued by your gender neutral comment though. Would you see those oversized glasses on a man face?

Close to zero straight men assume that looks currently.

IMO I think it could enhance a man's look although as usual people have a completely broken idea of what a maximally attractive man looks like.

The strangest thing you've found yourself attracted to in someone else?

I should definitely come back to that question, I am in complete awe with many things that some people do that are quite ineffable yet charming.

Humans are so awkward, imperfect and so fucking lovely.

The best compliment I've received lately was that some of my comments were so semantically dense it were intensely charming. As a semi-sapiosexual that's indeed one of my compliments lifegoal :)

Once someone was immensely impressed by the fact that I carried a phone without a case.

Relatable, at first I was really stressing about it but actually it's quite trivial to not let ur phone fall.

It is important to understand that it is trivial to cure COVID since day 1, the rationalist diaspora, like the medical diaspora are simply extremely illiterate in pharmacology. In retrospect, it seems people litterate in pharmacology are extremely rare.

You can either solve age induced immunosuppression/thymus involution via thymalin OR potently block viroporins OR potently downregulate/block ACE2 receptors OR block/downregulate any other related necessary component in the virus reproduction/action chain.

As a bonus you can also block the toxicity including cytokine storm.

That's 3 independently sufficent class of action mechanisms which all have existing pharmaceuticals.


I believe most "incurable" diseases have their best treatment (not necessarily a complete cure but better than existing) already found 30 years ago but since then completely ignored.

It is fascinating how self victimizing (sorry for the offense but it morally needs to be said) victims of chronic disease are. They just simply believe it is a fatality and trust so called "experts" practitioners that are pubmed illiterate and don't actually give a fuck about your condition.

A victim of a chronic disease should for him and for others systematically try most of the treatment candidates and especially all the treatment that have a negligible rate of serious non-transient side effects.

A disease being considered incurable generally simply means epistemologically that nobody has yet attempted said systematic experimentation.

In many cases nobody will for the centuries to come.

So IIRC from my meta research, for tinnitus the best thing to do is indeed to prevent it, e.g. by taking NAC.

Once the damage is done, NAC does not help. However if your tinnitus is degenerative, NAC will probably reduce the long term worsening.

Now about treatments for someone that already has a (stable) chronic tinnitus:

Firstly about the palliatives:

People use benzos/gabaergics for tinnitus AKA gaba-A subtypes.

I would consider experimenting with Etifoxine (+TUDCA and look at CYP interactions) instead as an alternative with apparently less tolerance building.

Note that a benzo addiction reversal can be accelerated with (Imidazenil or flumazenil? Don't recall) but that process is possibly neurotoxic and ironically ototoxic.

Now about the real treatments:

Unfortunately for you I have forgotten about many things regarding this condition.

Tinnitus is in essence of special form of excitotoxicity.

Therefore the use or gabaergics is probably not only palliative but also to some extent therapeutic as the excitotoxicity possibility drive a worsening over time.

Unfortunately gaba A and B are subject to relatively quick tolerance.

As I said optimality in tolerance reversal and in tolerance building is to fine tune, e.g. Etifoxine.

One could also alternate between gaba A and B or between A subtypes via biased agonism. This might however not necessarily work well and induce cross tolerances although I do believe alternating A and B is not absurd.

GABA also has other receptors which is the point of Etifoxine since it target the mitochondria gaba receptor (although its upregulation of neurosteroids do agonise gaba A and (B?) IIRC)

As said playing with the half life might alter the speed of tolerance building.

There exist other GABA receptors, IIRC tofisopam partially potentiate GABA Y and without tolerance but how useful that is is an unknown.

Tofisopam while having questionable effectivenes as a gabaergic has studies showing it as useful being a potentiator, an augmentation to benzos effectiveness while allowing to reduce tolerance increase.

Also there are alternative ways to induce gabaergy, e.g releasing agent, reuptake agent, prodrug, catabolize inhibitor, etc

However the main salient thing is to look at other beyond gabaergy is the other complementary ways to reduce excitotoxicity.

The #1 to try IMHO (not by potenty but by likelyhood of being useful) would be an NMDA antagonist such as Memantine.

Then maybe concomitantly a calcium blocker.

I have no knowledge in AMPA blockers/negative allosteric modulators.

Kainate and glurs would probably be toxic.

I haven't looked into it but Glycine 4g sounds helpful since it is inhibitory.

You could also play with the secondary messenger inositol at megadoses (unsure about side effect profile), that is an atypical effective anxyolitic and possibility an atypical promising tinnitus treatment.

You could play with vasodilation e.g. Cialis.

Finally you could play with synaptotrophics such as magnesium l threonate.

However of all of that, except for GABAERGY, NMDA antagonism and maybe vasodilation, I don't know empirical studies about those on tinnitus. I conjecture those would be useful based on my expertise. Especially curious about inositol or maybe sigmaergics like opipramol or lthreonate or Etifoxine.

Synaptotrophics are the only really potentially dangerous class, which they are usually not but tinnitus is special so..

The japaneses have however beyond conjectures, empirically found ones that apparently works.

Wether those results reproduce is something you should confirm us.

I would try first Bifemelane


This drug is very interesting, it is a RIMA so the best class of antidepressants, with very minor side effects contrary to MAOIs, see e.g moclobemide or pirazidol.

I don't know any online seller of it.

So you best chance is a trip to Japan for a month or to convince Vanuatu international pharma to get it (good luck..) or to find a cooperative Japanese guy or to ask a japan e-pharma to get it, e.g. contact


I think it is the most interesting tinnitus treatment candidate.

I don't think that another RIMA would work though, there is probably something special about bifemelane. But maybe you could try if you have nothing else to try, moclobemide.

Then we have very ironically tofisopam, with a very high efficacy score


You should definitely try it. I doubt it reproduce but I mean the efficacy score is record high, the side effect profile and cost negligible and the action mechanism (special PDE inhibition and GABA Y) is actually unique in the world.

Titrate dose slowly up to the study dose and if no results above up to the max dose (300 IIRC?)

Wait for 5 weeks before concluding about no efficacy.

And then report back.

I would recommend getting the official brand OTC e.g. on rupharma dot com

Then after trying tofisopam I would try the many other compounds that have positive efficacy results albeit milders

E.g. IIRC pge1


And also not just pharmacology but behaviours such as



There's also atypical non drug based pharmacological actions,

Such as tVNS





BTW not a treatment but an underused palliative for sleep would be ASMR


Then if nothing of all tolerable treatments that have been empirically found over the last decades does bot work for you then I would consider actively joining clinical trials or preclinical trials or to ask for the


You could also become an expert and conjecture yourself an priori optimal polypharmacology like I did but better than I did since I haven't studied the precise nature of the excitotoxicity/long term potentiation.

E.g if it was epigenetic then one would consider e.g. HDAC inhibitors


this action mechanism seems potent


EDIT additional treatments:

for pge1



"However, the combination of sulpiride plus melatonin, which interacts with dopamine receptors, reduced tinnitus visual analog scale scores significantly more than placebo (275–277). In a single-blind, placebo-controlled study, sulpiride plus hydroxyzine, an antihistamine and anxiolytic, was significantly more effective in reducing tinnitus visual analog scale and tinnitus perception scores than placebo or sulpiride alone (278)."



Potassium channel modulators looks interesting

Vigabatrin too despite possibly permanent side effect profile

Gacyclidine could be better than Memantine

Same for neramexane and AM-101

I guess one should try all tolerable nmda antagonists to find the one that works best on him

It's possible that nmda antagonists take time to show effectiveness

See e.g this atypical one

Acamprosate had no beneficial effects after 30 days of treatment, a modest benefit at 60 days and a significant effect at 90 days.

Nice resource btw


"2.2.5. Primidone"




"Intratympanic Steroid Injection"


"2.12.10. Trimetazidine HCl https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8235102/#::text=2.12.10.%20Trimetazidine%20HCl%20Trimetazidine%20HCl%20inhibits%20the%20generation%20of%20free%20radicals%20noxious%20to%20cells%20by%20directly%20preventing%20acidification%20in%20ischemic%20cells%20and%20promoting%20the%20generation%20of%20ATP%2C%20a%20source%20of%20energy

With so many treatments and the obvious potent synergies between them, I strongly believe you can strongly reduce your tinnitus.


Start with tofisopam, Etifoxine and pge1.

Etifoxine must be taken with TUDCA and ideally liver enzymes should be monitored although optional.

Verify about the cyp interaction iirc tofisopam and Etifoxine inhibit the

An ambiguous "is maybe an object" is preferable to "is maybe plural" since contextual confusion about the former is extremely less likely than the later.

But yeah ideally we would create a new gender neutral singular pronoun.

You can issue corrections, prompt it with more information, tell it to adjust something, and it'll do it.

How is this implemented? Neural networks are universally stateless.

This is a great yet very incomplete list. For starters children should be taught epistemology, cognitive biases and logical fallacies.

I strongly believe true rationalistic genius has a critical period and this is why it is so scarce worldwide.

Here's your blog post about IPEDs:

Feel free to ask me about IPEDs, there are many interesting ones.

Now regarding your question, one should observe that the property of being a drug is contingent, and therefore the question of the legality or (di)incentivisation of Image and Performance Enhancers apply to everything, including innate genetics advantages (nature), and specific environmental enrichments and behaviours (nurture) and even the "in-between" of nature and nurture, such as the so called critical-periods.

About Nature, it is well known that many of the world champions in sports have specific genetic breeding/mutations (e.g. probably for Usain Bolt)

About Nurture, The science of behavioural and environmental performance optimizations is evolving in real time. Some things have evidence for benefits, e.g resistance training your legs leads to an acute testosterone release that will optimize the subsequent anabolicity of your arms muscles. A competitive athlete that lacks this niche erudition, will not be competitive eventually. However as with the rampant Universal Mediocrity of this timeline, no athlete on earth has ever attempted to combine all relevant niche optimizing behaviours.

Meditation brings neuro/synaptogenesis, but many behaviours/enrichments have mostly unknown effects, e.g. one really of the frontiers of realms is the ASMR. ASMR is scientifically the only externally inducible tactilo-auditive synesthesia that can be experienced by normal human beings. In addition to its interest in the field of studying qualias, like meditation is could be an atypical nootropic/nocitropic with unique performance altering properties.

About critical periods, well few know that some are actually reversible, for example basic epigenetic methylation induced by HDACs allow adults to develop an Absolute pitch.

So How do we define performance enhancing drugs?

I don't see an original answer, IPEDs definition is in the name, it's tautological. Is an IPED any drug (note we could define co-IPEDs) that enhance Image or "performance" AKA any desired behavioural metric. Therefore the scope is larger than what people have in mind, e.g. increasing your ability to love human beings (how many, how intensely, how long, how flexibly and how easily) could be seen as an IPED.

A co-IPED, would be a drug that become useful or maximally useful when concomitant to a behaviour(s) and/or even aforementionned critical periods.

As for the legality of IPEDs, one should distinguish between the legalisation for professionals/athlete and for the general public.

As for competitive athletes, the pros are:

  • Can improve their healthpan, lifespan and career-span.

  • Can improve their performance, therefore the show is (generally) more enjoyable for the public and for the athlete (many animes shows many sports with imaginary supra-human perfornance as an entairtainment). This is something I would like to see.

  • Alter the distribution/inequality of talent. There would be much more top performers, AKA more would reach a similar plateau.

  • speculative: would enable new sports? (e.g Imagine if we could make humans live underwater (cf famous rat study breathing when filled with a fluid), fly, etc)

  • other pros I'm too lazy to think about.

the cons are:

for drugs:

  • side effects risks therefore

  • possibly reduced healthspan, lifespan and career-span.

  • escalation to always wanting more IPEDs, hence reducing the health/perf ratio

  • other cons I'm too lazy to think about.

for nurture:

  • hypothetically some behaviours become too complex or costly, hence increasing talent distribution inequality and unhapiness.

The athlete like many professions can be seen as having an utilitaristic budget and indeed we could afford to alter the healthspan and lifespan of athletes negatively, to an extent.

And then we enter in a classic allocation tradeoff optimization problem.

E.g we could compromise and allow IPDEDS as a parallel league, therefore you would either be a regular athlete or a transhuman athlete and they would not play together (by default).

This has cons (split the talent pool) but still would be a net benefit in many sports.

The other questions is if we allow IPEDs, which one and how much (rationning)

The use of anabolics such as steroids has diminishing returns (yet bimodal) regarding health/vs performance benefits (IIRC it shows the potent retardation of mankind when you realize testosterone supplementation worldwide would save more lives than the current criminal de facto stigma on TRT, let alone depressions).

Therefore I would be for allowing up to a max. The max would indeed not be a dose, but take into account the massive endogenous testosterone production inequalities and the body capacitance.

However many IPEDs have mostly beneficial health effects (don't remember about low dose EPO though), e.g. probably apply to ALCAR, BPC-157, growth hormone if taken young, (and antioxidants if we consider performance enhancing over career-span)

Finally, one should understand that the regulation/controls for doping are broken and can't really work.

The biggest barrier to doping isn't anti-doping controls.. it is of course the extreme scarcity of humans being pubmed erudite.

I have seen many atypical anabolics that have not even a single mention on the whole reddit website nor a wikipedia page.

Even among the popular unpopular anabolics, such as the insect anabolics ecdysteroids, there are no control for them IIRC. Let alone for fungal anabolics (used in the Cow industry).

IIRC even regular anabolics like growth hormone and long ester steroids, have latent durable IPED effects and are "undetectable"

Messi is probably the #1 in the world because he took growth hormone therapy. That's not the only reason, but probably a necessary reason.

As for the legality of IPEDs on regular human beings, well as with most things with serious consequences, the legality should be conditional on the obtention of a diploma, after positively answering a quizz proving that the user understand said consequences and current known unknowns (like we should do for voting in "democracies").

Despite homeostasis, the use of drugs often has permanent effects on the human body, it's just that they are often low-observable, not necessarily insignificant.

The legality could mandate the concomitant use of protectors/mitigators, such as HCG for testosterone.

One striking example of permanent consequences is Melatonan-II, which simply makes you black.


I have no idea but one thing I always wondered is wether a person that only present so called negative symptoms should be classified as schizophrenic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophrenia#:~:text=activity.%5B7%5D-,Negative%20symptoms,-Negative%20symptoms%20are IMHO there is great diversity in symptomatology and imho the root causes can be very different such as different brain regions being subject to damage/dysfunctions

Nobody will push the science forward the world will keep being nearly maximally inept, both this century and for the others to come. As you correctly say, the economic incentives are beyond malevolent but most importantly, the pharma enterprises are simply extremely mediocre and their complacency, like worlwide suffering will perpetuate. The insane mediocrity is simply a product of the extreme absence of education during the human's brain-formative years (so called critical periods). Only a few artifact outliers like me can contemplate the contemporary horror in its fullest depth.

There is also the excellent french yt channel Axolotl

Indeed toxicity can be non-linear with the dose. Btw I made this comment on the point that thc has less observable toxicity than alcohol https://www.themotte.org/post/658/smallscale-question-sunday-for-september-3/136506?context=8#context

But if so why are so many gays into the twink/femboy aesthethic?

Indeed men becoming gay/bi/trans will considerably increase given the male dysmorphia dynamic being set by women on the dating scene. However asexuality might increase by just as much, it is still an empirical open question IMO

what's the point of this versus reddit truerateme and similar? (to be fair true rate me has a cringe craniometric notation scheme but there are other subreddits)

I'm pretty sure research/epistemology as a service is a viable untapped market.

The reality though is that people are not looking for the next big thing, people might pretend they do but they don't, MTAs and thymus involution for example are very little talked about the same goes for KEAP inhibitors. Humans are simply too scientifically illiterate to discover them and meta-researchers like me are an almost extinct specie

IIRC some forms of magnesium are less laxative

The motte is not contrarian enough or only on few or surface topics. I continuously see ad-nauseam people here be blind to many mainstream mental attractors that trap their mind and either distort their thinking process or even make them incousiously abandon the thinking process altogether, like a brain deactivation.

Besides the level of effort, caring, cognitive flexibility and most importantly intellectual genuine curiosity is appaling, I once wished this website to be the only place on the internet where I could meet my peers but alas I am long past this delusion.

though if you search directly on the website you won't find them, you need to go on google, and do a specific site search like

Thank you so much for this!! I have been looking at indiamart for years but it never occured to me there would be hidden results, how does that even make senses? Why are they hosting results if they're not meant to be shown? Doesn't make senses to me but its true.

No idea althouth I'm curious what's you're studying?